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<br /> YKOBTC�AC#E
<br /> ', ' .. . Tbioldortgtsge !e ente�iato batween�Rick I.---Lockard and Michel�L. �ockard. husbsind and �
<br /> - �
<br /> . wifo (hereua"Mor�gOr`��d\
<br /> Five Pointa Bank, a Nebraeka Corr�oration pieiein"Mmetgag�ey.
<br /> , " Mortgagor ia iadebted to Mosrgsgee in tha p�laoipal sum of=4.327.28 _�idenced bp Mortgago�s aose
<br /> " � �October 18. 1995 (her�in"Note'�Provldf�8 for P�menta o!priaoipat aad inte�+esR.wtth the balanae oi the
<br /> _ „ '.. . '. � lndebtndneae,fL nos eoaner patd.due aad p�able oa�it ?�• 2Q05 �.;
<br /> � � ���s Ti�seoute the p�yment oi the Note.wlth iatere�t�a psovtded therein.the payment o1 all other sutns.vvith iater �:`':
<br /> . est.advenoal b�r Moxlgagee to protscc the eeaurl�ot th3a Mo�gage�t►nd the pestormanoe o1 the oovenan9s and a8roo-
<br /> •t ments oi the MosRgagar aontc►iued herein.Mortgagor doee hereb9 mor2�age and oomvey W Mortga8e�the tollovvia� �-
<br /> � dssosibed �-
<br /> . ., properRy lo�nted ia �� CmanRq,Nebro+alta. �
<br /> �.�._
<br /> .ti ��. P Lots �ro (2) and Fowr (4)� Block Fourteen (14)� Coilege Adc3f tion to West Lawn. Graitd --
<br /> . , .•
<br /> `k��, island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> . `,� ; �.
<br /> . ." i.
<br /> " � f�.�
<br /> _. �,
<br /> - --
<br /> — - - � -�
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<br /> �-4
<br /> 5�
<br />� � ,�,
<br />- �� \
<br /> �V� ..��
<br /> _ � �;. '. Toge2�er adth all buildi�,imp:ovemeats&tune. streets,alleys.P�sog�vqye•easemeats.sights.Privlleges _—
<br />^ � . And apyus�ensnaes looated thereon or ia an�qwl�e pesS�infag thereto.�►nd the�+eni�,iesuea and proitts.reverdoni�nd _
<br />�'�`°-������,,., , reaudndeix tDereo�iaoluding,bue aot Wnited to. heotia��nd 000liag eqnipment�nd suah peaonal pr4per�y tLst is
<br />;��a.i�, �' � attaohed�to the imyravements w w�to oonstitute a ti�ns�e;�tl oi�iah.iao2udiag mplaoement�ana tdditEon�thsreW.b
<br />- =�'.T.~. hea+nt�deulasal to be�paet o!the reat estste�eaured bY�e lieu oi tWs Mor�ge aad alt oi thd toia8o�i��8 rsfenr�
<br />'�i;,:°�`""�� to hsrsia a�the'Aoperhq".
<br /> _� -.: �• , '� Mort�agor tu:ther ooven�nts and agreea.arith M�rtgegee�as follow�
<br />:_ifzl�,.�r.;,�'� �
<br />-'.�..t�t.,;' i. P�nt.1b p�y tIIe lndebtedness snd thelatenst thereoa�a provlded ia thfs Mortgage and the Note.
<br />- �a` :7�t,_:5
<br />--'~:`1:;:�s,�.ti.�:� :� L TiW.Mostgegor is the oWaer oi the Pe+opee�r.has the rl�ht and suthort�to mortgea+e tho PropasRy.and war
<br />=�•�•��,'�S� �ntn tb�t We lien oreated herbyls�llYSt and prlor Sen on the psopesar�amaept as moy otherwlse be seS fasih herein. —
<br />,_�'�*�.^�' �.: Dquitable Bufldinc� & Loan Assxiation is
<br /> �._ � The Peoperl�►is subQaot W t►Morf�age wherei�
<br />�-�.-:,w_�_
<br />�r�':��'�'��''�."'�: .pege o1 tho MoYSQage Iieoonls o! H811
<br />-�-s� �. ths Morf�ee.i+eoorded at Book __.-
<br />�i�-."'r.,. ...�
<br />- .. •{ •�'" � Count,y.Neb�1�s►whioh Mostgage ts w lien pstorto tde llen oraated hereby. �
<br /> ?, . ' --
<br /> • : �' O Other prlor lieas or enaumb�aoes• !��_�.
<br />` �- a.r-
<br /> i�'
<br />' . . -- �•_t.
<br />--__ .: - --::.�� g ��Assestatentn To pay when due atl sa�es.epeofal essessments und ell other ohargoa sgotae6 6he
<br /> . . t Propei�q and.upon wrlttea demaad bY MortgAgea.to edd to the paymeats requtred under the Nofe seoured herebq.suoh
<br />- emonaf as mqq be euttiaient to eneble the Mostgagee to p�►�uoh�oea.aesessments os ot�er atu►rgea va tTcey bc3aome ._
<br />-° •.��'� due.
<br /> �
<br />- ' 4. Insns�nos.To keep the lmprovemeata aom oi heseciter loaated on the real eatste deaoribod heraia iaaured
<br />�- � againat damage bY Me and suoh other baza�de aa aliortgagee m,y requtre.iu amounts and wtth ooa►paniee aocepWble to
<br />-- " ' - the Mortgrgee.and wlth losa pqyablu to tha Morcgagee. ia ease oi loas uader suoh polioies the Morfgagee is authosized
<br /> - -° to ed�usR aolteas�nd oompromise.ia its dieoret[oa.stl oIIatme therennaer at tte eoio oprion.suiaorisea io eiiiser app��ae
<br />_' p=ooeeds to the reatorattoa oi tha Pcoperf�r or upoa tLe iudebtednesa eeow�ad herab$r,but gaymenie hereundsr sbsll ooa-
<br /> - Wiue nutli tho eume seo�ued heroby as�e ase paid in fa11.
<br /> � ' ' 6. � &�orow�'or�ia�es and Tiasnrsnoe.,TTot9vi4Uetamding anythiag ooatained in pat�CSPhe 9 and 4 hereoi Eo �>�
<br /> � �� the contra�y.Most�or ah�11 p+�y W the Mor�a�em�!4hs ttme ot paylaQ the atonth�q instatlments oi pslaoipal and lntor
<br />- _ est.onaRw+eitth oi the yearly t�e�.essessmeate,har�rd ineuraaae preminms.and R�uad rents(S as�)�vhioh ma3r aftatn
<br /> - a priorl�y over tWs Mortgage.all ss reaeoaab�y esttmated from time to tlme by the Mortgegee.Tho i►mounts eo paid uh�,ll °
<br /> ., ke hetd by the Mortgngee without interast and applled to the pa�qment of the lLeme!a respeot to whioh suoh aatounts
<br /> , wora depoaited.The sume p�td to Mortgagee hereunder ere pledged ae additional8eousi�►for the indebtedae�seoured
<br /> � ' � , . . N
<br />