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<br /> �� � DEED OF TRUST �' �' � "`:
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<br />__ .-.�=-nn ��� _
<br />;,_�:y�,'�� PAR'�lF_8:Thls Deed of Trust ta made on 0 at ober 2 6. 1��5 ,err�ong the Cirantor,
<br /> a ���_ ...a W �r=._ �.�i..a �A LT�Po _l'BOTfOWBYI. l�
<br /> --==�:� ��11 � Ji ��� Gi�4t '—'-- �+:w.;ti...:� , � � —
<br /> J
<br /> :=r=,y� .
<br />-�:```'��`� whose�esidence address is ���•��1� .���a��unty.NBbteslui('Trustea'),and the 8enoticiory.
<br /> _-�,=�•�
<br />,;n.::.�.�� .9
<br /> "`�''� orpanized and exlstlrtg under the laws ot � • _whose address is
<br /> ----- 100 N. !!an��w �rt�ar� � �rner ��t:e �ss _ _ (�ender�. -
<br /> CONYE'YANCE:For vetue reoeived,Borroxer ircevocabty grants aed conveys to Trusteu,in trust,with power of set3,the real property,ot which
<br /> Sarro�rr hs lx;ltut!y sttized.dsecr(hed beloev end e116ufldinQs.flxtures.and exis�rter a dnces�e eunta bet�n�me�n and all rigls��of-way.eesemerdo. -
<br /> _"*�� reote,tssues.Proflts,I�ome,tenemems,hereditaments,pmrilepes and anY appu 9� 8 te����'F�Bperty')•
<br /> PROP�R7YAObRESS:�� ���� . �� �� • . Nobmska - ���'
<br /> -n;'�� t�uroet► � t�r) ���� -
<br />-- = - LEGAL OESCRiP'ilON:
<br /> . A97 4f t11a� 3msOd"a� �4di.' �. . .� a
<br /> '� f� �t Ci4�ii��1�Yf iL��`af.�A1�'Y�t1YO �. _
<br /> - �it et IL r.i�i�ltgoh ilie�af T^N■—an�Pr �+o1�d�ar ti
<br /> . t�l'fiir6t+�st. 71rls R+�p�t�'fs�o� p�rt�aui�l�iree�ibrd�aeE�tls•aobs�rJt titltl
<br /> � �Aid�dSlfmtrl �"a�'�T��arz���fifdA f���k..-��.�.r.�:f�? � -
<br /> — ;�-. ���t a-sorrit� it�he+�at i�[�tl�t a�sia t��:�..�70 x�2� HO[�AYxLLA
<br /> . If�i,llR •� �eiflrl�o■�� s�r''�si'nii�e' �/� ' • ' •
<br /> �u,l;. ' • 7hf euus�w�t��lo�s i+�i��autl�w'faee tfi��ta�a�r�t�r a■�t����is+e�t�a1 f
<br /> — � w1e� detitt,l�d R�'tr�����'�' t1M rorew�'lrs s��wd't�e 11er'Ir■��• '
<br /> � and•�t!'tae�h.6ddlrit A�.at#�t� ths•lore+a�r ht-s�����+s/1r+�"b/�Y�• .
<br /> - located in � � CauntY.Nebraska '
<br />---.--.� 1S71.B:Bortower oovenar►ts end warraMS title to the properly.except 1a� ■�+� -
<br />- - SECUREO DEBT:This deed of trust secures to Lender repayment of the secured debt and the pedormance ot the covenar�end sgreemeMa
<br /> eonteined in ffiis deed of trust end in any other documer►t Inoorporated herein.Secured debt.as used in thia deed of Wst.indudes any emourtls
<br /> '�""' Bortower owes to Lender unde►ffifa deed of hust or urder any instrumerd seared by this desd ot hust,cind afl modificatfons,9xtensions arM renevrals
<br />---= thereot. '
<br /> - The secured debt is evidencad by(Uat atl inatrumerRs and agreemeMS secured by tAts daed of trust and the dates theroof.):
<br /> '��� tr•�i �oif�s.���' ' •••i �tsi1 �ie�laiirn� !'w�rFw���.,
<br /> � • �o�o„te�mpladt d ard wiD be se�cured tmo thetsame�ext�eM as H m�s on tl�e�da e t�his fde d oT k s ts exe�wte�d ced.Futuro advances are
<br /> ❑RevoNing line ot credit egreesnesrt dat vr(th initisl ennual trrterest rate ot ' 95.
<br /> All armums owed under this�greement are sewred aven h al{�maunts may not yet be advar�ced.Future advences undor the
<br /> agreemerri are oo�emplated end wtll be secured to the same exteM as it�riade on Me date thts deed of trust ls e�cecuted
<br /> 'The above obligadon is due andpayeble on � it not paid eatiier.
<br /> - The total unpaid baianee secufed b�r this deed of trust at any ons tlma shatt not exceed a maximum princtpai amount of
<br /> . �, • ' plttt;iMerest
<br /> - us eny amau u terma o o wst to proteet e sea+ ot this Uust or to pertorm any the oovenarrts
<br /> eoMained tn this deed of trust,with(r�erest on such disbursemerts.
<br /> ❑V�N�pb RaM:The tMerest rate on the obitgatlon secured 6y shis deed cif trust may vary a000rd(ng to the terms of thet ohltgaHon.
<br /> �A copY of the loan egreemem aomaining the tertns under elnich the interest rate may vary is attached to this deed of trust arrd made e part
<br /> = here�f.
<br />__..__�s i Q
<br /> _ __� BIDEiiS: ❑Commerdal❑
<br />;-��aw�� DEStGNA7tON OFFlOMESi�AD
<br />- -- pursuant to the Farm Horrtest�sad Protection Act,destgnation of homestead 0 fs attached to thEe deed of trust and mada a part
<br /> �,,,�� hereaf d hsa been dis�ieimed;the dlsGaimer is attaahed to thls deed ot trust and made a paR hereot. �
<br />_--rF�] gt(iNATUREg:By stg in0 below,BoROwer agrces to the temro and covenant�cantelnod tn thts deed of trusL inctudinp Hwse on pege 2,and -
<br />-�� �n�ny d�s rlescribed above atgned Op Borrower.
<br />-_-,,�� P1�IRICK J. I8�N1 !f iiMl�Q. tR,A! -
<br /> --���r -
<br /> ..�..��:
<br />- ':.�':�:-�: -.
<br /> '-r:s°�j
<br /> '��`'-'='-�' ACKNOYYLEDGN . TATEOFNEBRASKA. Ha17 Counryss: -
<br />'"`�`�`''•"_ 7�e toregotne��nstrumeM was edmawiedged betore me on th�s __26t daY� Aatot�er��,9,QS _
<br /> ���- �:, finahanr„�l a�,n„/i�3t��P;a
<br /> . . by--• $�d RANA-O.-1aN1y--
<br /> �si�
<br /> Cppore:ow �� • I�aolCmpc�3tonmPartriast�)
<br /> �� ��'� P"�""5°'� ,on behait ot the coryoracon or paRnership.
<br /> � ' adueow�c�gmem e
<br /> ..:-,�.��. " Myaomm�sstcnexptres: T/2/96 �
<br /> ' • ts�y► � tNOUn�m�el _
<br /> .. This ins�umeM rtas prepared by .
<br /> - (a198S8�'uGtrDSY+tCm7.tnF.St CIOUd.A1Nlt{AO-397�2�6t1 FOrm t1T-0CPl1TO�NE 127fi90�� wu►�aw� ��2, NESRA�KA
<br />. �CCt}'.lii.�Q�
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