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<br /> �` � l�19M��t1U1TY L1NE AGftEEMENi' Q`,1` �
<br /> TRUS7 DEED �,
<br /> � -
<br /> Y'IitS TRUST OEEQ,mads tMs 14 dsy ot �ctober_ .18 9S .by and�rtwnp the Truttor.
<br /> Aovarl� * T�nl fn antl Rnhart i1 Wn]_fn� �.+i fa anei htLahanA ��
<br /> lherun'Bonawat').
<br /> whos�mafUng eddreat is - -
<br /> ��pn���BBnk, Natioaal Association ,th.r.to-Tans•'I.Andu►s
<br /> v.,.;,..,s� eaa��iaGio� .whoaem�iqrp�ddms�b�00 Farnam Stteet. _
<br /> . Beneflctary,FlnTler Aan�,s —
<br /> Ort� ha Nphrask� �At(1? (h�nUt'i.�►►d�r'1.
<br /> OORROWER.U ooneMoretlon of th�fedeetednns Mrein naMv�d�nd ths trust h�tei�onated.ittevoo�blY Ynnts.tranttsn,conv�Yt�^a n��tO
<br /> T�csw.in TRUST.WITH POWER OF SALF,d�fallowinp d�=odb�d property.loaated tn Hal i County. Nebraeka
<br /> Lot 9, Block 1, Normandy Batates, City of Gsand Island, 8�11 County. Nebtaska.
<br /> TOGlTH�R witA aN buikqnps.fbRures,improvementa and agpurtsrurass nbyr or M»aitor�rooted tMr�orr�nd al!dQhtoof-w�1A����u,�id�
<br /> i�.Proftb.inoam�.t�n�►mta.Asnditamenu.Privibp�s.�ppuK�nsna�s.royaltia.ud rnin�nl.oil,pn and watu dyht�tMnunto batonpinp
<br /> or�n►oYrd wtih saM land or�rry par�tiwr�of.sN of wNoh,ttaludinp nplao�ment��nd addt�one Msnto shali b�da�nNd to b��nd nsaatr+�part of
<br /> ths prop�rty aovsnd by thts Ttust Qs�d:�nd aD ot t1»for�poing togsthsr wfth satd propsrty�n h�nin nfan�40�s t!w°Ptoporty'
<br /> TO SECUAB w L�nd�r t!M np�nt o}�nd�btrdn�sa wid�nc�d by 6ortow�fs Ham�Equiql Um Lom Ayr�rt and Flan�Equ1t1►Not�drtd
<br /> A�r nhnr 1 G,18 q 5 •top�tMr wlth�ny and al1 nmw�Jo,modiflo�tlons,md exton�fons tA�raof and�ubaStuUons or�xchan�s tl►arefor
<br /> (henin tM•Nou")in tM msxlmum prinaipat sum outetenQTng et amr one tima ot 4 3Q,,Q^�►��n �topethet wtth intstest�at the rate
<br /> provid�d tA�retn,vWtA a tind matudty.ff not aooner paid,of � �.��. artd q aeoudty fer eny tutur�advanoes th�t mey
<br /> p�msQ�by ths Lsnder to the Bortower hom tlme to dme end as ssour y for t te paymen""- t of arry aed a��ather tndebtednase of the Borrower to ths
<br /> Lsnd�►whloh m.y aris�.aU of�atd eums not to sxoeed M the egpngats a sum squd to thrs�tt�es the oriOinW P��9��unt oi Me Note. For
<br /> purpos�s of ths Hom�EWitY Uns Loan AproemeM,puap�aphs 2.3,4,6 and 11 6etow�hall i»ds�msd aovanarns roletin0 to the Propsrty. _
<br /> _ QORROWER ew�nma that ths Borrow�r is I�wtutty seli�d ot Ns Propnrty hereby eonveyed and he�the rfpht to pmrit and eomey ths ProPeM.�
<br />�' tM prop�Ry Is umnaumbtrad by eM►mortgape.trust d�sd,aonVSOt to purohase or otherwlse,exoept for a Deed Of Ttuet
<br /> In tavor of Eaui able Bua.lding A*+d oan
<br /> °= on wNoh th�unpald baUnes on Ws date does not exoe�d 4 . The Bomow�r aovsn�Ms w camplY wkh d�tAs tem+s and
<br /> -.�...�........:..�.r.� . .�een:1u Pimertv a�d to meke ail paymmtb ffi�roon bsfots tAey beean�
<br />� Dravi�iam oi�6iivi m�.:y.ir�«•�•�••��.---._�_ ._._._..----
<br /> ' 6�11nqwM. if eo nme ot amount i�Ins�RSd tn thi�parapraph,then the 8orrower aovinant�that thero ars no pdor(tens or s�rer�es or.nr�
<br />- upon shs Prop�rty. Ths Bonowu turtAn eov�nant�to wattar�t and defend the tltte m the Prop�rtV�Oeinat el�°�e��^°°�d°^^snds.
<br />-' Th�Bo�YOw�r and th�lMder(urth�f oovenaM aM+1gros 0s tottowr.
<br /> '� 1. th�ttortow�t thall pranpUy pey when diee the pdnrstpat and interoat on t!ro Indebtedness wWenaed b1►the Note.
<br /> �� Z� Prop�ttyto�n�p rtfthtroof,and d�tex s�j t�iei end e tasmeMs�s°Yiried upon thira Trust�Dee�or U�ie debt1wAtoA it seouro s���t the
<br /> � 3. Th�8orrow�r shatt keep the Irt�rovemente and bulldirtet,ft any,upon tha Propetty irourod,wkh e comD�ny or oompsrdes eppmved bY the
<br /> a
<br /> wlti+toi�payebl��o h��L��mf��Ths 8onowo eha del'ivsr eatd potloydor popot s to hs lender��Qe����standard mortgaDe auss =
<br />_°� cc:aee te.v.�ree►
<br />