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<br /> �� t� Trustor. The Truetor w�ll advise the Bonof�.aiary and the Trustee ___
<br /> . ; promptly o£ any policy cancellation, reducti.on or amendment. The
<br /> ° Truetos expresely aesucnas all riak of loen, inaluding a deareaee �
<br />-;,r;�:�..��� in the use, en�oymeat cr value �f the Truat Est�te from any f�re `
<br /> . or other caeualty whateaever, wY�ether or z�ot ineurable or ineured �
<br /> �i." against. `=
<br /> . �� -
<br />--�"�`"�'�� (b) 3hould the Truet Estate ox any part thereof be _
<br />- �'"+ taken ar damaged by reason of any fire or other casualty
<br /> �•�-°"��� (callectively, a "Casualtv��) , or by r�ason of any public -
<br /> '�=� improvement or condemnation proceeding (collectively, a
<br /> •:.•> /f '• ���� �1,+A AM �ti1AM _
<br />--��*�� ��Candemnation��� QY 8•.DY�a Ln8 1ru�VVj' j'Q`QjVO Oi1r ��VMA�/V Vv V�N�� °
<br /> '-°.�:_�'; information regarding any suah proceeding, the Trus�or shall give
<br />-��`�._��' promp� notice thereof to the Beneficiary and the Trustee. The
<br />;T.�,���-
<br />---- �w Beneficiary shall be entitled to receive all insurance or oth�r
<br /> •,..�Q��:�.��a
<br />'�'�:°�� amounta payable as a reault of aay such Casualty (collective y,
<br /> -•�� the °Caaual_tv groce�ds") , and all compensation, awards, damages
<br />�•'�� and other payments or relief arieing out of any such coademnation
<br />_�.��::�a�� or any part thereaf (collect3.vely, "�^ndemr�t{ on Proceeds") , anc� �
<br />::.;,Y.,+r� all such insurancs and other amounts, and compensation, awards,
<br /> damages and other payments or relief, together with all rights
<br /> ��-----��� and causes of action relating thereto or arising out of any auch
<br />���:��':��� : Casualty or Condemnation, are hereby asei.gned to the Beneficiary.
<br /> ��.Y.. The Trustor ehall execute such further aseignments of the
<br /> °�=u'� Caeualty Proaeeds and Condemnation Pxoceeds ae the Beneficiary
<br /> r"`°-�'" • may fram time to time require.
<br />`°-`! (c) Followin�g the occurreace of aay Casualty or
<br /> -= _° Condemnation involving the Trust Estate or any part thereof
<br /> - -- = reaulting in a loss in exceas of $ioo,00�, the Trust�� s�a31 �isse �
<br /> -_��s�,i� prompt notice thereof to the Beneficiary and the Truetee and
<br /> -" shall cause all Casualty or Condemnation Proceeds, as th� case
<br /> --�=� may be, to be paid ta the Beneficiary as additional collateral
<br />- _:.-�:� security hereunder eubject to the lien o� thiQ Deed of Truet.
<br /> ��` -- Upon receipt by the Beneficiazy of any ouch proceede (iacluding,
<br /> � without limitation, any Caeualty Procesde payable directl�+ to the
<br /> ° Beneficiary as lose payee under the reapective policiea
<br /> maintained purauaat to paragraph (a) above) , the 8eaeficiary
<br /> -- ahall depoeit the same into a caeh collateral aacount (the
<br /> —� "Restorat;on ACG'�u11t") in the name and under the cantrol of the
<br /> - Beneficiary. The balance f�om titne to time in the Restoratian
<br /> ' Account shall constitute part of the Trust Eatate hereunder and
<br /> shall not conetitute payment of the 5ecured Obligatione uatil
<br /> ' applied as hexeinafter provided.
<br /> _,___ ' � (g} FoZ].owing the occurrence of aay Casualty or
<br /> ��T Condemnation involving the Trust Estate or any part tD�ereof
<br /> resulting in a lose ia exce�s of $250,000, but without limiting
<br />� its obligations under Seation ?.07 to reatore ansi repair auy
<br /> -- Improvements and Fixturea affeated by such event, the Trustor
<br /> = may, at its option, to be exercised by delivexy o£ notice to the
<br /> - Beneficiary and the Trustee within 45 days. of suah Casualty or
<br /> --— Condemnation, elect to either apply aay Caeualty or Condemnation
<br /> --- Proceede xeceived as a reeult of auch event: ti) to the
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