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<br /> . . � trn.Y.1.�.. ,_ ' . _ . .. "' Ar4MI11.Y1MMiMNMMMYr�l1Y/nY�).1J[�oN1.M{.__=_.c`=....____-_ .
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<br /> ryA:, �a
<br /> ,:` _.W'
<br />.:�...:: ::.�,� .�9 5-- �0'� �r
<br /> ,• (ii) arrange for �he removal or remediation o�
<br /> Hazardous 3ubstances that may be Released os result from a
<br /> � • Releaee at any of the Properties, and pay any casta -
<br /> �_�•= -.: � asaociated with such removal and/or remediation j
<br />_:,,�:• •
<br />� _. '� �,��, (ifi) pay, on be�ialf �� iche Trua�oY, any costa, finen �
<br /> ,�:��'.�� �.i or penaltioa impoaed on the Truator by the Federal, or any
<br /> ��w:��" T�• �tata or local, government or any representative thereoE in
<br />.��"'l conaection with such Release or threat of Release of
<br /> �'---=-. =w,� Hazardoue Substancees or
<br />__:°�.;^TM,:;�� '. (iv) make any othor paynent or perforccn aay other a�ct -
<br /> :,., �.: .,�, that will pr�veat a liea in �avor of any governmental agency
<br />'-;���.�`�� from attaching ta any of the Pxopertiee or the Truot Estate.
<br /> ,..,. .
<br />=-,-'J�,. .� .,
<br />�;Y,,b�,:�-��'' ` Any partial exerciee by the Beneficiary of the remedies
<br />.��:�'� hereinag�er set forth, or any partial undertaking on the part of
<br /> -�.�:�zn - the Beneficiary to cure the Trustox's failure to complyr wit:a such
<br /> �=:�*���+�� laws ox regulationa, sha7.1 not ob3.iga�� �i�e Baneficiazy to
<br /> �_..��.-,,�,,..'!�.
<br /> ,=;;��, c�mplete the actione taken or require the Benefiaiary to expend
<br /> further aums to cure the Trustor�s noncompliancej nor shalZ the
<br /> -`'��, exerciae of any such remedf.ea operate to place upon the
<br />"1"�'`�� Heneficiary any responeibility for the operation, control, aare,
<br />_="'°�° maaagement or repair a£ any of the Properties or make the
<br />-`-����A�'�� Beneficiary the ��operator° of any of the Propertiee within the
<br /> ��i� ' meaniag of any Eavironmental Laws. Any amount paid or costs
<br />='-_�� incurred by the Beneficiary as a result of the exerciae by �he
<br /> =---� Benefi.ciary of any of the rights hereinabove aet forth, ahall be
<br />_-��:
<br />- - _—�1 immediately due and payable by the Tru�tor to the Benefic ary,
<br />��r���rr=_"=�', and until paid shall be added to and become a parc ui the oaaur�d
<br /> n��'�
<br />;;;��;����:. ubligations secured hereby; and the Bpnef iciary, by making any
<br />_-=`='��' � such payment or incurring any euch costs, ehall be subrogat�d to
<br /> � - any righta of the Trustar to seek reimbursement from any third
<br /> =��.f�` partiea, including, without limitation, a predecesaor-in-intereat
<br /> _.;_;��:: to the Trustor'a title who may be a °responeible party" or
<br /> Mn,=:�:�� ethQrwise liable undex auy Environmental Law in connection with
<br />_�,,,;„,�,--.;�.;�� any such Release or threat of Release of Hazardaus Substance.
<br />-_-��;::�
<br /> (e) =f after the occurre�ce and during the continuanae
<br /> —_W--�-�� of aay Default the Beaeficiary deeires thatc an enviranmental
<br /> - �- survey and riek asseaement with reapect to any of the Praperties
<br /> � be prapaxed, tihe Truetor agreea to supply such a eurvey and risk
<br /> �� _���� aesessment by an independent engineering fircn selected by the
<br /> = Trustor and satisfactory ta the Benefiaiary, in form and detail
<br /> - -_�-�—�_; reasonably ea�isfaatory to the Beneficiary (iacludiag test
<br /> -
<br />