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,�_ _ _ � -- - <br /> Y4 i f�.'�ya� .. .: g � � °z rFe .9�1'Tlt"�'�'�r- �,�+.jry�Sy at n� �-j ��i. -v+JA�4 i r (-�_..r_ �-� . ._ .v.. . _. .. <br /> � �.�}Y r�S,C.i 6� Itd� •1� 4�'zZxyp�.1'��fl �`i�� Fw)�Sy• � . �Ir�. � , <br /> . . ��i�(l�5ii ��:t�� ���'a,� ' i��Yti�_j" �tr,� �;-(• ' � r: �� <br /> v�v� <br /> ��Zt;�' ,._..� ` ' � ' ., � <br /> ;.4?i•...+.,. :�C. <br /> _,��� .. ..1 <br /> ' ,��, � . , �.... � . .. . ,, . .���, <br /> ... 'Y�;W�+II((a+P�. . . .. '- „ � . � ��..s.. ,_, ...�,.,� .:�,m-v,nr�.»�a,•.� .` .�s�'--- <br /> , � .r. ..,. ., . <br /> .. ,,' -.. <br /> .. .. . ,:., � ....rr.�g,��w��auy94s�/�1^�I'�M NR�rMei+j..t�n�•�ayj ••--. . . „TS°2 ' . <br /> . � , .. n�... .. . � u; <br /> . � <br />,�'--�' -}'- • E <br /> „�t�t . +,� : � E'� <br /> - S,'' �* m <br /> •�'� � �.... <br />...__, .. ..�c. `� i��""� it7��� �Y: <br /> ' � AII tnsumnw policia and nnm+nis a��ll bo acceptablo m Lcndcra tnd ehnit inolude o etnndard�rtortgage clauso.l.cndere ahtill hove <br /> `�� " the dght w huld tho pollcles and tcr.cwnit.If I,ertdcn rcquiro,Dorrowcrs sh�tl promysiy givo to Icn�e�s atl seaipts of pnid pmmtums and � <br /> � � cenowN nottws.In tho cvcnt ottass,Bono�vcrs ihnil give pmmpt natiw W the insuranco cardcr und I.cndare.I.ende�mny mnke proof of loss � <br /> .� !�Y • if not me�do prompAy by - <br /> Dorrowere. <br /> [ <br /> � <br /> _ ,� ' } Untcss I.cnders and 8orro�r:rs athenvho agree in�rridng,imuranco proueds ahnll ba apptied w nstoruUon or rep�ir of tho Property = <br /> -qs-r��� domngcd,IP tho resloraUon or repelr 1s ceanomtcally fca9iblo and Lended security is not tase�xd. tt tho rcstoredAn or �yalr i9 not _ <br /> ��•� economlcai�y tkasibla or I.endera'sccusiq would bo Iessened,the insurnnce pmaeds sha116e nppited W the swu secured by this Securtty = <br /> '-%:,�- � Instiumem,whttDer or not thcn due,with eny exoess pafd w Bairowen.if Bortowe�a nCandon tha ptoperiy.or do not muwer wIthin 30 days n _ <br />�.�- notico&om Lendera th�tho insutonco carties lw offercd w seqio a cldm.then l.endme may coitect the insurnnoo pmaeds.l.ende�a mey'use = <br /> _..# the prx¢eds w rcpatt or asWro tho Property or to puy swns secuced by this Security Insuument,whether or not thrn due.11�e 30-0�r period _ <br />. ,—- ..--- !!'��o�!!W�!?!!�Iw m�tirn lA olYCtl. �- <br /> '�i*��� `� Unles�I.enders and Bomwe»athenrise agree in wridng,aay uppliaatioa or prouxds w prinaipai shell not cxter�d or postpone the <br /> cxte <br /> �.;�,.. ` duo dnte ottho payment refemd W in paragaphs 1 and 2 or change the nmamt of the paymem.If under pzrag'apd 19 tho Prope�ty ts ncquirad <br /> ,,;ti:�� : <br /> - • by Lendwe,Hormwera'�ight to twy IncurwK�poiieies and proceeds rcsWting from damugo to the Propetty prbr w the acqubidon shtil!pass w <br /> =""'"':�''� Les�de�s w the extent of the suma secure�!by thb Security Instsumer►t immedluely pdor w the acqulsidon. <br /> - 4 <br />._:yY'�F._r <br /> ,,;,u, S. Preservation mid Mainunanoe otProperty I.easeholds.Bomowrn shatl not destroy.damoge orsubstantially change the Properiy. <br /> 'tj:��'. ,•,x allow the Propeny to deteriorau ot commit w�sx.If ihts Securlry Instrument b on a leauhold,Borrowers s6all comply with the provietons of <br />: �;=r:.;,e.'"" thc qlc,.a�ce,and#Bmtowas acqulre fee titb to the Moperiy.the Ieasehold m�d fee tt@e sdel!eot merGe unlese Lenders+gree w the inerger in . <br />.,,,i..'�e;�J �ua�p. <br /> _x.,...�� . <br /> � 6. Ptotection of l.endera'Rigdts in dro Propeny:Mortgago Inswence. If Borrowera i�ii W perfotm the covaiaats aad egtameats <br /> -_-�r:.�ur.�: � conteIned in thls Security Instrumrn;or thero b w legat proasding that mey signiacanUy affect I.endecs'dghp irt the Property(auch as a <br /> pmceeding in 6anlauptay.pmbato.Por condemnetioa or w eafotu Iswa ar rcgulatloaa),dun I.enders may do ead pry for wheaever is a�ss�y� <br /> _,3�'^`��� W pmtect the vaiue uf Yhe Ptopetty and Lenden'fIb'IlU IIl tIIC PIOQCfI}i.LCRdGB�BCNOti3 t118Y IACII'fI0 QSyIA$ORy 6URL4 6CCUtCd bjl BIICG WhICII <br /> ,,. hav prtorlry ovu Wls SecauttY���aPP�B�c�.PaY�B tcasoa�ble auomays'fees and enoeriag on Ux Pmpeity to malm apaics. <br /> �•'T—�� Althougit Lenders m�telw ection wder thts pamgrupd 6,Lendns do not have to do so. <br /> ;w_ <br /> _',A Any omouab dlsb�used Dy Lenden undet ttils Paragraph 6 shall bccorao addidonal debt oP Bartoweia sauied by this Securiry _ <br />_���r Insuument Unlas Bo:rawers end I.endrn agrta ta other trnns of paymeat,9�ese amouats s1ieU bear iinttenst&om the daoe of disbursemmt at <br /> J,�,�y� the Note�ate end shell bo payable.wlth Intecest,upon notice Som Lrndors W Bonowcrs cequesUaB Paymes�t <br /> •,:-^■c�x;�.s��� !Y Lendets�atonBaBo i�umx a�a condiiiun uf wai3.-ig tho Sa�a,cut�d�;ilc�Saxrll;is�t,�sras+rus sh�l�' , <br /> tho p:emtwns aquind to malnWn tho i�uranca ta o�'ect anUl sucD dmes at tho rec�uirement for the insureucs km�Inmes tn accordon�e witb <br />---."�".,-�_� Barrowen'end Leade�s'wrttten agrecmeaos appitca6le law. <br /> ___-��-� 7. Irepecdon. Lendeie or lheir egeats may mnke reasonable rntria upoa end inspaitons ot tho Propeny.I.endere sfuU give <br />_-____W,,.��� <br /> Borrowecs no8ce et tha dme otor prtor ro aa lnspealon speciiying reawaabie cause for the inspectloa <br /> "�;,,—,��� 8. Ooademnsdon.Tho proc�ads of mry ewnrd or clatm for dameges.dUect ar consequeatlel,in waneadon whh eay condsmnetioa <br /> _��� or other taking of any paR of the Propeity,or far comeyw�ce in Iteu of condeuuiation,ero henby asslg�►ed ead s4utl be pdd to Lendeis. <br /> r�e;tiw.exl�� In thn event of a Wtai teking otthe Yropedy.the pmceeds sha11 be epplled to the sums sec�red by thb Sectutty InsWmrnt,whethw <br /> � —�� or not thm duo,with ony exass pa[d m Bmrowers.In Uro avent of a parti�l taking of the Pmperty.unless Bomowera oad Lend�s othecartu <br /> -- --= egeo in wt[Ung,tha sums secured by dds Stzudty Instrumeat sha116e reduced by the emo�mt of dio pioceed�multlptted by tho foilowing <br /> ----'� fracdon:(n)the totoi antount of tho swos sauned immedlately before Ua taicing,dtvtded bY(b)the fair muket valuo of Uu Prope�ty <br /> 6nmedi�tehy beforo tho mkiag.Any bala�e siiell be pnid to Borto�vem. <br /> = If Uw propecty is ebandoned by Bartowers,or 1L after aotlx by Lcndcra W Borrowcra tbea the oendemnor offet�w mul�e an mvard <br /> — or settlo a clalm for dameges,Honowen�fl w respond to I.enders aitAla 30 dayn after the dete t�e noBcE ia given,L�ndees are authorized to <br /> wltect and apply the prooeeds�at thefr optioA eitha w rcswn or Ryair d�e Propaty or to pay the evms uwred Dy tNs Seauiry U�srtument, . <br /> whethuor aotthrn due. , <br /> ---_-�---� UNess I.enQers and Bortowen othemrise ap,ree in wrlttn8�aeY aDPlicadon of prooceds to prindp�i sLall eot exund or posipone the <br /> due dete of the ye�riY Psymentv rofert�edb h►psagrnphs 1 end 2 or elienge t6o aarouat of suoh paymeats. <br />----'�'�° 9. Boiroaers Ptot Rcleased;For6earmoo by Lrndera Noi a Waivu. Extension of tlm time tor payment of modfficatton ot <br /> omortS�ntton of t6e sums secured by this Secmity Instiument�anted ay L,eadeis ro aqy succe.asor in interat of Hoirawers shall not operato W <br /> _��� -- rete�so the tiabillty of the original8oirowcrs or Boaowns'successors fia intesest Leadera stmli not bo required to oommenoe prooeedings <br /> -----= ageinst a►ry auccessor in iaterest Qr rei�se to extend dme for paymeM or dhenvko modt�amo�d�atlon of tho nuns aecured by thi�Security <br /> --�---=� Instrummt by reason of nny demond meda 6y tho ortginal Borroweis or Bonuurers'succavsote In inure.rt. Airy fo�beatmco by Lendeis in <br /> _= pcerc(stng acqr right or nmedy shall notbe a wdver of or preclude thc ezere�e of eny dght or rmedy. <br /> _�- .,��7 <br /> �-_:'��. !0. Successo�s md Asslgm Bowd; IoU►t md Several Liability; Co-signere.'�e oovennnb and agramenis of this Security _ <br /> -==�.;:� Inshument shn11 bind end bene8t the suaes.wn and assigns of L.endus nad Bo�mwas,subJect ro the provlsions of parugrnph IT.Horroweca' <br /> ',`���i� covennnta and ageemenb sholt bo Jointend sereral. <br /> -:.�4;;'"SLr,°"�. <br /> T"°��,��;_"•',;; _ 11.I.egisiatloa Affecdng I.eadera'Righb. If rnac�nent orexpUedon of appitcaDlo Iaws has the e@'ectof rendering afry pmviston of _ <br /> ��;r'`•��� �.:.- the Nom or this Secudry instrumrnt urte�torceeble according w its tams.Leadere,at their option,may requlre immedieta payment ln fuli of nU <br /> ;`_'{'����` , sums sewmd by this Security Insmement and may invoko eny remedtes pennitted by Pazeg�aph 19.If Lmders acerclse Nis opUon,Lendero <br />-'°"°.�'��'_ s2ia11 mks the ateps:pecffied In thosccaad Pata�taP6 ofPazagoPh 17. <br />'i ' - <br />.:F.Nf..'.b.�; -. <br /> . ��_.._ ��. 12. Nodces. Aay notlw to Boaoaor.t provided tor in this Seauity lastrummt ahall be givrn by delivering it or by mnlling[t by <br />�;'�:-�' ftrst clius mall unless rtpplicnble Imv requires use of aaother�e�rotice sha11 bo d3rected to the Propecry nddRSS or any other <br /> w�.tn��n aed�hv nmia m Isndm Aar notiae tn Leadw s6ai1 be sirea bsr&st ctuss mail to Lenders'isdEross sta0ed herotn or eny other <br /> _-`_ -: �^�,: addsess l.eadeia destgnates Dy notice w Bosroaers.Any nodoo pmviAed for In d�ls Seauity Insuument ahott bo deemed to dave been gtvea to <br /> -,�r,.�or�sr.-i• Bormwees ot I.enders whea gtven as ptorided in tlds pamgrrph. <br /> •' ,.�,;. . ,� <br /> .'�.'�':t:a . <br /> • ' t3.Qoveming;Scvexab111ty.1Lis Seevdty Instrument shall be govemed by federol imv und the Iew of t6e Stnte of Nebrasko.In <br /> � the event that any proviston or etause of this Security Iasavmmt or the Note confl[ets wtth applicable law,such conflict sfiell not affect other <br /> � V provisions ofthis Security Instrument orthe Note whfch can be given effeGwithouc the conflicting pmvisfon.'To Utis end the pmvisions of thb <br />_- o �. �� Securiry insuument ond the Note erc deelnr+ed to be uveceblo. <br /> `� •, 14.Borrowera'Copy.Borrowers a6a11 be givrn one confom�ed copy of the NoLC and of this Security Instrument � <br /> . , . 1 S. Transfer of the Property or o BeneflctN Interat in BoTroeers.if all or eny pnrt of tF.t Propetty or�tny tntenest in It is sold or r <br /> .^r, <br /> aanstetred(or if n ec�►eflai�l lnterest ln Bortowers Is soid or transforted end Bortower is not a nauunl person)withat Lenders'prior written <br />, . Z <br /> .� <br />