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<br /> aonsenL Lenffero m�y.et thstr optlon,reQuira immtdltte payment In iLll of dl eurtn seeuted Dp th�8ecuflry(nstrument.HowoveP,ihb opAon _-
<br /> ehdi not bo exeroised by Lendere Itoxerclso i�prohtbited by kAenl[aW t1 OtU10 Cu9 0t1�!}S SCWTI1y I(131NI11:t1L _
<br /> ��,
<br /> �f L,endete excrciso thii opqan,Lender�ehdl gh�e Bortowen notice ot aalerntion.'I1�o notiw ehetl pmvlda a pertod ot nnt tes�
<br /> lhen 30 doye Itom�ho date tho notico b detfveaA or mt[led wtthln wnlch flarto�eie mi�st psy QI aum�aeeured by thi�8ecudqr InsWment It
<br /> tlarto�rets fitVt M Qsy U�ew a�nis prior W t�ia axpS:..ilon ottAlz patiod.ir:r.�-n ttrry inve4e eny remcdin permttted by ihb Seeurliy tnstrum:nt G
<br /> �vlthout luqher nottce or demmd on Bortowere. _
<br /> t6. Borrowera lifght to Reinstato.U Bonowers meet certaln eondlltoiu,Botrowcre shail have tho tight to hare cnforament otlhb e.
<br /> S�curity InsUunwnt dLsconHnueO at my Umn prlar to the eaelier or(s)S days(or auh oUxr pedod a�ppllable itw cnsq specify for
<br /> alnsUtrnxnt)before eale o[the PropertY Pwtuam ro�ry powa ot ale conuined in this Secwity IRStrument;u*(b)�nUY of�judgment
<br /> entbrein=this Security Inswment 71Kno condttlum ue Nut Bo�vcn:(s)puy Lendere vl sums�vhich Uten aoulA 6e due under thu Seeutity
<br /> Sr�r.���Nct�l��A�!r±•�lentloa ouurreA;(y)euro a�y def�ult oteny mher covenmb or�greement+:(c)DiY nt{axpuue�incurted
<br /> in enfareSna thi�Securlty Ittstnumat tncludtng,bul nat 1lmited to,teason�Dio ummare tcc�.a�u i�'�t:�..:"" =l.��'-'r'�
<br /> reasonibly rcqufve m asure Nat the Iten of thfe Secuity tnstrumrnt 1��'�811u tn the Proputy a►d$°ft°werd oDli�attan w pty tha sums
<br /> ucured by thit Recur{ty Inswment,sL�U eanilntm wetxnged.Upon aMsUtemeat by Horrowem.thia Sewrity Instrunxnt uM Uro oblituton�
<br /> sewced heieby ahall amiin tLlly offuUve a+if�m aeatentton had acurred.Howaver.thb dght w reinsute eh�11 not appty ia tho o�e of
<br /> accetentton undu paagrephs 1 S or l7.
<br /> 17, Aeaterarion;Etemedia. Lendere ahdl givo notice to Borrowen prfor to s�oeleru�an following 8artowers'batch ot my
<br />- wven�nt or tgteement In thts 8ecurity Inswmeai(but not prior to�elaWon under par�hs IS tnd 17 unles��ppliablo hw pravMes
<br /> otite�}.'iha na8cc sfr�i sFeciijr:(a)�lre defaut�(b)tha sqtoa tequlssd to euro the tkfruilr.(o)a due,not Iw th�n 30 dsye itom tfie d�te the _
<br />- noUoe is glvrn to 8ortowere,by which 8�e default must bo cured;and(�thrt t1►11uro to evre tt�e defauit on or 6eWFe the G:W s�-cfttcd En tke
<br />' noNa may result in�ccetemtion of the sum�seaurcd by this Secudry fnstNment�nd a�le ot the Proputy.The natioo sAill ihrllrct tntam
<br />� Borrotiycrs of 1he dght W rcinsUte aiter�alaatEon u�d Iho rtght W 6dn8 r couri�ctton to tuert tho tron�istence ot s defauft or ony oiher
<br />- defenso of Borrowrn to�aeleratin i��►af 1 sams�eamd by this Sa�.+s�ty Ins�.�•.Yiw�!�lhAlxr dem�od ma m�y i dmolu+Ihe powper of
<br /> m�y rec�uim immedhto O�yrt�eat
<br />= sde and any otha reme h inclpu Ing��ut rtot Iimiud'W.t�euomble attorti�ys'fxs atd costs of d e evtA�ence.incuured in puauing tho rem�dla -
<br />- proWded in thtv PuagraP
<br /> ff the power otsde is tmoked,7Yuseea�fuit raord a notioa of defbuit in e�ed can►ty t��vfltcti�nY Dut elth°P�°i�atY is toe�eed
<br /> w�d sh�l1�uait eoplrs of eueh rroNce�itceDla iar.T�ahdi gtve pubtlla eottce o�f�to the pawns�drin dw ris�n�pr'.,.,ai�.d� -
<br /> Inv.ARer 8ie dme rcquU►d 6Y 8PD
<br /> appitabie law.Trustee.without decmnA on Boaawe�.ahdl seil tho Propnty�t pubUo aucUoa 0�Uw higlxst bidder�t tha time��p1�wde*
<br /> the umu design�ted in the notice of ule in ona or mon parcets�ee ef���i�9�edWrA snta l.eadaa meir designed maY P�0
<br /> ° pu�ciofH�eFcwatY�3'i�k�til3nlist��!�l--. YP��. .
<br /> - the Pmperry at nry eela
<br /> .. Upon ceceipt ot psyrt�tt oY the prica bid,Tnutea eh�ll deliver w tue putrhre*lhtttceb dxd oonveylns tAe P►opab.'[de cecNds
<br /> in the TrusUCeb deed sh�li De prima fiete evidect�a otthe huth atthe etrtemeMS a�e tbaeie.Tn�tce eh�il�ppfy the proceed�of the We tn tl�o
<br /> foftowing order:(a)t�dl eupetises of ohe eile.inelndini.but not Iimited to.7Yurtcde ica n Qpem�laed bi�P1t�ttled tu i•nd:eason�ble
<br /> dtomcy's fees:N)W ail cums scaued Ey lhlsSecmity Ic►�Wment:wl(e)�nY exaes�W tlfoP�� P�s�E Y
<br /> 18. Ltnden in Possasion.Upon r.coleration under par�nph t?o��d�t���������b�ot tbe
<br /> bY Judicially appotated t�exiver)ahell be cnUNed N enur upo4 nte poz�ss[
<br /> - Propaty includtng those put dua.Any renu oollected by Lenders or the naiver el�dl be�pp(kd Qrat to pryrtiart uf�on o�ceiva'�
<br /> of the RrepeAy nnd ootleetton otanb,including,bR not timikd W,rcxtva'e few,pemi�nns on aaetvsi�fte�.premt
<br /> and reason�ble dtomeyd Cas.a�d then to tha sunn a�cured Dy thFs Saudty Uu�nument
<br /> 19. Reeonvey�nce. UPon P�yma�t otdl swm sxut�ed Dy tbit&cwE►Y Yn�t�l.ettdas ahall ta►uat T�mtee to rcca�vay tho
<br /> pcopc�ty�nd itnit suriender thf�Secu�ity lrow�nene�r►d alt nooes evMenca deEttea�re' ti�d�S'Ag��yi 3 b pe�son o�r Peraom cn�I pay airy�
<br /> rceonvey the Ptopary althout watranty md�rlthout ehr6e W the yata� Pa�ous e�a19
<br /> nsstor�tlon caste.
<br /> 20.SubsUtuto Twstee.I.endem�it theicopNon.mtY tFomOmeto time reraova tnutee end�ppt+tnt�succe�tnutee to r►Y Tnalee
<br /> _ P oputy.the auccessotYt�ustee shal si uccced t�f1�Ihe�Puw�tr ard dutia co�pon T�tliaei��J bY apPlteablo���04'the
<br /> 21. Requeat tot iQot[ce�.Boitowota request iht�t raptes of the ao8cd of det�wlt ertd eele bo sent W Botmwera'addres�afitrh b the
<br /> Propertyr Addn�u. ,
<br /> BY SIaf1II�10 HSLOW.Bonowas aaapt�ad�gee to da teim�aad covenwnts wnmined in tEL SawitYlmt�4 �
<br />_- c'/���.,G�_�
<br />— MARTIE V. CAMP08
<br />�,g sau or NEBRASKA �
<br />� cov.�r or HAI.� i
<br /> ..�
<br /> -� QCTdBER�
<br /> � 'IUo fbngatng inttrumatt ao nclmnwleGged.suDscriEed and earon w 6eforo me tbLs 25TH day af
<br /> r
<br /> `± TlebmsE�a. (�AER�I NOTAltr4lib O11dtx� �_ • / �
<br /> : � AMCamm.pAu� 1�95 � �
<br /> Notary Publtn
<br /> 3
<br /> or
<br />