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<br />. ' . ._v ,�wc•s..... .. a .. � �q.•-,_ ..�r�14i'(M'A k1��MRl��'- . -� �:.r. . . r t.�...,5�. -_
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<br /> a � coVet�►r�s ' �cJ-" �.m►'i�a�� �
<br /> � ��p;yrtMnt�.Bortowet 8preas to make ail puyrtnBMe on ihe aeared debt when due.Unless Bortower arb I.ender apree olhervrise.eny ymenlA _
<br /> 7 Lendor�acofvas from goerower ar tor E3�rrowers bonetit wlil ho epplled(Imt to any amaunta eorrower owea on the seoured debt exclusivo of nterost or
<br /> pdnclpnt,aecor�to int�reat,end then to p�indpaL��narii4�prepayment of the soeurod dobi eaure tor nny renson,It wlli nat roducn or excuse any _
<br /> � echadulad payment untlt the soWred debt is patd fn tuif. —
<br /> Z CWm�Rgunst TIIN.Borrowc�r vAlipafr all taxes,assesamenu,aM other cherpes attdbutable to the property when due and wlll dotend Utle to the
<br /> � whk Baeowar maq have�QaWinst pan{es who supp�ly laeb�o�r oi�mutsr I�nis ttottmprovo o e�mami�aln the prop6R�er to assign any tights,cialms or detensos Y
<br /> .� 3.fnsurmci.BoROwer will keep the ope Insursd under terms ecoeptabfe to Lender at Barrovrers exper�e and for Lenders benetit Aq Inaurance
<br /> �����9�t������a;t;���o��o�r.use In fevor ot l.ender.Lender a1li be named as loss payee ar as the insured on any such Inauranoe
<br /> - policy.Any insurance prooeed�e insu�ran�ce118�r o�rrer e�re�aea to m�ain tta n euch nsuta ce tor�s bnp a alenEer irequlre��p���y or to t?��w.curc� �
<br /> v� deb�If Lender requlms mortyay
<br /> �,propKty.Berrowet will keep the p�operty in pood cnndiUon and make e�il repairs reaROnably necessary.
<br />_� 6,E�cpMay.�orcower aprees!o pay all Lendafs expensas,lndudinp�easonabie attomeya'fees�ff 8orrower breaks any aovenents In thia deed of
<br /> tnrat or in any obllpation secured by thls dead ot trusi.Borrower vA0 pay these amourne to Lendor as pnNded In Covenant 9 ot this deed ot truat.
<br /> .� 8.RAtW�YLYi�Y{iOtOTCStl.Uf118�9 B4TfOW9t flt(3t Obt811iS L8f1�8Y8 WfIQ8T100(ISB�b O�rto�+m v�"n iai�,�—"�'a..o�r..l7!`b gfw whvew�a hf ARp OfiOf SBCUdtV c
<br />==i intereste.8orrower vrill pertor+n all o}Bortawers.abtiqatlona under any p�ior mortpege,deed of trust or other eacutity eyreement,induC�rig eorrotiYer"s
<br /> • covenants to make paymeMa when due.
<br /> � �,A�aipnmonl of R�nb�nd Proflt�.Borrowre►ass�gns to L9nder the wMs and�rofib of the properly.UMess Elortower and Lender have a�reed
<br /> � ptherwise in w►Itlng,Borrower may oo:led and retein the�ents as 1or�g as BoROwer s not In defaut�If Borrower defaults,Lender Lendeta agent,or a
<br /> coudeApoiMed recefver may mk�possesston erM manaqe the properh end witact t�he rents.Any rents Lender collacta ehali be appiled ffret to ihe
<br />� opsts of managin0 the propeAy.tnctuAtnp�urt�sffi$and ta.�ltort+e�Ya'�t�b���v de�d In Covane�i�et 1�•�d any other necessary related expenses.The
<br /> remeinitg emourd of re�s�1II Nen apph paY
<br /> -= a���� -��3:ptars�a!elntt Qsvelc�tments.Bas►ower agrees to comply with the Provtslons of any tease if this deed of trust is on a
<br /> �r�.�by.fay�,�se,o�r rep Iu aUons of U�e a�oindomtn�lum ar plenned ar�iit�lopmentVe�@�'��er wiu peAorm ett oi�:rcts�ua�x ttes
<br />� 8.Ap1Ao+1ry of L�ndK to['�storm far Barrowsr.It 8omower falb to perfortn any at Borrowets dWes under thfs deed oi uusf,tsnder may peAorm the
<br /> -- duyes or cause tham to be peAcrmed•Lender may sipn Bortowets name or pay any amount ii�eoassary tor pertormanoe.lf eny cronstrus.Mion on the
<br /> � ���This may tnclud e aomple�Urg tha aonestrucU��manner. Lender may do whatever is necessaryr to prote�t Lende�s seCUrfty interest in the
<br /> y..i P��'�Y•
<br /> _ Lsndete taiiure to pedorm wlll not prectude Lander trom exerdslrg arry of tta other�tKS urWer the law ar thit de�d of tnist.
<br /> - b�eaz iM�eteb'�t tro�m tlie d�of u�paymsrd ur�d�rPal�in i R at�tlssSM�tsr�e�s�t�a te nrettect on tt�se�a+�rfed� e�b uch amounts wiU be due on demand and wllt c
<br />-- �p,p��uit�AcpNrtUon,If Boprro�(urar fa►ia to mako any paYmeM w►►en due or 6reaks any aovenar�te unde►this�of tlust or any oDitsati�on
<br /> B�Yn�r�a�nd may i�mok�e t�he p�ow�er ol sale and e y otlre�r rem�edies permitted�bY eppiicab�e Iawhe matudty of the seeured bt and elemand Unmediate
<br /> � the�ot each su�ch�pe��tasfse tortt►hore4n.�����es ot the noUoes ot deTauR end sate be sent to eacA person vrho Is a party i�eret0.at
<br /> 12 Power of SW.It the Lende�imrokes the power ot aale,the Trustee shaN ftrst racord in the offioe ot tha�Eter of deeds ot each oouiriy wheroin the
<br /> = bust:p�mperty or some part orpar�1 thereof is sttuated a nWics of detauft ooMatn[ the infarmation required law.'I4�e Trustee shell also maH coplea
<br /> ot•tna noti�ot defaurt to the oB rtovrer.ro eachperson who is a par�r herero.and�other peraons as pnesxibed4y eppiicable taw.Ptot Iese than one
<br /> mdrdh after tha Trustea recqrds the noUae ot defauit,or trro monU�s it the trust Rroperiy fs not tn any Inoorporated city or viNapa and Is used in fanNnp
<br /> operati�ons carried on by the trustor,the Trustea shail ive pubiic notice ot sale to thg persons�ulred Oy tha F�liort�ayd PiotecSion�iV,7.T sru�t�se =
<br /> ns
<br /> wUhuut demand oon Borrower,shall seil the praperly rp�uDp�by a�upaItan to the hiahest btdUOi.11 ������y��I Of the pcoperty ty pubiic
<br /> — shall ofter the P�the tlme a�ndsptaa�e of Y prevlous�jr�scheduledea�l .�e Le�nadwer or its�desl�pneo�ma�y purchase the PropertY ei r�ny saie.
<br /> announoentent at
<br /> Upon rnce t of yment o7 the pk�bid.Tntstee shall Eet:ver to the purChaset Trustee's deed ca►veyNg the Ry The redtais coniatned tn
<br /> TN5t9E�8 6Phdli�e prima fade e��ldence of the truth ot Uo statements contatned thereln.Trustee shati appty�p�ooeeds ot the sab in the
<br /> {pYpwtnp order.(a)to eN e of the sate.indudirsg,but rat limited to,reasonab�e Tnrstee's fees.reasonaMe attomey's tee9 erid rotnstatement
<br /> tess:(�)to all sums.�ecu x by this dead of trust end(c)the baWnce.H arqr,to the petsans Iepaily entflled ro recaive IG , .
<br /> 13.fondosun At lender's option.tMa deed of Uust may be taeGosed In ihe manner prov(ded by aOWicobk�kw tor toreclosure of rtartya�an rea� ..
<br /> � pr�rty
<br /> — 1��1ns�CtiOn.Lender may eMer Me propeity to inspeCt tt H Le�der pNes Borrower noNce befai+a^and.The notbe must state the reasonabk+cause tor
<br /> s inspeCtlon. . � ,
<br /> — �a.r.onci.n�na�or�.Batto�ate�t�r�s'.pa��Ls w�itl b�eppt�iod�as�ftledlnCorednamt'r rn�a�e�s ���s bje t to�thB�t�af any prio�r S��sairEtY
<br /> -= o���pt the properry•
<br /> _ �� eXercislnp any esmedp alrailabte to tender,Lender does not ire up any elyMs to later use any ather remedy.l3p not exercisinp arh►
<br /> 8 ae+�e.Lender�oes not wahre afry�ght to tater consk�er the evert a detautt tt tt happens aQein•
<br /> 17.JoNft�d Sw�Kai LI�bNN�I Co-si��s+Su�ao�M�d��IIns BOU�l.Ait dutles under tht9 deed ot Wst are Jolnt erM severel.Arry Bortower
<br /> �1p C�.s{pns this deed of trusf but does no1 co-sfpn the underrytnp debt InsGVment(s)dor3s so ony to�rant and corney thaR Btn'rawe+ls Interest In the
<br /> to the Teust�e under t�hyu term9 of thls Qeed�of�trusG In addiUon.stid�a Bortowe►nprees U�at tfie t�ender erW any�N�Bt Bormwer u�this
<br /> — �rel�east�that�8�orio�w er froart►tmhe�temu�this deedof(nWstthe tenns ot thts dc3ed ot wst or the secured deDt rr�thout that Barowet's aonsent and
<br /> The duties and benefifs ot thls deed o!trust shall bind ared Dene6t the s�tasssors and assigr�of Lendar and BoROwer.
<br /> 18.Notic�•Untess otRervrise requlred by law.enq noilce to 8orrower shall be 9h+en Ey dellveAng ft vr by maitinp it by certlFiad mall addressed to
<br /> — Bor�ower at the ptoperty address or any other address that Bortower has phren to Lender.Bortower wlp gMe eny ratice to le�der Ey ceAffted mall to
<br /> - - �Let�e s�as s�d paDe i�otdMi°fs d�ee�'d of t�y aUier eddress whlch Lentler�a9 designated.My other notice to Lender shaN be sent to
<br /> =� µ�y�mtke Shatl pe deemed ro have been glven to Bomower or len8er when gtven fn the manner staied above•
<br />---,� 1A Tnnapt��rp o�tt?M P�oparlY or�B�n�ctN tMerht Eo+tln Bor+�It aIl or er►y part o!the properH orany Irrtarest In it is sotd or transtemed without
<br /> B�OR�CW{@►ls f10t�e n�aturat pnserso�end�e be�r�eticE�l lr�stere�sm!In t�h�e 8o8opoi rerls smold oi strar�isfe�rred�.Ho eve8tl.8tldB�1113y flGt d8f118tW p3Yt1k�IL III H!@ (BbOV@
<br /> � �Ih�a�Ucns tf tt is prohfbited bY tederat!aw es ot tha date ot thts deed ot trust
<br /> _`� . �......i r.��.�a�.a�af wm heon naL!nnd landor has m 51Aher 0�o8110A t0 t[1Hk8 8dY8IlOB8 Ufl�ldi th9
<br /> Zp l�ppt�arw.s�'rirm�o�v
<br /> --� InsWments or eIIieements sew�this deed of�rust tha Tiustee shalt�upon written reequuest by the Lender,raoonvey @�e trustp�p8t1y rne tenaer
<br /> � stiatt deliver to the Sorrower,or to Borrowets successos In tnteresL t�e trust deud and the note er oifier evldenoe of tha ob�aUan so- saIIstied.Borrower
<br />;� sha0 PaY anY teeordation oosis. -
<br />--=_ . Z1.S�cpissor Tnn�.Leeder.flt 6enders opUon.may remove Tmstea and appotnt e suooessor tastee by f3rst.m�ilirip a copY ot tAe substlMton ot -
<br /> :n Wstee as roqulred by epAlirabte taw.ond tRen,by nlinA tne substituUon of trustee tor reoord In the ottice of the regLSter of deeds oi each oourtly In wltiCh
<br />`��� ihe trustp�ppgM.or some part thereot,�a sttuated.me sueeessor trustee,vritho:it a+nve�ranee ot the property.shall ezccoead to a!I the power.duttai. -
<br /> flvt�tptiry and tiU9 ot tRe Tntste�o ndtned In Ure deed W trust and ot any suocessor trustee. _
<br /> - , -
<br />_":��•':
<br /> • rvop.2a�
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