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' . . r�� - - ,- -- - -_�_. _ _ ... ., - -\��.�-> _ . __. �, � �F = <br /> , . <br /> � . <br /> � .. . . <br /> . <br /> 3 � ^,���-�t. ' � ..�_._.. . ._ ..__.__ _ � . . .: ._. . .....�----. <br />_ .-.T.�____ _- . . . ._. - �-- �.�.�.._. ... F= <br /> �e'����»��'�����: . <br /> 7. Ctllll�CllliiAllWi, 7rie prut�cdx uf iin y�;ti�vani m cluim im•tlau►��;cs.d(recl��i�r�►�i�e+�uc�dGil�lu cu�mutiu����•lth aiiy E <br /> randci�mn�irn�ur��thrr tnkin�;uf nny p�ir ot'tlic Ihr�perty,�r far cc�nvcytuiru in pinco of'eundcn�nnu��n.�iro hcrchy ii�si�i�cd <br /> smQ sl►aU t�a pald t.►Lruder tu thu rxtca�uf Ihc full i�n�uunt of�hu indet�Icdimsv dmt��mahtv unpiii+l undcr Ihc Notc�au�tliiv _ <br /> Sccurity Inytnuncnt. Ln,rdcr slmll uppty euch pr��ccriis to thu rcdurtlai�uf dto Indcbtcdncrv andrr Uiu Nuto nnii ihir Sccurlty _ <br /> In�tn�tticiu, ii��rt t� m�y dcUnqusnt mm�unty npplicd in tfie ur�lcr ��«���a�a n� ��u�;����r�� 3, nn�l thcn tu pnpi�yment of _ <br /> f�rl�ici�enl. Any a�pikuduu uf lha pr�x:ccilv to dre p�incipnl shnil not cxtcnd ��r pustp�mc thu duu di�w „f Il�u �na�uidy <br /> pay�itcnt:, �vhich ar� ccfcr��ci t�� in t'1sa, �ph?,O?C�1�ii�iC li1C d�illltiii�O�f�tit'Il�NyH1t:t#l�. ASI y� cxce�.� rcr:ccd.5 �vcr an = <br /> c�muunt rti��ulr�d�o »y nil ons.r-hmding in�tedize�-;undee the N�te shnll t+r pa4c!tu tt�e enH4}IF�;i�lly�ndde�thenta � <br /> H: l��. Irn�t►1llY Ct1�ICC1 PCLS i!l1SI l'Il{p'�.jCS ql1lI1QI'IIC(��1y IIIC SCC11l:ltV�'. <br /> 9. Grouuds for AcceM�wtbn af tkDt. — <br /> (u1 I?etault. l..cndcr ittoy,exccpt ny limitcd by regulntions iysued by tho�5ecrctnry In tho c��sc of pny�ncnt deiiiultv, � <br /> requiro im►nuilatc pnymcnt in full of�ill sumq sccured by this Securlty Instruwcnt ii': <br /> (i)Uonn�vcr detnults by fhilinb ta pny in Full mry�nnndtly pi�ymcnt requircd by this Scct►riry I�i�tnmtent prior <br /> ta ar on thn d�i��dntn�f the nnrt mnnthly��ayment.or - <br /> (ii)Dorra�vcr defaults by fniling,far c�pcdnd of�hirty dnys,to perfomi uny uU�cr obligntion�:conuilncd in tLi� � <br /> Sccurity InsUVnicnl. <br /> (b)3ale VY(Oltout Grcciit App��ovAl. l.cncicr shnll,if pertniucd by applicnbl�Inw nnd�vith Iha priar upprovnl of tho <br /> Sccretnry.n�cJtdt�e immcdir,tc puymcnt in full of uU th�sums sccurcd t►y this Sccurtry Instnuncnt if: <br /> (i)All or pari aF thc Property,ar n t+eneficinl i�tcrest in n tn�st owning idl or purt of Uio Pra� sold or <br /> ath�rwiso tainsfc►vcd(othcr thnn by dcvise or descent)by tho 8omowcr,nnd <br /> (il)'!'ho Pra�xriy i�not c►ccuplcd by thc purchuscr ar��antce a9 his on c�r principnl rc;�idcncc,or thu purchsiscr <br /> or grnntee dacs so occupy tho Property but his m• her crcdit hus not txen npproved in nccordonce <br /> with thc ru�uiremcRts of thc Sccn:ti�ry. <br /> (c)No 1Vwtver. IP circ.umstnncc.g occur Q�nt�vauld�rmit l.cndcr to i�ec�uirc ltttmcdintc paymcnt in ii���,i�uR Lcndcr <br /> doca not n�quire such pnymcnts.l..endcr dc�cs nat wi►IVC If9 i'�$I1tV WIIII 1'CtipCCI IO SUI�SCt�UCIII OVCTII9. <br /> (d)Rc�utnt{on.a af NUU Secretery. Im m�ny clrcu:nstanccs rcgulntions issucd by the Sccicauy wiil limlt t.cnctcr's <br /> rights in the ci�sc af pnyment defnults, to ��cyuirc im�ncdintc pnyment in fall «nd farecloso if not p�ld. 'i1�is <br /> Sccuclry Instrumcnt dacs not nuthorize nccelcrntion or farcelasuro if nat perntittecl by rcgulations oF tho Sccretory. <br /> (e)Mnrtgaga Not Invurctt. 8arrower agrces thut shatdd this Security Instrument and th�noto sccured tt►ereby not <br /> bc cligibla for ii�surnnc�undcr tha Nntionnl Houeing Act within & mpn,tjyb froi�tho <br /> dato hcrcaf.l.endcr iGs option und ttotwiUistanding nnything in Carngri�ph 9.rcquiro imntcdintc paymcnt in <br /> fLil of nll sums sccumd by this Sccurity Instrument. A writtcn stntcmcnt of nny nuthorized n�ent af the Secretiuy <br /> dnted eubscqucnt to g ��y from the Aato h�rcoF.de4lining to insuro thls Securlty <br /> Insmmx��t and thc notc securcd tl►crcby,shnll bc dcemcd concb�sivo proof of�uch incligibiliry. Not�vithsu►nding <br /> tho forcgoin�.this optic►n may not bc oxcrciscd by Lcndcr whcn d►u unnvnilnbiflty of inst►rnnce is solcly Qu�ta <br /> l.cndcr's foiturb to rcmit a martgngc insurau�co prcmium to thc Sccrctnry. <br /> �0. Rdnstotement. Farca�vcr hac n dgh�to bo ccinsmtcd if l..ender hus rcyuired immecliiite pAyment in full t►ccnuso��S' <br /> Bor�owet's fnilure to pay nn nmount due undcr the Note ar this Sccurlty Insuuinent. Thi�ri�;ht nppN�.v ovcn alter forcclosu�� <br /> nt`3�.'��RL'rS wo 3i���ZtO'w"Z.. �:.`i fL''fi!°.L.°�S�t.°S.'X`4lS�L�Inr,�,,..faxu . t�R�u'f41�+[��'c}lA��tCUt�P_.P�ll 1l iillllll flilfll IIll NIIOLIIIL4 l'PL}llll'C.��Q <br /> �ri►ig Horr���v�r's uccaunt cuirent includins,to the c�;�ent th�y aro obligntions of Benowcr tmdcr this Security Instmmeut, <br /> forcclasurc costs and reasonnble and custom�ry at.����c•ya' fces and cxpente.9 properly ussociatui with thv fareNasu��e <br /> proceeclin�. Upan reinstetcmcnt� I3orrowcr, this S:s;unt� Insqumcnt and tho abligntlon9 thnt it sccures sl�nll remain iu� <br /> er_� a_..a__�_.��...r..w! 1 li � o..a.0 �i� �1 1inwgvwr I nnrinr ie nnt mnuiR�[1 tn nemut rn�nctnT[�m�nl j�: <br /> ouvws wb�r a.�n�vv� uwt��w...,y ..w.t:S:�.....i.0�.`»>«.:1 ...�.. � -.----- - - <br /> ti) Lender ha�v aaccptai rcimiuicnicid al�ici th�c�nL-n�.nc::ment af for�lcr.;:�r praccs:ling� a�lthin n:�o yenss imsr.�l�trlr - <br /> prececlinB tha commeneement of a current forcclo5ure praceedlng. Qi) relnstntcment will precludo foreclosw�e on diffecenz <br /> graunds In ihe fi�turo,crr(iii)rcinstntement wlll ndvcr�:] Affcct the priority of thc Ilcn crcgtecl by this Sccu�ih•lnstn�mcnt. <br /> 11. Rorrower Not RekAaecl, Furhe�ranc� b�• �.cndcc Not A Wplvcr. F.xtcnsiun ut the tlmo af payment or <br /> nxxli�cadon of smoiti7�don of the surna nccured by thiv Securhy Instnm�ent grnntcd by Lender ta��ny Fuc��cssnr In interest <br /> af Horrower shaU nat operate to rcicnsc the liablliry oi the arlgi»y�1 Uorrower or Burrow�r's successar io intcrest. I.end:s <br /> ahall not bo r uireci to camnx;nce procccdin�s ngulnst nny successor ln lnterest qr re8iso to oxtend timc for p:►yn�ent��r <br /> otheswisa mod�y amoRi•u►tion of tha sums secured by thl� Sccurlty instniment by renson of nny demand mncle by 1hr <br /> orlginal Boaower or Horrower's successora in lnterest. Any farbenrnnce by I..ender in oxcrcising a�y t9bht or rcmedy shn11 <br /> not�a e wnlver af or prccludo the oxcrcisa af uny right nr rentecty. <br /> 12. Successurti►�nd Asslga9 Aound=Jo1nt wnd 5everAl I.wbUity;Co•Sl�nere� 71io covcnnnts and n�;raemcnts of this <br /> Sccurity Instrumcnt e�hall bind nnd benefit tho�ucccssor�tutd assi��s af I.cndcr and Borcower,�ubj cct ta the provisions of <br /> Paragraph 9(b). Dorrower's covenants�nct tigrecment�shnll bc:Joi(u und c;everid. Any Borrowcr wfia casigns this Security <br /> Insvument but does not vxecuto the Noto: (a►)ls co-signin thi9 Security Instrument only ta mor�,Gngo,grant and canvcy that <br /> 13orrowcr's interest in tha Property undcr the terms of ddR�ecuriry insuumcnt;(b)iq not per�onnity obltgt►tccl ta pny the sums <br /> securer.l by this Secnrity Instrument;and(o)ogrees that l.ender and�ny c�ther Aormwcr may�grce tu extend.modify.forbeur <br /> ar mako nny nccomtnotintiana wlth regnrd ta tho tesms of d�lN Sccurity Instrmnent or tho Nota withaut a'�at �orrower's <br /> conscnt. <br /> 13. lVaNees. Any nocico to Hormwcr provided for in this Secui3ty I�wtnrment Khall bo givcn by dclivering it ar by <br /> mniling it +hy first class muil applicuble lt►�v rcquires usc af nnothcr mcthad. Tho notico shnll t►e di�ccted ta thc <br /> Pro�xny Address or any othcr addre�s Harrawer deslgmues by notice ta l.ender. Any nodco to Lender shull be given by flr�t <br /> class n�all to l.endcr'�adciress�tatcd hcrcin or uny�cldtess l.ender dosig�ntes by notice to Bonowcr. �ny noticu providecl <br /> far in thls Sccurity Instruinent shnll be dwmcd ta 6�R�•a been glven to Bvnowcr or Lcndcr when given as pravided in thls <br /> parngraph. � � <br /> 14. GovernlnQ Law; Sr:verW6�la¢y. This Securlty lustrument eh�ll be govemcd by Federnl 1uw nnd the Inw af thc <br /> Judsdiction in whieh the Propeity is lacs�ted. In the event thut cu�y proviston or cluuse of this Securlty Instrument or tho Nato <br /> conflicts witt�ap�licable lnw.such conflict shnll not affect other provlslons uf thla Security Instrument or the Note wnich can <br /> bc glven effcct without thc confllcting provlsion. To this cnd thc provision9 af this Sccurlty Insvument mid the Note are <br /> de�inc�d to ho sevcrablc. <br />" I3. nnr�wer'R i:apy. Bor[otver shni!bo given ono cor.iomicai 4i��ry��f ii�ii�Zvliiliy i�tit�i��'�ettt. <br /> 16. AeAl�tment of Ren�9. Bunawer unconditionnlly ussig��s und trnnsfcrx to l.endcr nll the rcnta nnd revenu:;s of thc <br /> Pruperty. IIarrawer uuthorixes i.ender or I..ender's ngenGs ta colicct thv rents nnd revem�ev nnd hereby dire�cts cach tenunt cf <br /> tho Property ta pny tho rcnts to l.cnd;r or l.ender'v ngents. l�lowevcr.priar to l.endcr's notico to IIorrowcr of 8ar��awcr's <br /> brench of nny a�vennnt or t�grecment in the Security Inntnimcnt,Hon�awer shnll collect�nd recelvo all rents und revenucv af <br /> the Property t►y truntee for the Q�ena'Fit of Lender nnd Doaawcr. 7'i�i9 assignmcm af rcnte amstltute9 an nbsoluto nssignmcnt <br /> nnd not nn assl�nmr.nt for ndditio�al sccudty only. <br /> If t.ender givcs notice uf brcac4�to Bomowcr: (a)nll rcnt�recelved by Borrower shall ho held by Horrowcr a9 trus!ce - <br /> for henert nf l.ender unly, to be appliecl to the sums secured Uy thc Sccurlty Instrument; (b) l.ender shnll bo endNcd to <br /> collcct nnd recclvc nU of thc��ents af tho Prnperty�Q(ItI(C)CiICII ICIIfIIII hf lI1C Yi•aperry tillilll pily t1II i'CIIIS(IUC[Ifl(I UOriIIf)IO <br /> Lender or Lender's ngcnt on I.ender's written demnnd to the tennnt. <br /> Bprrowcr h�s nnt cxccutcd c�ny prlor ussignment of tho rcnts and ha9 not and will not perfc�nn any nct that would <br /> prevent L,ender f�•am excrcising its rishts under thls Pn�•agraph 16, <br /> Lender Shall nat bo reyu�recf to enter upon, take conttal of ar malntain the I��uperty before or nfter giving notice of <br /> brcuch to Borrawer, However, l.ender or n Judiclully f�ppointed recelvcr ml►y do ha nt nny timc thcrc !s n bre�ch. Any <br />. applicution of renta shi�ll not cure or wnivo uny dcfuult or�nvididute nny other right or remcdy of l.ender. 'Thix nssignmcnt of <br /> renGS af the Property sh�ll terminato�vhen the debt 5ccured by tho Security Instrument is puid in full. . - <br /> (PoFa 3 nJ4�,agc.0 <br />