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<br /> � � 'POti�1'I�R W1TH all the impmvements now or heaeaftcr erected on the pmperty.and all easements�aPPurtenances�and �; .
<br /> � � &wres now or henafter a psirrt of the propesty.A11 replacements and additions shall also be covemA by this Securiry Instrument �A
<br /> .;�,,..,,,�; All of the foregoing ia referrEd w in this Securtry Insaument es the"Pcoperty." .�•
<br /> �,.' BORROWBR COVBNANTS tbat Botrower is leafully seised af the estate hereby conveyed aad 6as the tight to gsant end '
<br /> -; , oonvey the Property and tdat the Property is uneucumbered,except for cncumbrunces of record.Borrower�,vnrrants RnA�vUl
<br /> __..� defend penaally the dtle to the Property aSaiast a11 claims and demends.subjea to any encumb�ances of record �u:
<br /> ,�,2'T��..� o
<br /> :x,: ._' THIS SSCURITY IIVSTRLJ1VII�.NT combiaes uniforrn covenauts for nadonal use and non-unif�n covenants with liraited
<br />'-�� vaiiadons by jurisdicdon m consdwte a�mifomn sx�rlry 1usa�um�nt covecing real pmpeny.
<br /> Y• UNffORM COVENANTS.Bonower and Lender coveAant and a�ce as follows:
<br /> . � ° ' _ 1.Pa ent ot Primc[pul and Iateresti PrePeymwt and Late Charges. Boaower shell promPtiY Pay whe.n due We ,�.
<br /> Jm
<br />- � T'+� P�indPal of and mtaest on the debt cvidea�c,�d b�*thc�:oUe 3sedl eny grep�yment and late cbarges due under the Note. ±-=-
<br /> -�:'`�".�", 2.Funds for Taxes eud Insurance. Subject to applicable law or tn a wriuen aaiver by Lereder, Borrower shaU pay to
<br /> , �:�;. '.���� �
<br /> _. :,�� Lender on the day montlily paymenta ere due andea the Not��undl the Note is patd in fuII.a sum("Funds")far.(a)YearlY t�s `'_
<br /> ="==" • � peny;(b)yearly leasehold payn►ents —
<br /> c'�t�. � and assessmenu which may atmir►p�IOritY over tbis Se�uaity Insuument as a llen on the Pro
<br /> �°,... . � (c)yearly hezerd or prope�ty insurance premiums;(d)Yearly flood insurance premiums.if —
<br />_;���;;�;,�: � or�ound rents on the Propesty.if anY:
<br />-- �.� any:(e)YeaT1Y mortgage insurance premiums.if an�:°s�d(��Y�PaYable by Borrower to accardance wlth the f
<br />-��'�' provlaions of parap�gph 8,in lieu of the payment of moitgage insureace Premi�ms. T��t�s a�e�� °�'0W I�"
<br /> �-�;r.;�,•
<br /> __��__.� Leader aay t�ne.coUeat and hold Fbnds ia r�►emount not w exoeed the maximum amount a lendea for a fedecaily relaLed
<br />`-;;:�;-�,"� mortgage loan anay requi�e far Bo:mwer's escrow axount under the fedesal RealB�te Seulematt Pcacedures Act of 19T4 as
<br /> _;:.�;;`�•:�. araeaded from ame to arae�12 U.S.C.Secdon 2601 er siq. ("RESPA"),unless anotha 1aw that applies t,o the Fua�s sets a le.sser _
<br /> ..,�:}�;—=—� amounL If sa,Lzndei any dme.collect and hold Funds in en amouat not to exceed the lesser amoun�Lr,nder may
<br /> �:�r esdmate the amount of Fuads due an the basis of c�meat data and reasonable estimat,es of c�cpemdiwres of fumre Escmw Iums ar
<br /> m
<br /> ` olhawtse in accorda�tce wlth appl�Cable laa.
<br />"�.S;A�._ '�ho Funds sball be held in aa iASdaidon whose deposits are insumd by a fodetal agettcy.insorumenmlity.or entity(including
<br />-_._•.::� Leader.if Lender is such an�sdturion)or in ar►y Federal Hwae Loan Bank.Leader sha11 apply the Funds to pay the 8scaow
<br />,._.�;���r�� Items.Lender may not charge Bnrrower for holding and apglying the Flmds,annually aaaly�ln$the esaow account,or vctlfyin8 `
<br /> ,.;�,� the Escrow Ite�ns.anless Leader pays Bonower intaest on the Fuads and applicable law pamits I�ender W make snch a charge.
<br /> �:.�.�.��.'� I��wever,Leader may require Bomower to pay a an�time charge for an independent real estate ra�c repuidn8 service used by
<br /> -� Lender in connadoa wlth this loan�unless applicabie law provides othuwL4e.Untess ea agreemenc is mede or appiic�bie law -
<br /> �-:(_��,,�'�._ , requ�res interesc to be paid,Lender shall not be required to pay Bosrower any interest or eamings on the Fuads.Botrower and
<br /> :".`'"`""z in wrlting.however.ttrat stwll be paid on the Funds.Lender shall give to Honewu.without
<br />- - �__-{��: I.cudes maY agree
<br /> _--=�`',��,t ananual accountinng of the Funds,showing credits and debits to the Funds and the pw�pose for whicb each debit to the Fuads was
<br /> ----•3.-a�. e
<br /> _—�=�-�-'�.� made.The Fundst are pledged as addidonal security for ell sums secured by this Security Insuument
<br /> -- -�=�=: If the Funds hdd by L�nder a�cceed the amounts penaiued to be held by appllcable law,L�eader sdall account to Boirower for
<br /> - ---„�.�.:.�� tbe excess Funds in accordance witt►the requirements of spplicable 1aw.If the amount of the Funds beld by Lender at any ame is
<br /> __ -- --.�� not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due.Lender may so notify Bormwer ia v�mdng.and,in such case Borrowu shall pay
<br /> 1°��� to Lender the amount ne�sary to make up the deficiency. Borrowu shall make ap the deficiency in ao more thaa twelv�
<br /> -� _--- raontbly payments,at Lender's sole discm,tioa.
<br /> _�_.r,. U�n paymeat in full of atl sums secured by this Securiry Insa�ument,Lender shall pmmptly refvnd w Borcowu any Funds
<br /> -- hetd by Lender.If.under paragraph 21.Lender shall acquire or setl the Propeny�Lender,W'ior w d�e ac9uisition or sale of the
<br /> —.- _= propetty�shall apply any Funds held by Leader at the rime of acquisidon or sale as a cre�it against the sums sec�ued by this
<br /> -� Security Iasmunenc
<br /> � 3.Application of Payments. Unless applicable law provides othawise,all paymenu receaved by Lender undea para�raphs
<br /> 1 and 2 shatl be applled:first,to any prepayraant ctiarges due under the amounts payable under par�aph 2;
<br /> _ - --��-, iateaest principal due;and 1ast�to any late chacges due�nder the Note.
<br /> - - - 4.Cdarges;Liens. Bonower shall pay all taxcx.assessraeuts.charges. fines aad impositlor�eta�urable to the Proparty
<br /> -= which may attain priariiY over this Sec�uiry Insorument,and leasehold paymeats or grouad rents.if aay.Bouower shaU pay thesa
<br />—_�--"- obligations in che manner provided in paregraph 2.or if not paid in that manner.Bouowes shall pay them on t�Cae dirccdy w the
<br /> -- pason owed payment Bomnwer shall promptly fumish to Lemder all nodces af amounta tm be paid under tdis paragrapb.If
<br /> -� Boirowu makes these payme,�u dirxtly,Bom�wer shall pmmptly fwraish w Lender receipts evideacing the payments.
<br /> __._..__-�.�,� Borrower shell prornpdy discharge any]ten which das priority over tbis Security Insuument unlesg Bormwer:(a) agras in
<br /> — -- writing to the payment of the obligadon secnred by the ltea in a mAnner acc�eptable to Lender;N)contesrs in good faith the lien
<br /> ___ - by,or defends against enforceme�ni of the lien in, legal proceedings which in the L.eader's opinion operate tn pievent the
<br />_-���.� enforesmeau of t�e Iiea:o:(c)secures from the holder of the lien an agreennent�actary�o Leader subordinatinB the ken to
<br />--__ -�� this Seauity Ins�umen�If Lender detsrmines that any part of the Prop�tty is subject w a lien which may attsin prioriry over this
<br />-;�,�,�;,m,� Security Iaswmenc,Leade�may give Borrower a notice identifying the lien.Borrower shall sadsfy the liea or mke one or aeore
<br /> _ _;:��� of the acdons set forth above within 10 days of the giving of aotice.
<br /> Y�� Form 90�8 OtoO
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