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"' _' <br /> o , ' <br /> ♦ � <br /> �� . ��, 9 5- 10'��3'� <br /> � in tho aveM ot a loss,the Qorrower eheli glve promyt�ottoe to the inauranae oattiar e�the lendor and flte e proot of loee. tf tha Borrower ie not <br /> ' " otherwlee In defeult,the 8orrower mey eieot to appiy ths tnsuranae proaeede to tepalr or reptaoe the dameged P�opetty,if eoonomioNiy feae[bta,end <br /> '• „� the seoudry of tlils Truet Oeod wouid nat be Impalred. it the 8onower le in default o►oieote�ot to rcpafr or tepinoo the dame3ed Properry or repeir �� <br /> � , or teplaoament wou�d�ot 000nom�oally feeeib�e o►the seoudty of this Truat Deed would be impaired then the ineutanoe ptooeedt thali be epp0ed to <br /> •. .,� the last metu►inp payments due on the Note. it the insuronae prooeedt a�e In exoess ot the totei amount due on eaid Note,ths exoeao shetl be paid <br /> o , to the Borrower. inauranoe prooeeds for repair o►�eptsaement ehNl be pieoed in eeorow wlth the Lendet and dleburoed by the Lander du�tng or upan „ <br /> " oompletion ot euon repair or tepfeoement. If the Lernler aoquitos dde to the Property by exerofring its powe�ot esle,foreolosuro or otherwiae,in <br /> , eaUafaotlon of the lndebtedne:e ceoured heroby�in whole or In pert,then ell dght,Uqe and intereat ot the Borrowet tn and to suoh inauanoe po�loy <br /> or pdioiee ehail pase w the Lende►. <br /> U � 4. Tha Borrower ehall keep the Property in good repei�artd eheli not oommit waete or pertnft fmpalrment or detedornNon of tl►e P�operty. <br /> ,,,�_... <br /> � 6. H the Bor�ower felia to: fe)maintein or pay the premiume for tho required ineuranoe of the P�operty,or(b)pay taxee befote deUnquent,or <br /> lol pay any amount due undo►e prlor moRgage or uust dead betore detlnqueM,or td1 mainteln tMe Property lo good repstr,or te)perfortn <br /> eny of the oovenenu or agreomente of thia Truet Oeed,then the l endet moy,at ite opUon,pey euoh inaurenoe ptemtuma,taxes,mortgage <br /> or quet deed peymente,or make repeiro and dleburoe suoh eums and take suoh aaUon st it deems neaeesary to protoot he interert without <br /> waiving or eNeodng Its dght to deoiaro or defautt end eooelerate the debt eeoured herebY beoause of arry euoh taUure of the 8orrower. Any _ <br />---�'"-�"'-� emounte so diebursed by the Lender ehatl oonatitute addidonat indebtednsas of the 8orrower seoured by this Taat OeeO and shell bear interoet <br /> . }rom the date ot die6ureemant at the mte payab►e under the Note. Nothing oonteined in thls pamgraph ohall tequiro the lender to make any � J� <br /> • ,; �uoh disburoeme�ta or take amr aodon whateoevet. <br /> . � <br /> � � 8. The Lender may make or oeuse to be made reasonabie ent►fas upon and inspeotlon of the Property. <br /> , .. � . <br /> � . . 7. The proceede of any award o�oleim tor damapes,direot or ootKegttendai,in conneotion wit!►any oandemmUon or othsr teklnp of ths <br /> -. � Property,or part theroof,or for oomeyanoe in ileu ot oondemnstlon,sro hsroby ataignad and shail be paid to the Lender to ths extam of the <br /> . o°>° fitli amount of the roma(ning unpatd tndebtedness eeoured by this Truat Oeed. ; -. <br /> �qp;, :,: <br /> ,-� � It the Property Is abandonad by the Bor�ower,o�,it after noUoe by the Lendet to the Botrower tAat the oondemnor offero to m�ke an awerd - <br /> _ . `4 `. or settte a oieim tar demages.the 8onower failt w respond to the Lender withtn 30 deys efter the date suoh rtotioe la maiied,tAs Lsnder <br /> ,`,, • b autAorized to aolieot and apply ths proaeode to the aums seourod by thia Trust Deed. <br /> , � a� �' CondemneUon prooeede or awards ahsil be oredited to the leat metu�ing installmena of the lredcb!erlr+:s aooured end ehall oot extettd ot '��A <br /> „ poetpone tha due date o!the Inatatiments rofened to in peragreph 1 heroof or ohenge the emount of suoh inatallmeMe. <br /> •.� .�'� <br /> 8. B the LenAer iaaues a partiei roleaee of thts Truat Oead,the proceede�eoetved tAerefor shatl be oredited to ths lest matudnp insteliments of '':;�;' <br /> •� the indebtedness eeaurod hereby. -" <br /> 'A �)=2:': <br /> � ,{ 9. It the Lender either votuntedly or irrvoluntarlty beoomes a party to eny euit or Iegei prooeeding teletlng to the Property,Note or thit Ttust Deed, ;;;':�� <br /> ' +� then the Borrower wiil retmbu►ae the Lender tor ui eosta end,to the extent permitted by Iew,rosaonable attomay�'feea fnaurted by the ?� <br /> � �i � lender reladnp to euoh euit or legai prooeedtnps and�ald wms shdi oonsdtute eddktond Irdebtednest seaurod by this Trust Qe�d�nd bear �=--• <br />- ' �: �� Intereat at ths�ete payabte under the Note,unUi paid. <br /> �: F <br />_ , .� � 10. A�eddittonsl aeaudq,4he BoROwer does heroby asaig�,u+ensfer end aet over to ths Lerder,in oase of defauh M ths p�rformanoe ot amr <br /> of the termt or oondidorro of thia Tru�t Oeed,the Note or the tertne ot any indebtedness ssoured heroby,a!I of ths tenp.tswtwn and am► <br /> Nrooms of eny type wMatsoevar te bs dsBved irom the Property,inotuding Isnd oontraot peyme►�. TAe Lender,in penon,by�psnt or by ' <br /> z* roaetver,without rogerd to the solvenoy or(nsobsnoy ot the Borrower or the vdue of the Propeny,ehait bs enUtled to qke pos�es�ion of, <br />-".:���''�• ropatr,ront end menege the Property end to ootieot the ronte.�evenuea and inoome thorofrom and it mey pay out nf�atd inoome dt s�enses <br />_��;�+ ; ,;�. ot�epNt end oosq Inourced in rendng and maneping the Property end ootleotfng�ents and tor psymeM of insuranoe premiurm with any <br /> y� � ��'�"-' romd�ng batenae to be applled to tM tast meturing paymente of the dsbt seourod heroby. Upon prossnUng a oopy ot this TruK Deed and <br /> ° ''`F demand to any lemee, teneM or oontraot rohaser oi the Pmperty.suoh peraon sheq psy alt ronte,peyments snd proflts aootued or <br /> -:�� rf� P� <br />�f�2.�'`. .� thereafto►aoauing to Me Lender uMtl turthar notloe hom the Lendet. <br /> .,:,... <br />���_�,:-�;; �` 11. M etl or any pert of the Property or eny inteteat therein Is desded, solety by land oontraot or otherwiss oomreysd.Nisnated or turtfin <br /> �'if. _�'� ,t aneumbered etther vdumadly or irnoluntedly w(81out the lendsYt pdor w�itten 000tooL szoluding(a)�trantf�r by opn�don of��w�rpoo <br /> tAe death ot e JoiM tenaM o►(b)the groM of any teesehWd iMerest not oontdning an optlon to purohass wkh s tsas term of two y�ara or <br />_`..°="'=•-'.- Ises.or ta)the oroaUon of the purohese money s�oudty interest in hou�eAotd ap�limwes,then ths Lendsr mAy,at itt opUon,deolw NI w�►» <br />-'°-�ti_�y..,_� w <br />_,-�,..p,,. �eaurod by thb Trun Deed to be tenmediatefy dus and psyable. <br />-.;����ana'�� <br /> �°i°'��4°=�� 12. Upon the Bortowee'ebresah of eny oovenant or agreement of the Bortower in this Twot Oeed,inotudtnp ths oovenaMe to pay wAen dw an►r <br /> ��-�-=��y tums�eoured b�►tNt Tntrt Detd.ths Lender,et itt optton.may deoiaro atl ot the sums ssourod bY��T�u�t De�d to bs immediately dus <br />__—�~��?�i��i.';;�I end payabls without furthe►demend end may Imoke the power of eate and/or eriy othsr romedtei ptlrmttted by appitoabte bvr fnoluding ths <br /> •'�� ' dght to foroaloss thN Twst Oeed In the menner provided by law for Ne foreotosuro of mortgegea on roai ertate.The Lender thsti bs�ntitid <br />'-"''"`` f ro eaileat ati teasonabis aosts and expen�ss inaunod in pursuirtp suoh romedies inotudtnp.but eot Iimited to.and to the exteM penNttad by <br /> - �����r� bw,reaconabls ettomeys'feea. <br />�`��,��' If the power of eete is imoked,the truetee ehatl r000rd e notioe of defeuit in eaah eouMy in wAioh the PropeRy or some part theroot b looat�d <br /> ``'-"''�:��.a__ md provide nodea tAsreot in the menner prosodbed by oppqoeble lew. After tAe lapas of suoh dme se may bs►equtnd by applic�blt law, <br /> _� .'' tho TMStes�Adl give pubito noUoe of sals to the psnons end in Me manner presoribsd by appitoabte Isw. The Trwtee,or ths moms�r tor - <br /> "� tAs Trustes,without demand on ths Borrower,shdl se0 the Property at pubtfo auotlon to the highest btdder at the tlme and p1ao��nd under <br />���.,�,. Ne terms designated in tho notloe ot�ets in ons or moro psroel�endln euoh ordsr aa ttro Trunss mey dstermfm. Ths Ttttite�msy postporro <br />���.�� eaie of etl or er�y paroet of the Property by pubtio announoement at the tLrte end plaoe ot amr prevloualy whsduted tats. Ths lendu or ffie <br /> .. �' lender�dedgnee mey purohase the Properiy at amr sale. <br />_3'%;1T;,f��- <br />�'F' :"`;-�` . Upon reoeipt o!paymeot of the pdoe bid,tAe T�ustee 9hatl deliver to Me purohaaer�T�uetee'�Oeed,wfthout wanenty.oorneyinp the <br /> ,_+{! •.Y: " Propsrty eotd.TAe rooitet�in the Truatee'e Oead shefl be pdms feoie svidenoe ot the uuM of the eteteme�m mads therein.TAe Trustee�hali -_ <br /> appty the prooeeds of the eate in the totior�irtg orders te1 to all reesonabia eoste end expenees ot the eaie,inoiuding,but not Iimited M,the _ <br /> ° ° ' , Tn�etee'e fees of not eeoro then 4�00.00 plua.596 of the amount eeaured heroby and romaininp unpaEd.and ooate of ti8e svidenos;tb3 to -- <br /> • aA eums aeoured by thia Truet Deed;and(o)the exoess,if eny,to the pemon or persona�egaily erniHed theroto. <br /> . ., .�.,;: _ <br /> � 13. My forMsranas by ths Lender in ezeroising emr�Ight or romedy Aerounde�,or othsrwis�allordsd by appAoaEt�isw,shaU rtot be�watv�r <br /> . �:w <br />_ ;- ` of or preoEuds Me exeraise of emr cuoh rtght or romedy in the evetn of ooMinuing or tuture breaohea b�the 8orrower. -- <br /> '�:�. <br /> (�+ 14. !UI remedies provtded i�thia Truet Deed ere dttdnot and oumulaUve to eny other�ight or romedy under tNs Trust Osed or aHord�d by t�w <br /> � or equity,end may be exerefeed eonourrenUy,tndependenUy or suooeaeivNy. � <br /> �' �, <br /> # 15. upon peymerit of ail�uma�seurod by this Teuet Oeed,the Lender ehell request tAe truetee to r000mrey ths Propsrly ard ahdl sunend�r tAis <br />-z =:'S''� T�uat Deed and ep noros evideneing indebtedneaa seaured by thia Truet Deed to the Y�ustee.The Trustee shati r000rney tAe P►aperty n�tthout <br />'_• _�,;,ti� wsnanty to the penon or penona IepaQy enUUed theroto. Suoh person or peroons ehe(1 pay eil oosri of roeordadon,if am►. <br />- ,� � 18. Tho Lander,at the Leeder'e optlon,mey from ttme to tlme romove the Tn»tee and appoint�euooessor Trustee to eny T�ustse eppotnted <br />_- __= nereuaaer oy en�nstiumeet�eoomea m me ooumy tn wmon ctue Ttuat veea ie r000roeu. Y1ntROUt oorrveyanoe oi me w000�sor <br />- " Truatee ehali sueeead to eIi tlUe,power end dudea oonferced upon the Tniatee heroln end by eppUoebio taw. <br /> = 17. Exeept for eny noUoea,demende,roqueare or other oommu�toatiorro roqulrod under epplloabte law to ba givea in another menner,whenever <br />°*'� the lender,the Qortower ar Me TrusMe <br /> o givea or eenres sny nodce pnoluding, without IlmiteUon, notloe of defautt end nodoe of ealel, <br />= demarde,roqu6ats a other oommu�toation whh roapeot M thfa Truat Oeed,eaoh auoh noHoe,demeeM,request or otAer oommunfoetlon ehe�t <br />_ � be in wrfUng en0 ehaA ba ofteotive only It the eamo�a dettvered by peroonat servioe or maEied by oerdtied mdl,poetege prepefd,rotum rooeipt <br /> - roquested,addro�eed to the eddreaa eet torth at the beg�nning of thia Truet Oeed.A oopy of any nodoe of defau�t,er�y nodoe of eale,requirod <br /> ' or pem�itted to bo glven hereunder.ehe{i be metled to each peroon who ie a paety Aeroto et the eddrose sot torth at the beglmdng ot this Truet <br /> Ooed. Any party mey a:any dme ohenge ite nddreee for suoh notloea by deilvedng or matUng to the other pertlua theroto,ea etoreeaid,e <br />-=� eoNoe ot suoh ohange. Any notloe herourMer eheli be deemed to hme been given to the Borrower or the Lerdor,when given in the manner <br /> � deafgneted herein. <br /> ' , CC 2088 (Hev. t1861 �. <br /> �.. <br />