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<br /> 17."1'r�iue�fr�•ui'Ilte 1'r��pe�•ty n�•n Heucfldnl I�ttarrt lu ilnrr����cr.li'nll or un��p;ni�►t'ihu Pn�pr����ur imy lin��t�s� in it
<br /> iy s�,id ue u�antifcrmJ 1��r it'o hrn�tich�l lntc�.tit in 11��rri��scr is�uld�►r ir.a�slcr��c�l nn�1 ilu��r�����rl'Ib Ilill!! IliilUfd)�)CYti111U W�IIk1UI
<br /> Lcndcr'� prlur �vrilt4n r�mr�nl, l,citticr �nns, at ity u�+tlnu, rc��uir�.• Im�ncdi,�lc pa!'mm�l In full �►1'ull �unu. sccured h}� 11►I�;
<br />_ ':e��urily In�irumriu. I lw�•c�•��•,Ihis nE�ilun�,1►�II nu! h�rrcrriyrd h�'I.l1ILIi'r IF lKl'l�l'ISl(1 FICIIJII�IIICtl I1Y I41�I:I��I) IIPY(}4 Nt�II1:I�UC
<br /> c►Fihlr tii'eurity�tnalrumrnt.
<br /> If�t.c���iri c���rCi�u+ihl�uplic�u� t.rn�icr.hul)i:it�r iiwi�i��•rr��nficc�►i occclrr�i�i�m, �i�iie n��lie� shnll ��'avi�e ei prr:ud��i'nut
<br />- !,�.� 1l�:!�, �i►�f�y� I'n�sn thi��.iste thc =mtli'i 15 I�CIIYCTti'il ur �i�allcd +�i!lrlti ►tili4ct: l�:rrs:�:•ee �esit,t �::� ::l� �+»�►: :.�ct�r�d h}• thls:
<br />_ 5ccurl►y hi�uum�m, It'Iturru�err i'ull. lu pnq thrsr tiums prfor t�►Il�e rapiriiilim ul'Ihi��►criud, I.cn�trr m�►y i�w��l��uny nn�ailes
<br /> permltteQ by�hi,4crudty l��yenu►t�nt �vllhuut furihcr nuUcc ur dcmand u►�Nur�'at��c�•.
<br /> It3. Ni►�'IY1�91'1•'� kl�;ht to ltcin5ti�lc. 11' liurruwcr mrcts ccrtnin cundllinn�, tlarru���cr shidl hirv�t Iho t9gi�t tu hiivu
<br /> �nli�rrcmcnt ��f Ihis tircurity InstrumctU �Ilsc�mtinucd �U nuy timw priur In Ilu�carlicr ��f'; (n) S dayx �ar surh othcr perlad pv
<br /> '�pPiirnble Inw nu�y spcclfy Far rclnstn�emenU hefoiv sule ��f ihe 1'rupe�ly purauant tu any powcr ul' sule cuntuined in tlils
<br /> Sccurlty Imtrument;ur(b)cniry.�f n,judgmcnt cnfi�rcin�;this�ccw�ity Instrumcn�, 'fli��sc cm�diduns arc Ihnt Hurni�vc�:(u)pays
<br />' I,cndcr:dl sams�vhlch Ihrn ���uuld b4 duc undrr�his Scrurity Instrumcnt nnd Ihc Nutc u.r• if uu u�ccicraUun hnd ucrurrcd; lb)
<br /> cures�►ny defuult Of illly OIIICi COYCI1:i0�S OC OZ;rccments; (r) pays�ill oxpen��s incurrcd in enforci�ig thfs Sccuriry Instniment,
<br /> incb�ding, hut nnt Umitcd to, rci►sonuhlc uuarn�ys' PCl`8� nnd ld) lukes sudi ucQun uv lAndcr nmy rcii.r•u�ii�Nly �a�uirc to asyuro
<br /> thnt thc licn ut thiti Sccurity Inslrumc�u, Lcndcr':�rlghix (n thc Praperty amd Hurrc►wcr's uhli;uliun to puy thc sum�secumd hy
<br /> thls Sccurity Inst�umcnt sht�ll cuntinuc unchcm�;ed. Upon rcinstatcincnt by llui•ruwcr, t��i.r• Sccuriry Inst�umcnt nnd tha
<br /> oGUgotions sccurcd htrcby tihidl remnin I'ully cfl'cctivc iiti if na ncccicriiiiun hud arcurrcd. H��wcvcr, ihiti rf�ht ta rclnstt�tc shnl)
<br /> nnt upply in thc cc�sc of n�c�lct�ud��n undcr pariigraph 17.
<br /> 19. tii�te uF Note; Chniige oP i,nnn �crvicer. The Nato ur u partiid intcrest in tlic Notc (togcihcr with this Sccuriry
<br /> Instn�mr.nt)mr.�y hc s��Id c►no��r murc timcy�vlthi�ut prior ninicc t�►Hcirmwc�, A s�ilc may rc5ult in a rhi�ngc in thc anUty(known
<br /> c�y the"l.��nn Serv+rer")�hut rullects monthly rayments duc undcr thc Nutc nr�d thiv Sccuriry Intitrumcnt. 'Thcrc akt�tn��y hc�onc
<br /> or morc chnnges of thc l.oan Scrviccr unrclatcd ta n salc af thc Notc. If Ihcrc is n chungc af thc l.��an Scrviccr, l�arrrnvr.r�vill bo
<br /> �iven writtrn notfco of the rhimge in nccoedunce with pa�•ugraph IQ nbave.�nd applic;iblc I:ew.The nudee will stute thr name und
<br /> nddress of the ne�v Loim Servicer nnd the nddress tn which puymcnts shoidd hc muda Thu n��Uce wiU �Iso contain any ��ther
<br /> informuNan requircd Uy nppllcable la�v.
<br /> 20. Hiianrdau9 tiubstnnccs. Ilni•ro�vcr shall not cuusc or permlt thc prescncc, usc. di5poscil. storagc, or rcic�:sv of any
<br /> H�u�rdau� Suhstnnceti nn or in the Proprrty. 8urruwer sluill nut do, nor ullo�v �my��ne else t� d�►, ,mytl�ing aff'ecdng thu
<br /> Pmperty that is in viulnUrni iif,�ny Fnvironmcntc�l I.siw. Tho prcceding t�vo sentences shnll nut npply to the presence, usc, or
<br /> stom�e on Ihc P��perty��f smiill qu�inti�ic�of Hiiznrdous Substnnccs thnt �ttc genen►Ily r�cognind to he i�pprc�prit�tc to normnl
<br /> residcntial uses nnd to muintenanca oP the Pmnerty,
<br /> Burrowcr nhull pramptly �;ivc Lc�xlcr written noUco uP nny invcsU�i�d�m,cluim, dcnuiud,la�vsuit or nthcr acNan Ay any
<br /> gavcrnmentnl or rcgul.u��ry�i�cncy or privntc purty involving thc Pmperty►�nd nny Nazitrdaus Substm�.o or Bnvlronmcntal I.u�v
<br /> ot which pnn•�wer has actuni knowledga IP Horrower Icarns, c►r is notiiird by uny governmenlad ar re�;ulntory nutharity, that
<br /> any rcniord ar othcr rcmcdiatian of uny Hi�ucrdous 5ubstnnco affecting tho Properry is nccc�snry,L3orrowcr shnll prompUy takc
<br /> till nc�CtisAry f4plCtllal.�ctions in uccorclwtcc with E�rviromvcutnl Lutv_
<br /> As uscd in this puri��rnph 20, "!ln;:i�rdi+uti Substt�nces" iir� Ihiise�;ubstunces defined as tc►xir nr hirra►rdoug substances by
<br /> �nviramncntul l.u�v and thc fi�llo�vinb substanccs: gnsolinc, kcrosenc. c�thcr flammablc ur t�xic pctmlcum �rcxlucts, taxic
<br /> �►cstir.idcy nnd hcrbicidcs,valntllc salvcnts, mutcriuls contidning nsbestas or fnrmuldch dc.nnd mdiaaclivc nxitcruds. As uscd!n
<br /> thic Mrnaranh 7A "I�nui��,� to r.aw ou a .�s nr IM:y� on�l �w�� ..0� d . 1.-� �.- r`---�-• '- '---._r �_.
<br /> �.....�._ . P»'I!�.n._.!�...° m�. f...l�.S� ... ., �;���it�:,...��^vi. k��v�v 's�w r�v�n����r i� anntFat ittnt
<br /> rinto to h�.t��titi.hnfety nr environr►ent�l p����t«tl�►a.
<br /> NUN-UNIFOt2M COVi:NAN'fS.t3orrawer nnd l.endcr furthcr cuvenant:md eFrcc i�s fallc►���s:
<br /> Zf. Ac�:cicratton;Rcnudles. I,c��tler shnll give notice ta Da�rower prlm�to uccelcrntlan Pullawing llorrmver's brruch
<br /> oP any covennnt ar ngrccmrnt in thiv Secur�ty Instri�ment (but nut �rlor ta tt�ccicrntlon under purng�rph 17 unlcs.v
<br /> a�Nlicahle luw providev otl�cr►visel. The noUce shall spcci6�: (n)the dePauU; (b) the actlon i�oi�ul►rQ to cua�r tl�c defiudt;
<br /> (c)i�datc, uot Icsv ths�n 30 di►ys il�rn thc tiute thc nMicc ic Fivcu to Boi'1'p{YCf�� by yla4ch thc drin�dt must bc curcd; and
<br /> (d)th;�t failure t�care!ho detnult on or before the date spcv�tfled In the notice rnny mvuit in nccelerntion oP the sums
<br /> scrured by this 4c�at,�r,ity Instcument iind snle o41he Pro{�rty, '1'he nal9ra shull fl�rthei• Infarm llor�c•enver c►f tho rl�ht to
<br /> rcl�istate xPter ncccacr�nticm nnd tho rlght to bria�; u court nctlan ta nsseM the non-existc��ce at n defatdt c►r nny other
<br /> detenre ot Unrm�ver 4o i�cceleratlm� and scde. If' the defuult Is no1 cured a� ��r hefo�•e the dute s}xtiific�l In tf�e ni►tice�
<br /> l..cnder, At ita o��tioq, mny rcs�uire immed(nte pnymcnt in�tdl nP nll sums securt�d by thiv Seci�elty �nst�ument wittiout
<br /> fUMher dcntand tuitl mny Invoke thc �x►«•cr aP xuic t►nci a��y other remedicv{►crmlttctl by u�►plicuble Iaw. i.ender shAll be
<br /> entitled to callect sdl expense.y i��cm��ecl In pursulu�;�hN re�neclicy pruvlded in thly�nra�rnph 21. including, but not limited
<br /> ta,rcos�►nahtc nttorncys'fecv nnd n►ste nf titic c.��dcncc,
<br /> !f thepn rver af �+ule is inv�kcd.Trustec shull rcrord n nc►tOco a�'dcfeuU In ench cutnUy I�i��•hich zmy pnrt os the
<br /> Rroperty la Ic►cntcd enti shall mnil copiev of euch notice lu tl�e inunner�mesa•ihed by ��pplicable Isiw to Rm•rower nnd to
<br /> th�uU�cr pers�my nr�.scrllKd by i�pplicnhlc In�v.Af'tcr ihc t3mc rcquli�cd by nppUcnblc It�w�Tru.stw Rhnll�Ivc ptata1iir noticc
<br /> af�lo ta thc{xrsauv and In Ihe mNnner prc.xxrihed by�pplicable lanv. Trustec, wi4haut dcmund on Borrowcr.sbull scll
<br /> the Ym}xrty ut puhlic uuction to the fdghcst hidcler nt the tlme and place m�d u�►der the termv d�wi}�nntcd in the noticc of
<br /> Fulc In one or mori,pnrccis nnd in uny a•dcr Tru�tce detcranlnes. T►�istcc muy pastprme tinle of�!!ur nny pnrccl of the
<br /> t'roperty by publle i�nnouncemenl ut the timo �ncl piace nP any previ�usly Scheduled h��lc. Lender ar Its �Ieslgnee �uay
<br /> purcbatic N�c Prnper►y nt nny siile.
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