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<br /> .. . . 15. Miecellaneous Pxovie�.ons. ;�t-J'� 1,4°7��'7 ;�'
<br />.; .,,. � :
<br /> '-�=�� (a) Bcrrower Not Released. Extengion of the �ime for
<br /> payinent ox modi cat on o amort zatian of the sums aecured by �-
<br />._'.�Y�� •� L__.
<br /> this Deed of Trust granted by Lemder �o any successor in i.n�terceet
<br /> i,�� oE BorrowQr shall not operate ta release, in any manner. the -
<br /> �,� liability of the original Horrawer and Borrower'a sucaessoxs in
<br /> _�.;� intereat. Lender shall not be requ3red to aommenae proc�edinqs
<br /> against such aucaeasor or refuae to extencl time for payment or
<br /> �=����� atherwise modify amortization of the aun�s secured by thia Deed of `
<br />"'x��� Trust by reason of any demands made by the original Horrower and
<br /> =°-:�'�''�� Horrower•a sucaesaors in interest.
<br /> =�A�' Without affecting the liability
<br />����.r tb) Lender'a Powera.
<br />-= of any other person 1 le or the payment of any abl3qation
<br /> =---�,� herein mentioned, and without affeating the lien or charge of
<br /> �_'�' this Daed of Trust upon any portion of the Property not then or
<br /> "=�N�� theretofore released as security for the full amount of all
<br />--�., ^ unpaid obligationa, Lender may, from tsane to tiine and without
<br /> =��=.:��� notice (iD release any person eo liable, (ii) extond �he maturity
<br /> or alter any of the terms of any such obligations, (iii) grant
<br /> T���� other indulgences, (iv) release or reconvey, ar •cauae ta be
<br />:��x,�� released or reaonveyed at any ti:ae, at Lender a op�ion, any
<br /> ----= pazeel, poztion or all of the Property, (v) take or release any
<br /> _,�� other or additional security for any ob3iqation herein mentLoned,
<br /> �'i or (vi) make compositions or other arranqementa with debtors in
<br /> -�� relation thereto.
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<br /> � . roiias3ai- �
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