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Bacrower shall keep the improvements now euisdng on c�reafter erected on the Property <br /> f lnsurtd against loss by fire.hezards included withirt the t�sm "eutended coverage"ead a�y�th�r hamrds�includL�g Elaods or <br /> Qnoddlr►g.for which Lender �equiYes inaurnnce.'Ihis insu:anca sfiall bcs maint�ined in the amouncs and for the pc�tods thut Lend�s <br /> .., , ° � requir�s.'Yhe Insurance cx�irler pmvlding the ius�uaace shall be chosen by Bomnwer sub}ect to Lender's approva!which sholl rtot = <br /> a be unreasonably w1thR�eld. It Borrower fails to meintain covemge described above. Lender may. at Lender's apdon.obtain <br /> .. • coverage to pmt,ect Lender's rlghts in the Pmgerty in sccordance wbh paragraph 7. <br />� � ' ;'�:�" pq lns�cattce polictes and�newals shatt be acceptabla to Lender and shall include a standard mortgaga clause.Lectda shall • <br /> ���. have the rIght to hold the pollcfes aad reuewals.If Lettder requires�Borrower shall prampdy�ive oo Lender WI rtceipts of paid <br /> pm.caiums and reatewal nat�s.In the event of loss,Borrower shall gtve prampt nodce ta the insuiance c�rrler aad Lender.Lender <br />'_`�� T�".` -�� may malco proof of loss if nat made pmmpdy by Barrower. , <br />_;' ' , : Ualess Lender aad Borrower othawise agree in wri� pioceeds shall be applied to cesooraotoa ar repair of the _ <br /> _-`�'�-^. FroP�Y�Sed.if the r�an or repa�r�s economicaily feas�ie and Lender's serurity is aot iea3aied.ff�ha.ast�,-atfr�z a; �''. <br />'='�.',:�;:x:r��� . <br /> reFair Ls not economic�ally feffiible oz Lende,r s secutiry would be lesseaed.the ins�rance praceeds sball be appued co che sums �:�; <br /> ���%r- .:�` secured by this Secudty Insnument, whetber or aot thea due.with aay eaccess paid to Bomower. If Boirower abandons the _ <br />':'����.,� �• propeny,or does not answer avithln 30 days a norice fcom L,exeder that the iasurance camta has offered w seale a claim.then -- <br /> . r,�.�.. ...,•. <br />=__�„,; :.:.:: Lender may collea t2ce insurance proceeds.I�ender may use the pmceeds w repair or mstore the Pcopacy or w gay sums se�und = <br /> .s.,.: . by this Security Iasttument,whether or not thea due.The 30-day pedod wili begin when the nodce ls given. <br /> -�"'.'`;�c� Ualoss Lender�d Borrawer ostieawise agree in writinB�any appllcadon of pmceeda w principal shall nat eactend or postpone - <br /> - � ' " the due date of the monthlY paYments refemd to in para�apbs 1 and 2 or cdange the amouat oF the paymeats.If ander pata�r+ph �. <br />�'1:`.'�,a:'.,,�• 21 the Propeny is asqWred by Lemdet, Bonowes's rIght w any ins�uance polfcies and praceeds msulting ftom damaga m du � <br /> .,y. -;.�' . AroPe�tY prior w the acquisidon shari pass to L.ender w the eutenc of the swns secured by this Secutity Iastruraent immedifuely � <br /> j`°:,�. prlos to the acquisidon. <br /> ,.�.. �;;,a:. 6.Oocup�s�sacY�Praerv�tlon►Matatenance aud Protectioa of the Property, Borro�rer's Loan Applic�ttont I.easehoWa <br /> -�'`':r Boirower sheli occupy.esrab�sh,and use the Prape�ty es Bamewer's prindpal r�tdenee within si�cty days af'�i the execudon of <br /> ;.�,:,�a <br />,:;���;; dds Sec�ulty Iasnnnrmeac aad ahall condnue to accupy the Propeny as Boaowa's prlacipal r�esldence fur at least one year after the <br /> . .,.:.ry date of occupancy. vnless Leadea otheraise agrees in arldug, ahich consent sdall not be unreasonably wIthheld,or unless <br /> yY .r.,�. � <br /> ';-`>�,- e�cteauating�ees�ist which are beyond Borrower's contcol.Borrower shafl not desnvy�damaSa or iraapaie the Fiaperiy. _ <br />`��-.:��.: �r the Pro�}�y w de�e:iorate,ar commit waste on the Property. Bon�oaer shall be in defanQt if any fasfeiw�e acdon or <br />.__sF�'.-;�y� Y�'J <br />:�-_�._.'-'�� prr�,rlr�lin�,ahether dvil� begun that ut I.euder's Bood faith.hid8mea►t could result in forfeiUUe of the Ptoperiy ar <br /> �:_""���;:� � othexwLse materially impa�r t4e liea cceated by this Securtty Instcu�aent or Lender's security iaterest Boaower may cure such a <br /> --�.:,,,t,: d�fsuU and zr38state.aa pzovided in paia�aph causing the acdon or�roceeding to be dismissed with a ruling ttsat�jn <br />__T.�r,�.� �, � <br /> :-.;,'���,:;F. Leadu s geofl fairh detertn�nadon,Procludes foifeidm of the Bo�rower's inter�st ia the Propercy ar otha mate�eial jmpai�msnt ef <br /> _�;`,�����,� . the Iiea c�tad by this Sccwity Instiuraent or Leader's s�in�Bosrower shall also be in default If Bom�wer.ducing the <br /> 4��-���.� loan appficadoa process.gave meDer��ally faLSe or iaacc►n�ate iafoimation or slateme�m I.ender(ar failed to pmvide I.ender with _ <br /> --- any mster}a� infermadon) la conneesi�on with the Wu►evidenced Dy the Note.inciuding,but not 1Laiud to, cegresentadons <br /> .-��,�.,-_� cona,ming Bomowea's occupancy of the Prapaty as a princtpal rrstdence.If this Se�ity Insnument is on a leasehold.Bomowa <br />��:�°�;�R��� shall oomply with alt the gsavLsions of the lease.If Bomower acquic+es fee etle to the Property,tha leasehold and the fee dde shall <br /> _° n.,�,,.,�� aoi merge ualess Lemder agtces w the merger in wrldng. <br /> ...----�—'`'��= 7.Protection of E,ender'a Itights ia the Property. 1f gonuwer feils ro gerfatm the crneaanB aad ag�net►ts cantained in <br /> --�s° tWs Sxarlty lnsunment�os d�re is a 1e8�P��B��N'��Y affect Leader's rIgt�ts in the Prope�ty(such a9 s <br /> ...w.��. �ro�edin8 ia ba�auP�Y.I��for condemnation or forfeiaue or oQ eafo�e lawa or nguladans).thea Yrmda may do aad pay <br /> -.—-�=_= for whaoever is aaxssury to protxt the value of the Propaty and Leader's rtghts in du PYOperry.Leada's ecdons may includa <br /> --� P�8 �►Y sums sa�ued by a Iien which has priority over tbis S�► Ins�rumeat,apP�B ��.PaY�►8 reasonable <br /> attera�ys'fas aad eatering on the Propeny to msfce npaies.Altkough Lender may taka aqion uada this pa�agraph 7�Leadar <br /> ='�� does noi 6ave to do so. <br /> �`�;-"��� Any emo�nts dis6ucsed by Lender under this�h 7 s6a11 be�ome addtdonal debt of Boanwer securtd by this S�aulty <br /> - - L�staument. Unkss Barrowa and Leader agcee to other taa�s of payatea�these amonats shall bear intacst&om the date of <br /> -� � dlsbursement et[he No�a cata and shall be payable.aith inurest.�on notice imm Lemda to Borroaer roquesting gayment <br /> -- a Mortgage Iosvranca If Lender requiced moitgage insucance as a�ondiaon of maldng ths loan scc�rcd by this Sa.�uity <br /> _ - Insuument� Bonower shall pay the premiums req�d to maiatain the rno:tgage ias�ranoe in effax. If. for any c�ason.tha <br /> - mprt�ge ins�uaace coverags required by Lender lapses or ceasea to be ia eff�t,Borrowet shaU pay du pretniums requind ro <br /> _ ------= obmfrt covuaEe s¢bstandaUy equivaleat w the martgage ins�u�►ce prevIously ia eS� a cvst sub.ctantially equivalent ou the <br /> _ _ cost to Bomower of the matgage iasarance pnviously in effect. fmAe an altemste mongage insurer approved Uy Lxudar.If <br /> _- =��' substantially aluivaleat mongage insiusiaa cove:age is aoi availabie.Boncow�sdall pay to I.ender each month a sum equal m = <br /> _- ,�;;;,._ � <br /> --JS�;�� onatwelfth of the yeariy manga,ge in.guraace Premium beia8�id 1�Y Bor.�wc�urh�the�nsurance wverage�Spsed or ceassd w ` <br /> �-�,�- be in e�'est Leuder ajil aaep�nse ead mmia payments as a toss re�ve!n iteu of mortgage iasusance.Loss cese�ve <br /> -�;A,y�:'�: - <br /> ''"'' Fo►m 30Y8 9/�D <br /> � ,•.r _ <br /> - �;c=`,'''� : Initltls <br /> _ ._�;;;. . � �-ea�Nqro�,�, 000.sme =- <br /> ��i>. ,:6 • '�. b c�. <br /> ..:t�:,:.i.'..' - , b� . = <br /> �o - <br /> r <br /> ��r.:,� '�—.r F. <br /> � - <�_ .- �.r=.�.-- .:-r�-r-. . .. �—. _ . --. - � . _ <br /> . .:. .;- . , . �.... 7_�P�a-`�_. �- . -�- . <br /> .�� _ A' .. . . .�. � e <br /> .�'�'�7;;1".�.. �.l"r'"".':. . <br /> ' ' ..,�1Qy1F�lr t .. . 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