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<br /> 0004472873
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<br /> --'�,�..�� THIS BALLOON RIDBR ia mado oa thia �1Rt,A�►Y.�t�Yf�R��..��.9Fi....................and is iaco�orated iato aad shall be �
<br />..��,. deamed w emead and aupplemeat the Mort�age, Deed of Trust or S ' Dad (the °S Iast:ument of the
<br /> xunty► a�itY .m 7
<br /> ';:.'�.»F'''4°�� same data g�vaa by the ed (the "Bo:rower� to sa�ure Ho:zowet's Note to
<br /> '�:a,U� ........................�h7�.P.RUQFAll7A k19A0� flliT.�i.Ci�.GlRFAPAN�(J ...... .......,....................r.................................... ..... �
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<br />°�'""='�� The inte�+c�t :ate atated on the Note ia called the 'Note Rate." The date of the Note is called the
<br />,�-,,.- 'Nota Date." I uaderstand the L.ende� may iransfer the Note. Sec�uity Iastiumeat aad this Rider. The Leader or
<br /> anyone who takea the Note. the Security Iastrumeat and tbis Ridar by tr.iasfer and
<br />��_�� who ia cnt(tlal to rcaive payments uader the Note ia celled t1�e"Note Holda."
<br /> �:�-� ADDIITONAL COVENANTS. In addition to the coveaante aad agi�eemeats in tfie Secucity
<br /> --M��'� iastrument� Bornower aad Lendor further coveaaat and agree aa followa (deapite aaytbiag to the
<br /> -�_� cvatraey coataiaed'm the Security Inaau�an�nt or the Note): �
<br /> ���=�'�
<br /> -� '�""'``� 1. Canditlanal ModiRestlon and Extens[an of I.aaa Terma. At the maturity date of the Note aad Stcucity Iastrumeat
<br /> -----=-�-_ (the "Maturity Date7� I w�l be able to extend the Matiuity Date w ...N�mt�r.t..�4�2�................and modify the Nou
<br /> - Rate to the 'Modified Note Rate'dete�mined in axordance with Section 3 below if all the oonditiona providod ia
<br /> - -= Stctioa 2 and S below are met(the'Conditiflnal Modification aad Extensioa O�ptioa"�.If thoae conditiona are not met�
<br /> -- ��-- I uadarstand that the Note Holder ie under no ablig�on to refineace or moddy the Noto.o:to extend the Maturity
<br /> Date.and that I a�l have w npay the Note from my owa reaouras or fmd a londer ws�liog to lend me the iaoney to
<br /> repay the Note.
<br /> 2.Caodittaoa to Option. If I waat to exeresse ibe Coadilional Modificatioa aad Bxteaaioa Option at mahuity,ee:tai�n
<br /> - coaditions muat be mtt as of the Matvnity Data'These conditions ate: (1)I must at�l be the owaer aad accupaat of
<br /> -.-- the aubject to the Security tnattumeat(the'Pmpariy7; (2) I muat be cu:rent ia my mo paymcata aad
<br /> caanot ve been more tl� 30 daya late on any+ of the 12 scheduled momthly paynneata immediax�y prexding the
<br /> Maturity Date;(3)the ModiEed Note Rate c�naot be�ore thea S percentage pomta above the Note Rate;(4)I muat
<br /> ,,, .__ _ m�a3ce a�nitten reque�t to the Note Holder aa p:ovided ia Ssxtioa S below;(�the liea of tixe Security Instn�amt muat
<br /> be a 5�ax and pnior lim against the Fz'c'PertY, C� I muet provide the Note older evideace satisf�tory to it that the
<br /> righta of the owaera of other security i�erests encumbeang the Property aze aubordisate W the righb o4'Note Holder,
<br /> including, among ot�er thinga, subordination a�eements and title iasuranx endorsementa ia forms aoceptable to the
<br /> ------ � Note Holder;aad('n if there aze any other aecwity inteieats encumbe�iag the Pmperty�I muat satiafy aad oomply with
<br /> all other rcquinmmta of the Note Holder far moctgages with subordiaate finaaciag,which may include nequi�ementa of
<br /> the Fedeiai Nadonal Mortgage Aasoastioa or the Federal 8ome Loan Mortgage Carporatioa i�a effect at the mae of
<br /> matwdty.
<br /> - ---- SuDsTi�Mlelly 8lmltar W MYLTISTATE BALLOON RIDER Form 318D 07/88(Paa�1 at 2} `
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