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<br />-��T�� � E�UiY1P LOAN TiiUST O��D �
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<br />��-'•=�'-� TMIS TRUST DEED l�mad�this 2 A thday of OC tObe r ,�g 9 5 ,by and bstwsen tl►e Tru�tor, ��
<br />_`_��-� a and Jennifer M. Redman / husbank and wife
<br /> - (Mr�in•eonowei•1.
<br /> =�'s��±;��i whossmafiinHaddrootb Hancock Avenue Grand Islat►c�r Nebxaska 68803 , �
<br />=���` ational As ociation Omalia NebrasDca (hsreln•Teusta'!.and c�.
<br /> .r-;�.��� �nd HnTfsr a s
<br /> Bsn�ftolary.F1n'Rer Ba�1k� ---.whos�mYiinp ddnss Es 1 00 Farnam Street
<br />_.� ��-,�� Omaha, Nebraska 68102-?����-�,,,�et•1.
<br /> -- BORROYYHR,in 000stderaUon of tho indebtednese heretn rootted end the wst he�etn oroata0,Irrevooabty graMt u►d comr�tl�to'trun��,tn w�t.
<br /> --� - Nebraska .
<br /> --^�---; yy��'fF{E pOWER OF SALE,the following desoribsd property looatsd t�the County ot H111 .St�ts ot _
<br /> l�±� Lot 4• Island Acres No. 9, an Addition to the Ci�y of Grand Islanc].
<br /> Hall CQUnty, i3ebiaska. -
<br /> -- ���
<br /> °z�ay
<br /> --'.F.•���
<br /> ��
<br /> _1O
<br /> TOQETHER with�II buUdings.Nxd+ros end Improvements now or Mreaftsr usacad thereoe�nd al�Byhts'of•waX.u�sanants,ronb,isaca,profli�.
<br /> teooms.tensm�nv.hsroditamsms.P�iviisges.aPPurtenanoes,roy�ities.end inin�ral.00. Oa erd wst�t dghts Uronunto belonp}ry�.w�d ot snjcy�d
<br /> with said tud or any Part th+roof,and ths homestesd or marftel interesa,ff any,wNaM btUnsts ase M»by rN��rd�nd Matv�d•a^d�11 of whioh,
<br /> � inctuding�eptaasmn►a and addi8ons theroto at�aU bs daemed to be and ranatn�part of th�P�P��Y��by�Tru�t Qsed:and�II of th�
<br /> —= tongoing topsthsr witfi sald prop�rN ero heroin roferrod to as the'Property.'
<br /> YO SECURE to Lend�r the rapaym�nt of indebtedness avid�r►eed�Y Borrowef�note Osted October 2q,
<br /> ,1 g��..topether
<br /> with am►and dl ronswds,modiftoattons,and extensio�thoroof and substitutiona or exchenpes t1+a»for,lhsrNn rsferrod to as ths•Non°►in the
<br />_—���� princlpd wm of 8�j�,(��.��_— .�6�er with interoat st ths rate Provided tMroin.with�ftnal mstudty.�lf
<br /> �,-�s�� not eooner patd,of 19 q q.and as ssourky for any fuwn t+dv�noea that mry�e m�ds by Ler►der to Bwrowor
<br /> - � irom tlme te 8ms and as eeou ty or ths p nt ot nny and d�other indeDteQnns of the Bottower to ths Lender wRtah may ertae.aIi of�dd suma
<br />=',"-=-�� not to exaeed tn the ngprogate a sum squd to three ttmes the odginat pdnoipai amourrt o!Ne above rooited Note.
<br /> ==-�-"`i-*-'�'�'� BOAROWER auwnaMe thst Bortowet Is Iawfuity seiied of tlu Psaperty hereby ao:nreysd aed haa tl+s dgM to pr°nt°^d ao^vey th�Ptopsrty.that the
<br /> _wi_ �'�� Propeny is umnoumberod by am►mortga9e.trust deed.aoamat w purohass,or othsrwttt,exeePt tor e F i r�e nn�c7 n¢ Tr„c+ —
<br /> .:s�;.�..b;t. [n fevor of
<br />-_��4 �:•:.• �n e e e �s� . Bottower aovensnts to oompty vrith dl U�e tertns
<br /> .: �: on whioh tRe u�aid bdanoe on thia date does eot exneed 4,�
<br /> and pmvtsions of amI pdm mortpage,truat dsed or eonVaot to Oumhase,upon the Property eed to make ali paymerna thereon beforo theY becume
<br />. v_',,.:—� .� delinquenL I�no mm�e or amo WM�ia�is�dsla�the ddeato Me�ProperlY against all olaims and demends prfo�Qens of any kind upon the Propetty. -
<br /> �c,s:=�•-. �
<br /> -- wnai.v.....».:�_�._._ __ �--...
<br /> ��,T� Borrower and lender turthsr eowaant and agres as foilows:
<br />-'?n!:t.;��.rti_f
<br /> '���:. � i i. Bo�rower ehaU promptty paY when due ffie pdnaipd and intereet on Ms ir►debtsdnssw avidenosd by the Nou.
<br /> -�f,�... , , . .
<br />-_��`a'� _�__ .
<br /> ..,•..�.; �.' or ony P�arttthe o�andf ell taxes.�t vtes er�d aei�essmeMe levled upon�e Tnist Oeed orths debt wA�hr�ts lo uresor esaesaed again�t the pertl►.
<br /> � 3. Borrower ghaU keep the fmprovemente an9 buqdinga,N airy.upon tAe Proporh►inaured,with a nompany or compa�o3 approved by the Lender,fot
<br /> ' an emoucrt not teaa then the u�atd 6elan¢s on the f�wiebtadneso seaurod By Nts Truat Oeed with e stnnderd mortgags olause wRh loaa payabte to
<br /> � the Lender. 6onower sha�l deUver eaEd pofioy or poliofes M the Lender.
<br /> '�`" ±'� In the evem ot s losa,Bottower�hatl give prompt rtotlae to tAe t�suranoe oattier and the l.endnr end flie e proot o!toaa.If the Borrower te not othenvise
<br /> .� . . F
<br /> � in defautL the Bonower may ateot to epPN�e insurance praaeeds W ropatr or roptaas the damaged PropsrH.it econumtoallY teasiEts.and the senurity
<br /> �� of thta Truat Oead woutd not bs tmpaired. tt the 8ormwer is In defsult or eteot�not to ropdr or replaos ihe demaq�d Properq►cr ropalr or�eplaoement
<br /> woutd not eoonomfoatty feaatble or Me seourity ot thfa Truat Qaod woutd be tmpafirod then tRe insuranoo proeeeds ahalt be epplied to the last enatudn9
<br /> . � paymente due on the Note. It the Inauranae proaeeda ero in exceas of the total amount due on satd Note,tAe ezaess ahatl be pdd to the Borrower.
<br /> - .:. CC Y085(Rar.1/86)
<br />