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<br /> D��p O�TRUST WiTM �UTURE ADVAldC�9 �� =
<br /> 5cp, �,tfl_„_„��y Pnrt nmong _ _
<br /> THI9 AE�D pF Tf�UST,le mada as a1 tho `�th day of__ . • � �
<br /> Tad Robb � oi.ntile per�ton . '
<br /> tho 1'ruetor, ---�-°a79Q g High�oy 281 Gr�nd Tal�nd Ne 666qa�96Q1
<br /> whoae mal►inp ad�ross lo_..._._ --- --._--� (hereln"Truetor;'whether ons or mor�), � __
<br />- F'ivo PofnZe �ank. a Na brao l�� Curpor n Z ion _,
<br /> thaYrustse, ..�- �-
<br />_ P.O. Bax 1507 Grond Iuland. NG 66802 „ (horoin'T�uetea"►,and _
<br /> whosp malUnp acldross Is -
<br /> F�vQ PaSnto klank �
<br /> tho F3nnetlals►ry, -
<br /> 2015 N. Elroadoall (3rnnd Iolond� NG. 6Q�02-15Q7 ��hareln"l.�ncler")•
<br />' �Vhtlsa mallinq address la. --
<br /> FOR VALUA8I.E CONSIDERATION,Inctudln�Londer's extenslon of crodlt IdenlNlod hereln to
<br /> Ted Itabb �horoln"Borrowar",whether one or moro)and lha trust herein orsatad,
<br /> - the recelpi al widch la horaby aaS:nawlodyfld,Truator hAreby IrrovocAbly grents,tranetere,convays and anelpna to T�ustw,fN
<br /> TFlUST,WI?W P�DWER OF SALE,for tho bonofit anci ascurity of lvndor,undor end aubJoct to thot0rmsand condilloi�a ho�o�n:°�t�%t
<br /> fo�,jlha��al pjc�o��(��lt����������pIVISIQN� IN THG CITY OF ORANp ISLAND. HAL4 COUHT
<br /> Y� HBBRA�KA.
<br /> Tapethar wlth all bulldlnbe,Improvements,llxturea,streats,slleys,p$ssayewaya,eaeamenta,riphte,privlipe��nd a,ppurt�-
<br /> ����t�� �_��,.����,��.�n�,��alnina thereto,an�the ronts,(89U8b Alld pf0}Ite,f9V@7SI(I11R 81it)f8iilA�Rt1l�s������
<br /> euch per�onal property that la attaoht�c�S.�zho Impruvprnonta ao a�ta ct�natitute n nxiure,i�aiudir,�,otf��t n.���!!�,•�--.�C---
<br /> coolinp equipment;e�nd t���Pthnr with tho homeateAd or mAritpl Intarost9,I1 any,whlah intoroste Are horeby reteaaed�r�d w�lved;�II
<br /> - ot whlch,Inotudinp replacomonte nnd addltlone lhoreto,la hereby declarecl to Ce a part ot the raal eatete seaured by th«ilen ol tt�l•
<br /> ��... ..,.o,.,.• �i
<br /> _ V������p��a���_;�,�,_tl_;r}r�__ne rgterract to hereln flB th8"Prpperty".
<br /> Thla Oeeci af Truat�hnll eoouro(a)tho peymont o}tho prfnotpnl eum end Intereal evldenced by A promiseAry no4•o�oio�i4
<br /> � fiepten�ber 27Zh 1995 ,havinp n maturlty date of Merah 27th �996 �
<br /> s��raement dated ____.�
<br /> 16U�000.�U !�Q���ny�nd all modliloatlona,exter�il�nn and ramw�la
<br /> in the arlpinol ptlnalpal ernount ot 5 —
<br /> thereot�r t�tereta snd any and all(uturo adva�cos ancl readvances to Berrowor(or eny o}4hem If mora tnan onY)h�rtundK
<br /> pureuan/4�qne or mora promiseory notPS ar credlt apreementa(h�:Nt�called"Nata"►;(G)lhe paymont of olhar�um�atN�nC�t!bY
<br /> I.ender to�?r�u+c�the neouriry at fhe Not�r,o)the pe►tormanGe o1 al l c��anante and apreements ot T�ustor eet t�rth herelm,�nd(d)eil
<br /> pretent�nd tuture Indebtedneee and odlipatlona af t3orrower(or eny o1 them N more than one)to lander wh�thar dlrsct,Indl�uot,
<br /> sbwlute or contlnpent and whether arlelnfl by nute,puaranty,overclratt or otherwlas.The Note,thl1�Oesd of Tru*1 and�ny�ntl�11
<br /> pther docuen�a�that asaure the Nota or otherwlsa executed In aonneotlon tharewith,Includinp wlthoul llmltatlor►�uar�ntsa,seourlty
<br /> apre�mente�nd pssl�nments of loaaes a�d�ente,ehall be refer�ed to hereln as tha"LoAn Aoaument�".
<br /> 7ruat�.r covenante ard agrees wlth Lend�r�e tollowa:
<br /> t, payrnMt ol l�xi�btsdna�.AII Indebia�resa eeaured hereby ehall be pald when due.
<br /> � 2.THIR,Truator la the ownar ot tha Propariy, has the rlyht ond authorlty to cbnvey the Froperty,end warrante th�l ttie Ilsn
<br /> oreatad he�eby Is a Ilrst a.nd prlor Ilen o�the Pro�ly,excont for Ilene and enoumbrenGes eel forth by Trustor In writt���nd
<br /> dellvered to Lender betas�a exaautlon a1 thla Deed ot 1�c1�s1,and the exeautlon and detivery o1 thla Qeed af Tivat doe9 not vlol�te rny
<br /> conU�at or other oblipptlon to whtah Truetor le eubJeat.
<br />- 3, �sx,N,Auawm�nM.Tu pay beforo de�lnqueacy all texea,e+��clul seaeoaments and all cthar ch�rq�s ag�lmt th�Pro�rty
<br />-- nOw or he��eaft�r lavied.
<br /> 4, insur�nc�.To ksop 1hq Property Ineured agalnst damafle by flre,hazard�Inoludecl withln Si�e term"exM�nd�d orn+�rsW'���nd
<br /> euch other hAZards ee Lender may requlre,In emou^°s And with companlea accopteblu to I.endar,neming L�ctdat a�sn�ddltbtu�l
<br /> named Insured,wlth loe8 payeblo to the l.endar.In c�so 01 lose undor such pollCle�,the l.ender i�authorlisii to ndJu�t,�o1Nc1 and
<br /> compromiso,all clalms the�oundur and ehall havo tha optlon of applylnfl all or part o1 the Inaurance proceeds(I)to any Indabtednea
<br /> � seourad hereby end In suoh order es 4ender may clotermine,(iq to tha Trualor to be u8ed fOr the repelror�estorotlon Of th�Prop�tty
<br />�� or(ill)tor any ather qurpoto ar obJeot eatlalactory to Londor wlthout ettectinp the Ilen ot thle Dead of T�uet for the tull smount�acuad
<br /> - hereby betore�uah paymem ever took�1ace.Any applicatlon of�+�oceeda to Indebtedness�hall not extend or po�tpor►a th�du�
<br /> � �i.c.of�r►y�vr��ent�undet iha Npta,or oure any det��dt thereu:�3er or here�mder.
<br />=°? 6. Escrow.Upon written demand by I.endor,Truaior enaii day ta i.a�s�a:,Ir►:uCh 11��RSt=�t"'-!�tl�!'!11��!Y���*��°���
<br /> !' the P operty�(II)he premu me otn he property Insursnce requlred hore ndAr,�end(titl)the paeml m�on ny mar artyap�Inw�nnc�
<br />�?� raqulred by Lendor.
<br /> - 6. Mainbnane��R�patn�n�Compil��c�wHh I.+iw�•Truator ehpll keep the Pruperty In goad condltlan Rnd r�palr�hall
<br /> promplty rapelr,or reptaae any improvoment whloh may ba dmm�ped or deatroyacl;�hall nat commll or psrmlt�ny w��M Or
<br /> deterloratlon ot the Property;eha11 not remove,demollah or eubstantlal;y alter t�ny ot the improvements on ths Prnp�rty;sh�ll not
<br /> re m tt�dlscl arperatlTruetor'a aoet end oxpeneo�nll Iluns,onoumbra ctos and ohaspoe levlst!Impus�duar��aued�p�pnil th6
<br /> propep ty or c+ny�art theroul,
<br /> ..� i'. � `1� ,� .
<br /> ,� � . ..
<br />