'�_ ^ e� - . . . � r.' t(.�T Y 5 rii?:�'��`'��,�1� .
<br /> ... j�5d34`�'�� � .
<br /> , � '•S-':�. . . ,. . n����l,:j�. . '.;;r: .
<br /> � ��•
<br /> -yY�yyi6«�+- . . - � . -� . �� . :i....
<br />- .. . n rii��,..�. .—� _ � - .�—.e..i....._ '.__Y._ ...-._ __.�_��,utiL. -� ..
<br /> � � . 9 5-- �1��� "y.�
<br /> �� by thle Moatgage.Mortgago�r etu►1I pu3t to Mort�gee the amouat oi aay defloienoy betwoen the satusl t�ee.aore�s�
<br /> u
<br /> . . mente.faaurauce premiume and giouad reat4 and the deposits bsreunder withla 10 d�ys atter demand is made upon -
<br /> ., Mo�a�oxreqaerqa��yment theseo�
<br /> , � S. lt�ytis.3R�iatanaitw and II�.9b promptl,y repafr.reatore os sabuild any bu11dln�a or i�upravements aow os
<br /> here�tter oa the Proper�r;to kaep the Propera►in aood oaaditlon and repalr.wlthcnt aaate�snd�+ee Lram m°°hanto's or
<br /> � oLher liens noi ezyreis?y suborafa�ted 4o ehe llen hereo�aot to mako,sui[as oz Permit+►qy nWaamoe to e�Lt,aor to .
<br /> , dimldih Ba lmyair tDe v�ue o4 the ProDesRy bY�►q�►cot oz omisilon to aot:end to aompl�avitH sll requbrementa oi lsw
<br /> with respsot t�Rhe E+roPe:W
<br /> � 7. Oond�maa�loa.Ia ths�veat the Propsri�. or�r y�►st thereo�rhsll be tslcea by emineat domain.the
<br /> ,� --��,�� Mortgagee is em�owered to oollecE e�d�+eaeire dl ao�goaaatloa wbioh'mqg►be paid for�►prr�Ps�t,9 Wrea or for dat�
<br /> . °�,"�"�"�� +��PY'aP�iv aot takea.and Mo�se�atl aPD�►�ioh oomp�oa.at t4e optlon,ei48or ia a�cdu�Yion of tho
<br /> � �"`��' fadeDtedaecs aeoused hereby os W repair aad sertoae the yroperRy so d�m�ed.
<br /> • .. .. �
<br /> , , d. �aiosmanos by�[os0�.Mort�ages mt�►.but sL�ll tuve ao obligaflon.W do aay aot wLioh tho Mor�gagor `,�
<br /> n has am�aed but faiLr t�do.and Moitga$�e mey aUo do ax�y w►c i:deems neoe�tae8 W Proteot the lien hereo�Moitgngor
<br />° - - . ` ��to segr��vpoa demend.aqy sn�s so espsnded by ths Mort�a�ea for the above pur�wres,and a»y aume so
<br /> . � ' mcpande�b�ths Mo�ee elfall be adcleA to t1t�indebtsdnees ssoui+ed he�+eby attd beoonae enbQeat to the lian Izeseai
<br /> '''`'` Mort�ges ahwU nos taous any pa:soaal lisbili�r beoawe of�qy�Ling it mqy do or omit fa do her�ader.
<br /> t.�
<br /> �. D�bnifi�nt ot Rsn�.Tlme fe oi We eeseaoe hereo�ead upon McrtBsgos's deIIe�ult fa av�y aoveaent
<br /> ° .r :� or egreeme�o!tLls Mos�g�e.inoludin�aovenants to flay when due the snme seotiued bY this Mortgnga�the Mo�e
<br /> � ebstl ba�d.st it�sole optioa and witnout aattoe.to deolac+e all sum�seoused b9 thie Mostg�ge to the imraediate� �"
<br /> due aad p�ysble nnd m�,y aommenoe foreolosure of Wa Mort@�e b9 iudivlat psoceedin�and.provided lYutlnes.ttist �:,;�
<br /> s'� uDoa auah def�►ult the Mor�gagee�or a reoeiver#ppoiuted lry e►oourt.m�Y a't iter optton and wlthout neg�nd Lo the adap� . r`.:
<br /> :.'� a,q o!ths asourify.enter upon and f�ake poaaession of the ProPerl,9 a'nd aolleof the ro�s.iesaee and p�nofi4e 4$epafsw�►w�ut ,�,�.
<br /> . ;, ,.
<br /> . ;:��;'� aPP�►them IIsst to ths oast o4 oolleotion aad operatiou ot the Pmpetf�y aad then upoa tha iadebtedaars eeouied by thi� '.:
<br /> � Mortga�e;as�id rente.iseuee and proiite befag a�eigned to the Mo:tge�gee ae f�ut.her eeo�ui�►tor tise pqymenL ot the °':�
<br /> - fadebtednes�aeous+et!hei+eby. '_:°
<br /> � �= 10. �'rantfa o!Pra►pe4ty It all or aqy part of the Properl�9 te eoEd or traosieraed wlthaut the esp�+eas wrtlten oon -�_
<br /> - , .��� �ent oi tIIe Mo=t�e0.Mort�aQes m�y�t if�oole oytton.deoL�rs alt�um�reoured bs►tbfs Mosf�Mge to bs fammediatexY :�;'=i-
<br /> ,-.;�; dtie arid pl�yable. �l`�
<br /> � ,'` �'�, . ii. �atars Ad�no�e.Upoa request of Mostgageur.biort8a6'se mey maks additionsl and future adv+�u4aes to =--
<br /> _. �' Mo�r�op Bueh atdvanAe�.v✓ith interest theieoa.e1�11 be eeourad by tttts Mert8a8's when evldenced bypremiswry aote� `-
<br /> •_ st�ttng tHat wid noLes are aeouied hereby.At ao time eball the pslaoip�►l amouat oi the fadabtedne�a eeo:ued b�tt�is
<br /> ,-'� Mo�gags�not iaaluding�oms advanaat to prateot 4IIe seourit9 of t�Y'iort�gv.cmavad i�s o:i�taat r3ais. .
<br />-Y� ' ,��.'" !!. Yl�allin�olYAcOtl�dosui.
<br /> .��,;T��,,t �o�
<br />�. '••,'`"-;,. (a) An�r fosaDs�rsnos ln.�erofdn6 a�'slBht cr reme�q shW aot be w wdvar thei+eoL
<br />-:�,�a:..�� ,
<br /> '=:i.�E:a..
<br />---_;Ke*-� (p) Ali rsmedles yro'vided hestia are dlatinot and aumulWve to�nY othez rlght aVos�ed b�Lw ar equt;Y.
<br /> s;,,"i+^�'�`. and�be e�erctee�aonaarrentiy.independent�y or suooesrive�
<br />}.�'R�4r�• , .
<br />" __��1".�.titi-
<br /> -_�y�;�:,;�'� (o) The caaenants and agreemeatr aontained heieia shall Mad.and the rJghffi taura to.ths raspective�uo- -_
<br />__;���._, , oereora aa�aeel�s ot tha Mostg�or and the Mortgagea -
<br /> �
<br /> - (d) A31 oavenwnti and aB�ments oithe Masig�gor eu+e 3oint snd sever�l.
<br /> —.y:'_�9�.�� `.._
<br />-_`r�+`'_n �e) Th�headia�s of the pae�e�P2u oi thii Mort��e as+e fos oonvenienoe 0aly 4nd shaU sWf be usedl tG inter -
<br /> - piet os delfne the provlotow he�nL -
<br />��;��� .: li.�law. ZTPon PaS�meat ot all anans seaurad by this Mortg�ge.Mortg+�ee shatl diaahsrge tWa Mort�aga and _
<br /> -_------�"� aballezeonisnnddeliverae�tld�otos9a+ele�therefo�
<br />-�`��� �
<br />___':���S 1N W1TNE88 WHOAEOP.Mortgagar ha�eueouted tbis MasigsQe on ths],$�d4Y o= .ie 95 - _=
<br />-':%;,,1;-,�,z�+: �/ _
<br /> G��'.( R � _ —.
<br /> -' ����i��trT�• � —
<br /> •. . . ,� ( e e . L ao:sower �..
<br /> . .i.. Bfate oi Nebrseks. Hall Qona;y ea: �.;
<br /> .. . �� On Ws 18th �r of Octobex _,19 95 .before me.the uaderaigned.a Notaiy Publio
<br /> dv�q oomantesionsd and quslitled for eaid ocun�{►.peisoaeily caffio Rick L. Lockar�3 and Michelle L. Lockard�
<br /> ., ,;.,,:-. : �. r.s..a s..a ..a fo _ -to me 1�OWII to be thB
<br /> �_..�,,. ` identioat n(o)waose name(e)are subsorlbed to tho fore8oing inetru�onent snd aoknowledged the e�eoutioa fhe�eoi
<br /> _ �p� �f r volnatas�aot and deed.
<br />- c. -_-----------1 .�_�� �..z_._a .t_t�..��f.e ����.a ---'-- �f.� '__.
<br /> . .. �mes{�jitlAIId6T1dIIOt811dIQE818f vcoitv tOidNl a�vai�avaw .ror.rvw..y��.�
<br />- ' .. , dYt9 640reDattl. �IL��Y�1
<br /> . NjyCommlASionea�pi�+ea: ��p�,�M�p6►t!1)
<br /> „ �- TVofary Publio
<br /> _[1 �
<br /> HBC 10868183 •
<br /> . , O Nation�t 8ank ot Camrcros Tnttt nnd 8avlr�a Assodatlon,Unoot��N�braska
<br /> � ., :,
<br /> .
<br /> --- --�•... —— -
<br /> .. _.__
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