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<br /> •3: Cikulating �he Madl�e619foto �IRt�.The Madifled Noto R�to will be t fiaed rate of� equsl to tho Federal
<br /> Nadon� Mostpge Ae�tioa'� requirod iut yteld for 30•ye�r tized t�te mortg�ges eub ect to a 60�day mmdatory
<br /> delivcry comt�taac�tt,plw onc•h�lt'a�one percrnt(O.S%),rounded to tko nearest onc�cig�th af ane per�cat (0.1a5°:oj
<br /> (the"ModiBed Noto�i:to"�.The required aet yield e�ull be the�ppl[cable net yleld in e�ct mn the dato and tia�o of ciay
<br /> that I aotif� �te Nota Holder of my olection to exetclso the�Cond�tian�el ModiScaflan end L�xUtndon Optioa. If this
<br /> requ;e+ed net ykld L aot svailablo� tho Note Holder wiU detern�ine the Modi�ed Nate Rato by usin� campuable
<br /> ixiforaaatioa.
<br /> 4. C�iculsti� ttio New Pay�sent Mtauat. Provlded the ModiBr.�d Note Rpto a�calculated in StcNon 3 r.bove ie not
<br /> gceater than 5 pea�ctntyo poiate above ehe Note Rate utd�11 ot�er condltiona required ia Section 2�6nvo ara eatisfial
<br /> ti�Note Hoader w�71 deta�ino tho amouat of the moathlyp�yment�t wI122 be eufficlent t�regsy in full(a)the tmpai�
<br /> p:inclpsl�plua(b) accsued but unpaid iutesest�Plus(e)tll other eums I wlll owe uador tho Idote�ad Secudty Inat:umeat
<br /> on the M�tutity L7ate(aa�uming IIuy monthlY PiY�ente tlua ue curr�at� ia required under Scctioa 2 above). ovcr th�
<br /> remdaing extaaded tatxa at the ModIficd Note Rate in equal montbly p�►ymeata. The n3ult af thi�calcuLdon wi11 bo
<br /> tlu�aew unouat of my p:incipal Aad iaterest paymar►t�very moatb�until tha Nou ie fut1Y paid.
<br /> S. Ex�� t6e Caaditiaoat Maliflcatiaa aad Extea�lo4O�tIon.The Note Holder wx�l ao m4�t lw+t 90 but aot
<br /> moie th�m I20 caleadu daye in ad� of tbe Matuaity bite �d �dvL�o me of tha p�y�], aoQUed but unptid
<br /> intere�t�and alt otfia auma I am e w owe oa the Ntan�rity Dito. T�e Nou Holder+�Teo will utvLe me t}►at I .
<br /> mry exercieo the Contlitlonal Madi�n md ��Ion Option if tho canditions in Section 2 above ue met. 1La
<br /> Nou Holder wltl pmvide mY PiY�t reoord Iafoim�tion, tra�ether with sha arme, title aad addres� of paxm
<br /> sepreaeatvs8 tho Nota �folder tbst Y muat aotify ia order to cxe�nciee �a Co�Iti��l Mod�� md Bs�an
<br /> Optiun.If I mat the oonditiona af Section Z abovo� I a�y eutclse the Conditional Modificatton and Exteado.s Option
<br /> �y►aotitjnag t�e 1`dote Ho1dQr ao later t�u►45 calendar dsye p�or to the Mttusity Date•The Note Holder wlll cakuLta
<br /> tbe fiud MocliBed Note Rate base�l upon the 1�eder�l N�tion�l Mo�tg�o Aeaaciatian'a applicable publa�hed �o quired
<br /> nat yie3d la e�'at on the date and tima of day notifcation is receivcd by the Note Holder aad aa calc�ated in Section 3
<br /> above. I w�l tlsoa hava 30 calaadar daye toprovide the Nota Holder with uxegtable pmof of my eequIred ownessbip,
<br /> occupancy md praperty liea atatu�. H�effore tho Maturity► D�to tlu Nota Holder v�ll adviie me of the aevv iate:ert rato
<br /> (t�e Modifud Nate Rata).aaw montl�Y P�Y�t amoue�and a dite,tirne and plux at wbi�ch I muat appear to eigQ.aay
<br /> doc�uaaW r�quized W complete the ante modifiatioa and Matudty Date exteaaiom I uadaatand the IVote
<br /> � fIolder w�I cbiu�me a S2S0 pmaessiaE�and tbe aorts�uodated with updating tme title iasuraar.e Policy►�if aay.
<br /> 8'�3I�i'rYI'ri3 B�i.v.�i,$onvqrar a�,spta�agi�+tu i�c�w-w,-��3 m-•sta�al:�ai '�'ia i3s��F's� ,
<br /> ! (SEAIa .
<br /> ' c (SFJ1Lj
<br /> Substantlatry Blmlur to MULTIBTATCs BALLOON RiOER " rorm 31l0 07lbs(Pagt Z ot 4)
<br /> 3��q��F�m�ry•F�hu Un►form�nstrumsn! EC012L Rw.o1�ns�S
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