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<br /> ���_, �,6➢�'�'!q�3 ��:
<br /> UU13t3U�YiSF!C•OVFNANTS Ihnt{lonuw�r iw fn�vtlilly �:ci.:.d uf'thu cytntc he�'chy�:unvcyrd :mtl hn� thc ri�;ht tu t:��nn1 �--
<br /> und convdy Ilio t'rupc►ty und t�nt tha 1'��a�rrly iy ancncomhcred,exc��pt li�r encumbr;mres��f rccur�l. tloira����r�v�irr�auv cind �
<br /> �vill QefcnQ�cncriiily�hc dtic tc►thc F'r�►perry n;Sidnyt nll�lai�uv un�dcm+�ndv.n�ihJcct tu i►ny cnctm�G�'imrrv of ri�r�triL �_
<br /> �`,
<br /> UNICUt:ti1 CaVE�:NAN�fS. `°
<br /> i� pgyapIIi of�*rlii�i��al,li:ter.�!yr.tl l.ats Ct��e�e. Uanower,h�ill�tuy when du.�ihC princi�nl ot',mtd(ntem�t un, �
<br /> d�c c1c6t evlt�cnt�d b�r lf►s.Nut,�nntt lnto�hnr�¢s duc undcr ihu Nut... �_
<br /> �. t�tonth4y 1 Wy�ticnt u(Texcs,Ins►�r��tcc,Aetd ilti�cr�.:fm��w, p�►rr��wcr hi�nli M�luct� in e.°.ch rnor.th{y{�aya��:nt.
<br /> mficther wiin inc p,i�lciyai an� intcrst «. �ei fi�r�h !n th� Ner„ ��� �zy �;»r_, ch:uLev, n sulu tor Iul taxes nncl .r•pcclu! � .
<br /> nsscssmr�ts l�vicd or t�i Gc lcvicd ngninnt tl►c ['n��criy, ib) tc+�schold pnymcnty ��r �;�Y+und irm9 on thc 1'ropeny, imd
<br /> (c)pnmiumx fur insnrwue rc��rired unucr 1'i�r��gr�p t�4. In �uiy yciur in�vh ich Iht. I�;�ndcr mutit pay n murt��igC insurancc �:_
<br /> premium to thc Sccrctnry of Houyln�and U�bnn DcvclonntLiu("Sccrctnry"),or In nny ycnr in�vhict� such prcinlum�vould �
<br /> I�ave bcen rcyuirai iP l.cn�ier still held the Sccurity bi�tr�unent,e::ch�uontldy pi�yu�ent shiill also include either: (i)n rcutn far �,
<br /> tho nnnunl mortgagc intiurancc pnmium w f��u�i�1 hy l,�ndcr ro s3�c�rcret:�rs�,ar{:!)n rnnmhty churgc inytend aP n mort�,a�to :�
<br /> fnsurnnca premium iP tl�ix Securiry Instn�ment i� heid by the Sccratary, i� n n�son:cblc amount to be�leteei�iined by tho
<br /> Scc�ctary. t3xcept far thc manthly churgu by thc Sccn tn�,thcsc itcros nr��ri►IIcQ"Cscra�v Itcnty"nnd thc sumq paid to Lcndcr __
<br /> arc cnllcd"Gscmw Fu�icis." -
<br /> I.,ender mny,at�ny tlme,collcct nnd haid mnounts for Facrow Item�In►u�oggregato ummrot nat t��exc4ed Ihu uinximum
<br /> nntount thnt mny bo rc,quired for Aarrawer's escrow eiccount under the Real F�tnte Scu(emenl Prc�ccdares Act oP 1)7A. 12 _
<br /> U.S.C.4 2601 �t s.c�. nnQ iinplcmcndn� ��:bulntions, 2A CFR Pnrt 35U0. os thcy mny bc umcnded from timc tn dmo
<br /> ("RF'SPA"),oxcept thnt thv cushion cir rcserve pernuttccl by RBSPA far unnnUcipatc�l dishuriements or disbu�scmcntg before �
<br /> thc Borrwvcr's pnymants nro nvnili�bla in�hc accaunt muy not tx;bascd vn nmounGc due fur tha mort�ngc insuriu�co prc�Num,
<br /> If tho iunaunts hcld by Lender for E?scrow Itcros cxcced the iimaunts permittcc�to bc hcld by R!?.SPA.I.cridcr 9h�11 deat
<br /> �vlth thc crcesy fundv ns rc��uircJ by R�,SPA. lf tho nmounts of funds hcld by l.cndcr at nny time cttv not r:ufficIcnt ta puy 11tc
<br /> �scrow Items when due,I.ender mny no�ii'y tho Hon�ower und require t�o�YO�cer tn make up die tiho»nge nr defciency av
<br /> pennittui b�RESPA.
<br /> 'Iho Escrow Flu�ds nre ptc:d�cd n� nddtNomil eccuriry for all sums�;ccurcd by this Sccuriry Instrumcnt, lf I?onowcr
<br /> tenders to t,ender the full payment af all such sums,Barrowcr's nccuu�u shnll be cn:ditecl with the bnlance remuining for ali
<br /> insti�llmcnt Itams(o),(b),ond(c)and nny mortgngo iusurnnco pr�:mium installmcn��hnt I.cndc�ha.9 not bccom��bligntcd to
<br /> pny to the Secrctwy,i�nd l.endcr shnll pramptly refund n��y�xces�fu�ds ta aorra�vec, Immcdiately prior to n farcclosure sale
<br /> of the Eroperty or its acquisitian by Lender, BoRa�vcr's accaunt sl�nll be creciitcd with any balnnw remnining far nll
<br /> ii�sta".►.���n�s for itcros(a),(b),mid(c)• --
<br /> 3t. A�plk�atlon oY t�wyme�ts. All pnymcnGc undcr Parngrnphs 1 nnd 2 shnll be nppltcd by l..cnder n�fullaws:
<br /> �gT,to Uie mortgnge inst�rnnco prcmium to be pnid by l..endcr to thc Sccmtnry or to the manthly chargc by
<br /> thn�ccretnry instcnd of thc munthty mortgugc insuranc:.p�mit�m; _
<br /> 4PS'QNI�, to nny tnxes, spccial nsscssmci�ts, lenscl�old pAyrtwnts or �rounJ i�ut:►, and firu,ftu�xt wiJ uU�cr
<br /> ��rard insurunc�premtr.���,ua rcc�uircd;
<br /> 1�;�,to intencst du4 tm�lcr thc Notc;
<br /> � ,toQ morcir,�a�n e�f�o p��n�p�of[ho No�o;
<br /> a�i�ta�°,s..�li...�..s��.ni._ :
<br />- 4. k'lre,Fluc►t3�nd Uther Hp�.ard In�urxnee. �orcotivice shnll M+ura nll impravemenGv on thc Pcoperty,wi►cmer na�v
<br /> in ex�scence or sub.vequ�ntly crecteJ, ngninsl any huz�rds, casuulties, und c�nUngencles, includ�ng fire, for which I.encler -
<br /> req�,i:�insurnnco. This insurnnco shall be nu�intnined in tho umount9 and for tho periods that fi.cuder��yul�er. Ilonowc,
<br /> �f1At)��o ineiiic ai=iui iriiv�7�v..'u°+v:.(h�D«.,.oer��u,hnf�r nnu+��nrifu�na0 nT¢llbSCUl1CIIL�V CICC�.aaniust loss.by floods _
<br /> to Ihe extent reqtdreci�y the Secrct�uy. Ali�ui►�nca sh�ll ba cmrlcd wlth companie.9 appsoved by!cad�r. '['h� in��;r;►nce _
<br />- �wficica und nny renewnl.s tihnll bo hcld by I..ender and shnll includa loss payable clui►scs 1n fav�r of,nnd In n form t�cocp�able
<br /> ta,I.ender.
<br /> In thc cvcnt af loss,E�orrowcr shnll givo l.,encicr imincdinte noticc by mail. l.cndcr mny make praot'of loss if not madc
<br /> pr�m�tly by Hnnawcr. �►rh insurnnee con�pany concerned ia hcreby nuthorized and directed to mnke poyn�ent for such loss
<br /> dircc�y ta I.cnder,inste.�d af w Borrowcr nnd to Lcndcr jointly. All or nny pnri af d�c insurnncc pracceds mny b;,i�ppl9ect by
<br /> l,ender,nt it�q aption,either(a)t�e tho reducdon of Iho indebteciness under the Note und this Secuclty Instrument,fint Ro�ny
<br /> delfiquent nmounts applicQ in�h��rdcr in Pnr�grnph 3,t�nci thcn to prcp�iymcnt of principal,or(b)ta tha restorution or:ep�lr
<br /> af tho damaged propc�ty. Any t>>plictttion af thc praceeds ta tho principul shnll not cxtend ur postpono tho due ciato of the
<br /> munthly puyir�cn�c which nro�r•�crrcd t� in Pnrugraph 2, or changc tho c�n�ount of such paymcnts. Any exccss lnsucw�cc
<br /> pcaccedc ovcr an umaunt rcyui��ed to puy«tl outKtwiding indcbtcciness unclru�thc Notc nnd thiq Security Insm�mcnt shiill be
<br /> paid to the sntity legally cntiUccl thcrctv.
<br /> In the evcnt af farcc:losu��c,of this Securlty lnsirumcr�s or othcr h•ansfer af dtto ta tho Prapercy thnt ext�nguithes the
<br /> indebt:.dness,all right,dtlo und lnterest of Borcower in and ta insurnnce paltcie.�in foecu eimll pass to tha purchnscr.
<br />_ y. p����ncy, Preservatbn� M�lntenAnco anA Protectbn of the I'superiy; BArwwer's LoAn A,ppUcatiao;
<br /> I.e�ehoWs. Qorrower shnll occupy,estnblish.mnd use the Properry�.ti E�orrawer's principnl residence within six�y clays ufter
<br /> the executian of thi»�ecurity instrument nncl�."�all concinue ta accupy tAc�raperty ay�arrower'y principul resiclerico for at
<br /> 1cas1 ana yeur sftcr tlic duto of�.cupAncy,unlcss dio Sccrotnry dctcttninrs lhis rccJuircnicnt wlll causo unduc hardship far
<br /> !]arraw�s.or unless extenuatfnF circumstanccs exist which�re boyond Borrawcr'R caiuol. Aorrawer shul!nadfy l.en�ers of
<br /> nny oxtenuatinR circumstnnce�. �orruwcr shall nat commit�ti�asto or destroy,damage or rabstnntiully chan�o tho Pr��esty or
<br /> nllow the 1'roperly to deterlornte, reatonabl� we�r nnd tesu�exceptecl. I.ender mny inspect tho Prope�ry if tho Praperty is
<br />- vuca��t ar ubnndaned or tho lonn iy in dcfi�ult. l.ender may tako reasonz'��e action ta Protecl nnd prc.gervo such vncwit or
<br />- abAndoned 1'to�c�ty, Harrowcr shall nlsa bo in dcfnult if Horrower�during the lor�n�pplicatlan process,gave rn�aterinlly fc�lse
<br /> or inuccurat�informallon or st�►tements to l..cnder(or fAilcd to provido Lencicr with uny materlal informntion)in connecdan
<br />- with the loan ovidenced D� the Note,includiqg,but nat limitcd to,repmentations cancerning Bc�rrower':c occu�ncy of the
<br /> Pro :zy ns u prineipal residencc:. If this Securiry Instrument is on p len�chald,eonower shnll comply wlth tho provlsians of
<br /> - tho�ease. If Hnrrower acqui�cs fec tiQo to thc Property.thu Icasehold nnd fcc Ntlo shull nut bc mecged unless Lender ngrt:ca to
<br />-- tho mcrgcr io wridng.�
<br /> 6. �.7a�ia nvrrvwcr�i�a;ri.z.�«�.7f L.�;�d2;'s:'�:gh:�!n t�:P:tt�:'E�. 9vii'ow!�T ehn11�►s►y pll govcrnmc:qtW
<br /> or�nunicipul churgc.v, fmcs vzd fiipasitions thuc nra nat included in P�rugr�ph 2. Horrowcr shfill p�y thcsa obligntions an
<br />= dmo direcdy ta tho cndty wltich is awc.�l tho pnyment, lf fiiilure ta pAy wauld ndversely nffect I.ender�s interest in thc
<br /> - Property,upon Lender'R requcst Borro�ver shall prornpdy furnlsh to l.ender receipts evidencin�theso payments.
<br /> y If aonawer fuils ta m��lco diesc pAymenGg or tha payments rec�uired by Pumgmph 2, or fnils to perform any othcr
<br />� covenuntx nnd f�Areemr.nts contained in thic Security Instrument,or d�ere is o iegnl prnccedin� thnt may �ignificnntly affect
<br /> l.cnder's riAhts in the Prapeny (such as n procceciing in bunkruptcy, for condemnfidon ar to enforce Inws or regulntions),
<br /> then Lender mny d�nnd pny whutever is neccssnry to protect uic vulue oi the Prope�ty und�ndcr's d�hts in the Property, _
<br /> including paymcnt of taxcs,hu��rrcl insumncc anci athcr itcros mcntiancd in Ynr:►grnph 2. �.
<br /> Any flm�unts disburscd by I..cndcr undcr this Pnrngrnph shnll bc�:cimc nn udclitionnl dcM af Qormwcr nnd bc sccurcd by _
<br /> this Sccuriry Insuvmcnt. These nmounts shidl bcnr intcrest froin the dntc of disbuncmcnt,ut the Note riue,nnd nt tho aption -
<br /> .� of Lender.xhnll be i�mneciintely ctue and paynble. -
<br />.�
<br /> 7
<br /> — ' //'nge 2 i f 4 pngrsl
<br />