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<br /> ^� �7. EminanlOwnNin.Lancto�Ia nuroby aBSlp:�ad all comp�nonUon,n�vards,IIQI11L1Q08 NIlJ OOIt)f�ltlyni0flt6 Oi rG11��(hOf01i19It9f �
<br /> �^s.'��- "Prxeada"�In snnnc�tl�n r:►th condemnet�on ar�t�or tc�k�np olthp Fr�perry�r port t�eraat,ur tar convoy�nc��In 112a atoond$mn�- �-
<br /> �'` C;.r..Lc�der�h^'t��rnt!tt--±�t tt�o;'Ef�ft�'J�`+ti+tt��tu�,tin�nar Itt ond}1rCSettUlO�It Il8 OVlil f1�1110�t�ly Qtlli�ll O►pi0G88d111(js,a��� �_
<br /> � -�;T ehnll nlso laa e�itlUed to n�ntce any compromlaa nr cetQement in conhaollon wlth suoh taking or dumago,in tii�event qny narilnn ot F
<br /> � tha Propotty la ea tAkon ot damt��ad,l.ando�ohnll hnvo tho optlon,In Ito ool�nnd�beoluta cllenrotlon,to nppty All eunh Proaeetie,
<br /> attsr deduallnp tharofrom aN coete t�nd oxponeos Inc:urrpd 6y if In Gun�aatlon wlth euah Precaa�ie,upon a��y Induhtodno3s aaaurad �,
<br /> � hnroby nnd In euoh o�t#ar ae Londcfr m�y det�rmina,�r tc►ep;��y aU euch Pr0000cls,nftar c+uoii dncl�iotlon�,ta tho�oataratlan o}the G_
<br /> ° �;- - � Pro��erty uNan�uoh aondlilons a�Londor n�ay detormina.Any Ap�llael�on of Proceede to Indobtedr�e�9 eh�ll not eM4end or puat�ne _
<br /> -' _ _ the due�lAt�ot any paynt�nt��hder tha Notp,or aurd c�ny d�ldutt Utoraundar or hprounder.A�y unapplle+d�unde ehall bo pald ta _
<br /> "°^""""_- Truatar.
<br /> � r' � 8, P��fo�m�ncA by L�ndei.Upon U�o ocourranea o�ctn Evant oi Oofault he�rau�iisr,.�r If any aot fa takon or tepal{xx°rdlnp _
<br /> -�`�;- comma�oad whinh mniari�iiy aiiarr Lerdvr'a tat:,�c�!In ths Pcopsrt�,Len��r mey In It+ntiln dlsoreUon,but withoul obilpAtlan to do
<br /> �--��-°^ eo,en�i wlU�aut notlpo to or dsmand upon 7ruetor snd without roleoslno 7ruator from any oblipntlon,do any acl whlch�'ruetor hae -
<br /> - `' - ��,read but taild tn dn an�t mny elso do any nthor on!It daeme neaeaea�y to�,rotHa!ihe asuurlry heroot.T�uata►ehall,tn�medletety __
<br /> k•� u�an demand therotor by Lander,pay to l.endo�ell cuata and oi�pannos Inourred t�nd eume oxpanded hy Lendor In conneotlon wiNt
<br /> .-.-=_ �-=? �' the exerolee by Lendor al tha(orepolnp rlphte,topathor wllh Interoat thoroon a!thu defautt rnto provldeti ln the Noto,whlah ehell be _
<br /> - -.__1� sddad to tha Indebtedneas aoai�rod heceby. Londor shE+ll iiut t�iai�r ar,�r tlabHiiy b:aaua� o! ar►�thlno 4t nu���p nr nmlt ta do =
<br /> '.��-"'�`�� hereundar.
<br /> �'' 9. H�x��doui M�torisl�.Truator ahall keop thA Property In oampllanca w►th s11�p��llcnbta Inw�,ordinance�and requtatlon�
<br />_°�°��: �aldinp lo tndufirl�l hypteree or�nvironmsnul protsatlon(cAlleotively�etatted tn hereln�s"Cnvlranmentel l.�w�"!�True4ur thell =
<br /> -_ -- ksM►fha Propertf►iras Irom�U�ubats�aea deemed to be haurdouf or toxlo under any EnvironmenUtl Lews(ca1�o11vNy r�hr�ed tp
<br /> v hereln e�"Nazardoue Meta�lnle").7ruatar hereby v�arrante and rapreaenta to Lender that there Are na WnrArdaw Mahrl�l�on o� _
<br /> —�� ` under the Property.Tru�tor horchy npreee to Indemnity and hold harmiea9 I.e�der,lte diractore,otllcere,employees and apenb,and
<br /> �Y�=_'�''�'�. any eucceasoro to l.ender'o Interest,fram and epainet sny and aU alsime,damapes,loa9ea a�c111ablUdaa ar�elna In oonnenlion with
<br /> ��- the prasonce, uae,dispoaal or traneport ot eny Ma:ardoua Materlale on,under,irom ar about the F�rop.urty.THF FOHEQOINf�
<br />;����F; � 90. Aasqnmfnl ol Rwn3s.Truator hsreby aealQna to Londer the r0nts,lasues nnd protlto of tho Property;pro��l:fud tNat Tru�tor
<br />=- - ahall,u�t�l the ocaurrence uf an Cvent ol Qotault hor6under,havo it�a rlpht to colleol ond rRtain euch�c�nte,leauea qi�d protlta ee tl�ey
<br /> - - bocoma due R�d payeble,Upon tha ocrurrc�nae o1 an�vont o}Qefault,Lender may,elther!n peraon or by eaent,wlth or wllhout
<br /> -
<br />