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<br /> -�����'� would, by virtue of such permitted contest, b'�e`SexEiose��t�3��y
<br /> � ��", material xiak of any aivil liability for which the Tr+�ator has __
<br /> � not furnished addit ional security as provided in clauae (fv) _
<br />������:�I� bc�low, or to any riak of criminal liability, and neither the
<br /> � Txust Fetate noz� any interest therein would bs subject to the =
<br />=�;���� imposition of any lien for which the Trustor has not furniehed `
<br /> ;..;,� additional �ecurity as provided in c�.ause (iv) below, as a reault
<br />�=� of the failure to comply v�ith auch law or oE such proceed�.ng and
<br /> ;;�_� (iv) the Trustox ahall have furnished to the Beneficiary
<br />- :_�,� additional security in respect of the claim being contested or
<br />..:.,�R_+tr•
<br /> - i.iiC �.V�stf vi u8ii�ay8 �jioi u�wj7 icSL'3t �.Ci: L�'!L' '!'2'Li.^,.tCX'�� f3�ZLtY'S t.rJ c
<br />,-,r�,� prevail in such cantest in euch amount as may be reasonably
<br /> .:,;:�� requeated by the �enePiciary, but only to the extent that auch
<br />. ��,� claim or contest and all other then-current claima or contests
<br /> °�:�� involve an aggregate amount greater thar_ $100,000.
<br />':�-
<br />:_�� Section 1.09. d,�,^te��nce of the Improvement� and
<br />- �°"'° Fixturee. Tha Tru��or shall not per.mit the Improvements or -
<br /> :;�� Fixturea to be removed or demoliahed (�� however, that, �
<br /> '-_-.�� subject to the provieione of Sect�.on 1016 of the indenture, the
<br /> Trustor may remove or alter auch Improvements and Fixtures that
<br />:-T.�.. - become obsolete in the usual conduc2 of the Trustor�e businege
<br />'�-'�� and the removal or altexation of which do not matexially detract
<br /> from the operation of the Truetcx'e businesa) f eha1Z maintain the
<br /> -� Txuet Estate in good repair, wo�king order and cond3tion, exaept
<br /> ' for reaeonable wear aaid use� and ehall restore �nd repair the
<br />_- improvemente and Fixtures or any part thereof now or hereafter
<br /> -�� affected by any Casualty or Condemnation.
<br /> -.°.= $ection 1.08. �im��+ance Wi.th Laws.
<br /> --.�Yl
<br /> — (a) The Trustor represents and warrants that, except
<br /> - '°�' as otherwiee previously disclosed in writing to the Beneficiary
<br /> -�"--� (and except for the matters described in clause (b) below, as to
<br />-�_-- which the provisione of eaid clause (b) shall apply) the Trustor
<br />-= � and ite operations at the Properties currently comply in all
<br /> -��� material respecta with all lawa, ordinancea, ordera, rules and
<br /> ____ regulations ef all Federal, etate, and local governments and of
<br /> -= the appropr.iate departments, commieaiona, boards aad offices
<br /> thereof, and the orders, rules and regulationa of the American
<br /> - Insurauce Asaociation or any other body now or hezeafter
<br /> = constituted exercising similar functions, that at any time are
<br /> � applicable to the Trust Estate.
<br /> tb) The Tzustor represente and warrants that:
<br /> —_ (i) To the �aest of the Trustor'e knowledge, the
<br /> -- ' Trustor ia in aomp].iance with all applicable Environmental
<br /> -- Laws (as defined below) , which compliance includes, but is
<br /> - not limited to, the possession by the T�.^ustor of all
<br /> -��-�---' enviror�mental, health and safety permite, licensea and otcher
<br />__.__.- governmen�al authorizatians required in conneation with the
<br /> --_' ownerahip and operation of the Properti�e under all
<br /> -==�� Envirarunental Laws, except where the failure to comply with
<br /> .=��:.
<br /> _�� .
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