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<br /> adjuatmeat or settlement i� connection with any aucla claim
<br /> ' without the agproval of the Beneficiary.
<br />_�,�,._..,, _. �. tg) In the event of foreclosure of the lien of this
<br /> Deed og Truat or other tranefer of title or assignment of the
<br /> . .,',�.; Trust Eatate in extinguiahrnent, in whole or in pa�t, o�c tche
<br /> '�° Secured Obligation�, all r3gtzt, titls and interest of the Txustor
<br />° �''� ` in and to all policiee of casualty insurance covering all or any
<br />'��`��'``���. part of the Trust Estate s�all inure to the benefit of and pasa
<br /> ��.Y��j�.�F� to �he suacessore in intereat to the Truetor or the purchaeer or
<br /> !�`� arantee of the Truet Eatate or any part thereof.
<br /> :. ;�,� -
<br /> � �'''��� � Section �1.06. �c�ositiona.
<br />_ � � ��•
<br />-'�'�'�.�-`;:', :,�
<br /> (a) Except to the extent otherwiae permitted under
<br />.`<= � ''� Section 1004 of the Indenture, the Trustor shall pay or cause to
<br /> '���;;��;� be paid, before any fiae, penalty, intereat or coat attachea
<br />��Y_���=''�� thereto, all taxes, asaesssnenta, water and aewer rates, utili,ty
<br />=:���rR;��YFd chargea and all other goveYnmenta2 ox nongovernmental charges or
<br /> °T-��`.b;.�"`� levies now ar hereafter assesaed or levied against any part of
<br /> � � the Trust Estate (including, without limitation, non-governmental
<br /> Y� `�' levies or asaessmenta such a�s maintenance charges, owner
<br /> -'`�����1� Y��_:
<br /> „�:�"��'�� as�ociation duee or charges or Eees, levies or charges resulting
<br />�'�,�!�3'� froin covenants, conditions and reatrictions affecting the Trust
<br /> �_ '.`����� , Estate) or upon the lieaz oY eetate of the Truetee therein
<br /> � �-•�:�,;
<br />=•�`.:�:� • (collectively, °Tn4poaitians�") , as well as all cl�fine for labor,
<br /> :,,-.._ -
<br />.;;;�;s materials or suppliea that , if unpaid, might by law beaame a
<br /> �-� --� prior lien thereon, and wi thin 10 days a�ter requegt by the
<br /> -������� Heneficiary or the Truatee will exhibit receipte ehowing payment
<br /> , -„�:.�3�=--� of any of tha foregoing s uxov�d�a, however, that i£ by Iaw any
<br /> _=-=��T==�-�'-��� auch Impoeition may be paid in installments (whethesc ox not
<br /> ��`-"�'-���- intereat ahall accrue os1 t2�e unpaid bala�nae thereof) , the TruetQr
<br /> _=-�`��-��� may pay the eame in installmeata (together with accrued interest
<br /> .,.��,.;��,�;� on the unpaid balance thereof) as the eame reepectively beco�e
<br /> -�;.;:�� due, before any fine, penalty or cost attaches thereto.
<br />---�����
<br /> _�,.�,,,,.,�,�,�;� (b) To the extent not inconsistent with the provisions
<br /> -�- ��•-n--�--- of Seaticn 1004 of the Indenture, the Trustor at its expense may,
<br /> �--��--_`= after prior notice to the Benefiafary aad the Trustee, contest by
<br /> -�� appropriate legal, adminis trative or other proceedinge coaducted
<br /> -- - in good faith and with due diligence, the amouat or validity or
<br /> -� ---= applicatioa, in whole or in part, of any xmpoaition or lien
<br /> �,�,�,s therefor or any cla3me of �nechanics, materialmen, suppliera or
<br /> - vendore or lien thereof, and may withhold payment of the same
<br /> � pending such proceedings i f permitted by law, sa Io�ng ae (i) in
<br /> - .�°� the case of any Imposit iona or ].ien therefox or any claima of
<br /> -�-�� mechanics, materialmoa, auppliera or vendora or 13en thereof,
<br /> = such proceedinge ehall auspend the aoll.ection thexeof from the
<br /> -°°"".� Truet Bstate, (ii) neither the Truet Bstate nor any part thereof
<br /> -- or faterest therein will be sold, forfeited or loat if the
<br /> - _ --- Truetar paya the amour�t or satisffes the condition being
<br /> - -- conteeted, and the Truetor weuld have the opportunity to do ao,
<br /> °--�-�-�--�� °a in the event of the Truator' s failure to prevail in the contest,
<br /> v.f,� (iii) neitiher the Trustee, the Beneficiary nor any of the Holders
<br /> _.�;.,,,.
<br /> ��:-,;;�:.�.�,
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