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<br /> (e) Th� sa le, transfex, aseignment, aonvey-
<br /> "� ance ax Pusrther er�au►nbrance of All or any �a�t of or �a
<br />�-�:`���' any interest in t�se Yr�aperty, either voluntarily or —
<br /> � invo].untA�f.�.y, withouti �he ex�ress written oonsent of �.
<br />_--`:;�x. Lender. � -
<br />}�`� 11. Remediea 1�ace�.eration 0 on Defauit. In the event ��
<br /> � of any Event o Oerault, Zende� may, w t out not ce, exoept as �
<br /> :::.:� _
<br />�•,�:,:�� recjuired by law, declare rdll indebtednesr� eeaured hereby to be �
<br />�l�-; � due and payable and the satne shail �hereupon beaome due and
<br /> �r• payable wi�hout any pre aentment, demand, proteat or an�iae of any �-
<br /> ���"� ki nd. Thereafter, Lender may:
<br /> '�TX_-•�� -
<br />;-e::.,, (a) Denesnd that Trustee exeraise tche POWBR _
<br /> r�� OF SAI�E granted herein, and Trustee shall thereafter =
<br /> '��.�:; aause Borrower's anterest in the Property to be sold
<br />-'�'�"°'�' anc3 '�he proce�ds to 1be distxibuted, all in the manner
<br /> ,,.;,^, .
<br />�_�...�:�. , provided in the Nebraska Tru�t Deeds Aati
<br />�T�„t_, � (b) Sx�ra3.ae any and all rights provid�d for
<br />_:�,-�.�„ in any of the I�oasi =nstruments or by law upon aacur-
<br /> �T_t •
<br />����-°�� rence of any Event og Defaultt and
<br />"°�• �e) Co�sanence aa aation to foreelose thia
<br />"-� - Deed of Trusic ae a mmortgaqe, appoint a r�aeiver, or _
<br />-- - speai.fieally enforce any of the aovenanta hereof.
<br /> ""'"�' tirs r�dy her�ia ��nf�rred upon or xeserved to Truatee or zender
<br /> "°"_="-"� is intended to be �xclusi.ve of any othar remedy �erein in �in
<br />--"'�� Loan Instruments or by law provided ar per.m3.t�ed, but each ehall
<br /> - �� be cumu].ative, shal l be�3.m ad8i�ioa� to every other remedy qiven
<br /> f� �� � hereunder in the Loan =tts trwnents or now or h�xeaftie� exis�iag at
<br /> - law or in equity or by statute, and may be exercised aoncnr-
<br /> -- -== rently, iadepen8ently or successively.
<br /> �ra:��.� -
<br /> -�=������ 12. Trustee. The Truatee may resign at any tim� wi - -
<br />---�:� out cause, and Len er anay at any time and without aause appoint a
<br />---_-
<br />