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<br /> � J .�� F tv) IE all or any portion of the improvements, or aay �_
<br /> � � portion of the Propertiea which, if lost or flooded, would �'.
<br /> ' have a material adverse effect on the Trust Eataee �e a
<br />__i,-:,_;:.. � whole, ie located within a Eedepally deaignated flood haaard �`�>
<br /> , zone, fload inaurance in an amount equal to the lesser of
<br /> the full inaurable value of +�he Truat Eetate or the maximum �
<br /> �-:
<br /> , " : aenount available tprovidad, however, that if the Truator �_
<br /> `� ' believea that it is na �.onger obl�gated to maintain Elood �
<br /> �``�"'^'� inaurance with respect to the Trust Estate purauant to this _
<br /> ��^i��,,,�: provision, the Tz�uator ehall notify the Beneficiary of such =
<br /> '�.'� circumstances and the Beneficiary shall have the opportunity _
<br /> - :.• �_�- ig.�.�� nr ��ituallv TiRZ"PA�ti.�o
<br /> :>:x,� :. ,�.x- t� cantesc i�y d�+�+iG�+i�.d.�a �__ • � `
<br /> , �� arbitration proceedinga whether or not the Trustor'e =_
<br /> � , obligation remains in effeat in light of the criteria set _
<br />�_:'a;, .:.:. ::�+,� forth in this provision) ;
<br /> �;�::�:�. Y�,,�: .�. (vi) Comprehensive automobile liability insurance
<br /> �`�"t �_:�:"_���. pelicy against claims for bodily in j ury, death and property
<br /> � - � dam�ge covering all owned, leased, non-owned and hfred motar -
<br /> - : > .,�=:'>'�:�� vehicles, including loading and unloading in such amounts as
<br /> . are then c u s t o m ary f o r v e h i c l e s u s e d i n connection with =
<br />.,''�;; �,�y�': eimilar prcperties and buainesaea, but in any event to the -
<br /> '�' ��� "'� extent required by applicable law j �
<br />'=.3";"itl'..:�
<br /> � ' "" `' . (vii) Insurance againat loss or damage frcm tA)
<br />,.- .. �,
<br /> �"�� ' • leakage of sprink1er systeme and (B) exploeion of steam
<br /> . . .�.
<br /> :,�:��.';,,•, boilers, air conditioning equipment, pressure veseel� o� �-
<br />: �.;�.� simi.lar apparatus now or hereafter installed at the
<br /> =`��f:���;;�`_, Propertiea, in auch amouata as the Beneficiary may from time
<br /> `---""+��' � ta time require and whicri are customary for similar =
<br /> :.,�.:�..
<br /> ^:�` '�''° propertiea aimilarly aituatedj and
<br />_ ,�,sr<r�;
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<br />--�z�'__'��__£�`�°:�_. (viii) 3uch other insurance with reepect to the
<br /> � ���� -"�-�,�,--.--�_'�a---`=:-� Improvements and Fixtures located on the Properties agaiast
<br /> _�,�,
<br /> �s- loss or damage as ia reasonably requeated by the Bsnefic ary
<br /> ""'�'�'"`�� t including without limitatiora liquor/dram insurance and
<br /> �-���;�-�-� earthquake insuxance) provided such inaurance ie oF the kind
<br /> __,:.�...,�...,,.�, from time to time customarily insured against aad in such
<br /> --��-�-�� amounta a� are cuetomary for eimilar imprnvements and
<br /> -'°'�°—`� f ixtures simf larly eituated.
<br /> � 3uch ineu�ance ahall be written by financially reeponeible
<br /> - companies selected by the Trustor and having an A.M. BeaL rating
<br /> ------ af "A+" or bettsr arid beiag in a financial eize ca�egory of XIV
<br /> or larger, or by other companies acceptable to �he �eneficiary
<br /> - 2aad shall name the Beneficiaxy as loes payee (to the sxteat _
<br /> "--=-- aovering risk of lose or damage to tangible property) and as au
<br /> - additiona]. named inaured ae ita intereste may appear tto the
<br /> = exCent covering any other risk) . Each policy referred to in this
<br /> --= section i.05 shall provide that it wilT not be cancelled or
<br /> --°-~� reduced, or allowed to lapse without renewal, except after not
<br /> -=��� less thaa 30 days' natir_e to the eeneficiary and the Trustee and
<br /> �� shall also provide that the intereste of the Benef iciary and
<br /> - - —= Truetee sha].1 not be invalidated by any act or negligence of the
<br /> - = _=�_�
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