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<br /> ' or traneportation to or from the property of such Pereon of euch __
<br /> �'� Hazardoue 3ubstance. -
<br />_.�� (c) The Trustor shall notify the Seneficiary promptly -=
<br />""1 of any notice or order that the Truator recoives from any agency �
<br /> - ox inatrumentality ofc t��ie Federal, osc any atat� or local, �
<br />�� governm�n� with reapect to the Trustor' e non-campliance in any =
<br /> �. material respdct with any lawa or regulations referred to in thie
<br /> �� ep�r;en �.os, inaluding, without limitation, Environmenta]. Laws, —
<br /> and promptly Cake any �nd all actions necaeeary to briag its
<br />:��� operati.ons at the Properties inta compliance in all material
<br /> �# respecta with euc:h Zaws or regulatione (and ehall g�a��y comply _
<br /> r., with the requi,remente of �uah laws oac regulaticne that ak aa��
<br /> �� time are applicable to ita operatione aC the Propertiee) al1 to
<br /> ��� the extent rec�uired under the appliaable prowiaion� of the
<br /> _, Indeature j p,�QY�Sti� that the Tru�tor at ite expenee may, aFeex
<br /> - prior not3ae to the BenePiciary, aonteet by apPropriate legal,
<br /> -j adminiatrative or other preceedings aonduatee� in good faith ana
<br /> =i with due diligence, the vAlidity or applicatio�►, �.r� wHe2s ar in
<br /> part, og any auch laws ar xegtxlatione so long ae ti) neither the
<br /> :�3� Trust Estate nor any part thereof or arx�+ iate�eet therein, will
<br /> __° be sold, forgeited or loet if the Trustor pays the smount or _
<br /> _; �atiefies the condition being conteated, and the Truetor would
<br /> - have the opportunity to do so, in the event cf the Trustor'e
<br /> -= failure to prevai], in the conteat, (113 neither the Truetee, the
<br /> -� ' Seneficiary nor any a� the Holdera would, by virtue og auch
<br /> - permi�ted conteat, be exposed to any material ri�k o� any civil �
<br /> — liability for which the Truator hae nat furnished additional
<br /> � aecurity as provided in elause (iii? below, or to any xiak of
<br /> =� criminal liability, and neither the iruat S�i.a�e zo� an� ix�t�rest -
<br /> - therein would be subject to the imposition of any lien for which
<br /> the Truetor has not furnished additional security as provided in
<br /> - clause (iii) below ae a result of the failure to comply with such
<br /> 1aw or of such proceeding and (iii) the Trustor ahall have
<br /> furniahed ta the Beneficiary additiorial aecurity in respect of
<br /> the c].aim being contested or the loss or damage that may r�ault
<br /> ' from the Trustor's failure to prevail in such conteat in auch
<br /> amount as may be reasonab].y requestedlby the Beneficiary, but
<br />-- only to the ex�ent that such cZaim or aontest and all other
<br /> = then-curzent alaime or conteste involve an aggregate amourit
<br /> greater thaa $100,000.
<br /> a (d) The Beneficiary, at ita election and in its ao7.e
<br /> discretioa may, without obZigation to do so, and after notice to
<br /> the Truetor (except ia an emergeacy) , cure any failure on the
<br /> � � part of the Trustor to comply s�ith any �aws or regulati.ona
<br /> referred to in thia ��ion i.oe, arad without lfmitatian, may
<br /> - take any of the following actions: _
<br /> (i? axrange for the prev�sntion of arly Release or
<br /> - threat o£ Release of Hazardous Substaacea at �ny of tY�e
<br /> Propertiea, and pay any coata aeaociated with such
<br /> - . preventionj
<br /> - t�\soess� io/as/9s ia�31pm 1 5
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