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�:: } 1��f�:YC . ' {•:: .. .: .. , � . ,i, �'— — - <br /> _���' �,� �+.� . 't`''• _. .. . .t,7 t' � �.. - ... -.."' - -. -_ <br /> :-- . ...... ,�., ' � ' . . � .. . <br /> Y`..�:� -t� _.-�-__' . . .. ,_ ` 1•� . . . <br /> � �t�f"� <br /> � . y� •• ��` . , .�. • . ° _ <br /> - - - =�`...._ .. - . . . . - - - <br /> .._ _ ��;° -- _�`�.- •-- . , . , •, .. . „ , __� <br /> �,�., � � . �, � �.��a._..� � ..�....��.+.�zaa;.�.�st,�;��. <br /> _ _ <br /> , __^��__='--���'`�` _ . . - -.. . . ..,,_. .-.�_....:�._.;.,..,,_�� ""'�-',�,`.� ._ .. . .. __._ __.__. _ . . . . . .- •-- <br /> >rL.:� �—_ <br /> �J�^".�ll���`!•� <br /> pnvi�unt.r•n�;►y ix, Im��;cr he��e��uircd��it�hc�►pdon�►f Lendar, if'm�m��age in�itranci+ruver.ige(in U►c:mnuunt und li�r�he prriu�i <br /> thnt Lcn�icr rc����ires)peuvidcQ hy iw in�urcr uppr��vcd hy l.cndcr ugnin hcrunus i►vatilabl�iutd is aht��IncJ. tlurn���4r shull E�ay <br /> IIIC 411YI11�11111�1'CL�UII'l'tI It)Ift11I111t1I11 I1k1U�;nt;c insurnnc�in�ficct,��r tu pruvidc:1 It1titi t'Ctil'f��c,unti)lhe r�Nuir�nt��il ti►r n►url��nr,c <br /> insuean�:r ct�tls bi c�rr��rdantir�vi�h iury ivritten ut;rcernrut t�eiween[3urr�•�ver nn�l Lendrr��r np��Hri�hlr lu�v, <br /> �, tu.�pertt�►��. !-.c��dcr ur itti uyent uu�}� nu���41L41111IIGI4 4�I�IYIL'-ti ups�u wtd Inspc�tiuns ot'thc !?rapce���. Lenctcr shul� gi4�e <br /> HtStYUIYt'Y�Itt1IC�`ii1 llli'IIIItC�+f ur pelur tu:���ii���.wett,►���{k�Ifyi���;�e�+s4�uuhle e��uu f��r tttc inti{utiUna, <br /> IU. Coudr�nmutluu. '1'he 4At1C�CtJ�Oj�lU14 lf1VU{'�I OP �I11I111 �e11'1�1U11:1l:eti. Jb�c4t �u• runsrqucnti�►I. in ruiuu.U«n �vith uny <br /> rundcinnuif�m or uthcr tii4lntR ol�nny piu� ��f ihr 1'ropr�ly, �►r lin'�uu�•vyut�eo i�t (ivu ui��undonmalii►n, o�'c (��ichy u�tiignc�l n�id <br /> �hnll hc pai�l to I.�n�l�r, <br /> In�I���e�•ent uF c�tupd iukln�;�►1'tha 1'ruper�y.Ilic pru�ccdr•�hnll hr np��lird lu Ihc.rum��cciurd hy Ihis S«:ui�ily li�,lruincnt, <br /> wh�thcr i�r ��c�t th:n ctuc, �ti�lth an� �����c p;�id t�� It,�rr�tiu�.r, tn ttu�t-�:nt itif a p;�rtlat t:►kinEt c�t'th; !'r+�p:rtp it� ti�•hirt�tfo.t;otr <br /> ntarkr�v�il�ic uf thr Pr��perry hmnailut��ly Ncfc�rc Ihc tnkinF; i�cqtud t��nr ��rciucr�hnn Ihc umnuu� at'Ihc rwuK sccarcd by thi.r <br /> 5cct►ri�y In.rt�vmcnt Inmudiutcly hctbrc Uu�iaiking, unlcyy liurruwrr nn�l Lrniirr ulhcr�vltic ugrcc in wri�ing, �hc,un�s scc�n•cd by <br /> thiy 5cruri�y lutil�umcnt shull hc rcduccd hy thc .�ninunt i+l' !bc prucaYi� nudtiplicd hy Ih� fuUo���lul: f�:icti��n: tal ih�� tcncd <br /> tunuunt nY ihr,;ums ticcurcd Immcdintcly hefnr.. the Inking, dividcd I�y(hl tl�c fidr nu�rket vidue��f Iho 1'roper�y immcdiutcly <br /> bcfiirc �hc tc►king. Any baluncc shull bc pald to Horruwcr. In ihc uvent �►i'n pnrtlid tukin� ot' Ihc Pr��perty in tvhich thc fnir <br /> nmrkot vidue uf thc Pi�uperty Imnudintel��bcPuro thc laking iti Icss Ihu��the nnu�unt nf'the sum.r• scc�u�cd immcdiatcly hefure th� <br /> tnking, unlcss Horrmvcr und I.cndcr athcr�vi�c ngrcc ln wriUng ar�mless applicable li�w othcnvisc pruvidcs, �he pri�cceds shnll <br /> bo i�pplicd Iu Ihc sums sccurcd l�y this Sccw•Ity Instn�nicnt�vhethcr or nut thc sunn a�c thcn duc. <br /> If tim Pr��perty is��b�nduncd hy Borrciwcr, or if, nftcr noticu hy Lendcr to Ilarr�nvcr that the aindcnu�or uf'fcr� tu mnko nn <br /> mvnrd ur sctUc u claim f�ir dnnwgcs, Borrowcr f�dls to respnnd tu I.cndcr wlthin 3D day, i►ftcr thc dntc thc notirc is givcn, <br /> Lcndcr is nuthorl• to collcct and apply ihc procccdti,nt its opdon,cithcr to restnr:uion m•rcp�iir of thc I'r��perty ar t��tha sumti <br /> sccurul by this Sccurlty 1�►strumcnt,whcihcr or not thcn duc. <br /> Unlcsr�icr and Burra�vcr od�crwl,c i��;rcc in �vrldng, uny .�pplirotian uf procccds tu principal tiliull nat cxtend or <br /> postponc Ihc cluc dntc of thc monthly pnyments rcfcrrcd ta in p:imgri�phs I .md 2 or changc thc amnunt m°surh paymcnts. <br /> ll. Uorro�ver Atot I�eleused; CarUcuruacr iiy 1,cntier Nu1 u�Vuiver.f'srtcu.riuu uP i{ic time fur puymctu or i�wJific.qiu�� <br /> nf amorti�,�tion af die sumti secured hy tlds Securlty hisinunent grnnteci 6y l,ender to any tiuccesscn�in interesl n�Il�rrmver shnll <br /> not aperute ta rcieuse the UubiUty of the ciri�±inal Barmwer nr Barri�wcr's successnrs in interest. L.�:nder shall not bc requirecl to <br /> commcnca prncccdii�gs ugninst any �ucccssor in Intcrest or refu�e to extcnc�lime for pnyment or othenvitie modify c�morti•r.�nlon <br /> af the tiums secureci by Ihis Security ln�trument hy rcason of nny den�and maclG by the ori�inul Borro�ver or 8o�rower's <br /> successors in interest. My forbeurnnce by Lender in exerclsinb uny right i�r remedy si�all not be a wiiivcr of or pn...lnd�the <br /> excrcise of any right or remcdy. <br /> !�_ S!��� �sts! s�s!�� ��:sis!;:.��l�! �.�...! f���.� �+�6!!�ly; �'z�..l�;��s. Tt1e slZu9!l3t1l.: «s�! 8p!'Qe11�.Ri�L�f� <br /> Sccurity lnstrument shnll bind und bcncfit the .ucccssors nnd ;�ssigns of I.cnder und 8orrc�wer, subject t�� the pruvisions af <br /> parngrnpl� 17. F3nrrawer's covenants c►nd agrecments Sl�nll be jaint :ind severnl. Any l�arrower whn co-signs this Security <br /> li�strumcnt but docs nnt cxccute the Note: (n1 Is co-sieninz this Securltv Instru�nent onlv to motteaee. ermtt und cunvev thnt <br /> Borraw;:r's i�tcrest in tho Prancrty under the terms of this Security lnstn�ment; (b)is not �scrsonnlly abli�atec!io pay tiie sums <br /> sccurcd by this Sccurity lnstrumcnt;nnd(c)a�;��ces thE�t l.endcr itnd c�ny othcr Borrc�wc�•may ii�rco tc�vxtcnd. mndify, fonc�ar ae <br /> mnkc nny a�commad�dons wilh rc�ard to thc tcrms uf this Sccudty Instnunent or thc Notc without iht►1 klorrowcr's conscnt. <br /> 13. I.OAtI C�IAI't;R9.lf the lotin sccured by this Socurity Instrumcnt is subJcct to a Inw�vhich sets mnximum loan chur�e�, <br /> iutd that lu��� is 6nally interpretcd so thnt the intcrest or other laan chargcs collecied or to be callccted in conncction�vith thc <br /> lann excecd the permitted Nmits, then: (n)any such Ie�an chuege st�nll he recluced by ihe amount nec�sscuy to reduce the chnrge <br /> to ihe{x:rmitted limit; nnd (b)uny sums nlready collectcci t'ratn Aorro�ver which exceedc:d permitted IimUs will ho reibnded to <br /> Aorr�wc�. [.endcr may chnaso ta ntitka dtir retl�nd by rcdudng thc principnl c�wcd undcr thc Noto or bv making a dircct <br /> pnyment to Bm•rowcr. If i� teiund reduccs principal, the recfuctian will ha aeuted As c� pai�ti;�l prepuyment withoue nny <br /> prcpaymcnt chnrge undcr thc Notc. <br /> 14. Naticc.9. Any notico tu�urrowcr provided for in Ihis Sccu�ity Instn�mcnt shnU ba givcn by dcUvc►•ing it or by mniUng <br /> it by iirst class nu�il unlcss ap�licc�ble Inw rcc�uires use af nnnther methcxl. 'fhc nalice shnU bc dirc;ctcd tn the Property Address <br /> or any other address Bnrro�vcr designutes b�- noticc to l.ender. Any ncttice tn L.cnder shi�li he givcn by flrst class mt�il to <br />, l.cndcr's nddress stuted hercin��r nny rnhcr address [..endcr dcsisnutcs by nodcc to Borrmvcr. Any r►oticc providal for in this <br /> Sccurity Instnm�cnt shull be dccmed to h�vc bccn given ta Borrowcr ar Lcndcr when givcn us provldecl in Ihis pttrngrs►ph. <br /> 15. GnvernimF I.u�v; 8evcrablllty. This Sccurity Instcument slmll bc govcrned hy fcdeml luw nnd thc I�nv of thc <br /> Jurlsdlction in which thc Property iy lacated. In tho evcnt �hnt Any pr.�vision nr cli�usc of this Security lnstruiY�ent or the Nato <br /> can�licts with npplicnblc Inw,such conflict�hnll not nf�fcct othc:r provisions of this Sccurity ins�rumont or thc Nota which can be <br /> given effect wlthout the canflleNng prc�visian. 7b this end the provislons of this Securiry Inytrumm�t and the Noto nre declareci <br /> to bc sevcrnbla <br /> 16. Borrower'x Cupy. Harro�ver shnll be given one canfarmcd capy af the Notc nnd�f this Sccurity lnstn�mcnt. <br /> Form 3028 8190 ' <br /> � <br /> Popo M1 ol U <br /> .Sn r�i,�� ..�—� _. v�, <br /> ���t.T f� ' „� . � . �.,.�.-��.;7-• .. .� ^ A- � r� v. :qa�;s� I ��{(y L7�47-.l17'� �_� <br /> 1� 4`. �. ��� "y.f- _ l Y',ea�� <br /> , F. . . a � :�F� ; Y�� i1 "_ . �^���, _ <br /> � . - . wt. p!� r i . . .. .�s �y ' <br /> - ' • . . , ,. . 4 ���.. " , . . �:{Lr' <br />- ' • - � . . . - . .'�l�4 -i!'r <br /> . •' � d ... - - • . . t� .�.`. ' � '� - - 1.i§ `4. - �S,i��i_. <br /> t . ; . ' 'ii i -� r r �i'�,�,r <br /> ° ,r...l . . � -�- . . - , ._•i,.•. . . . . , .'�f. a.ia .d, ---' � <br /> �" <br /> �� . � . . . R . . . , � .. . .��' ! 'n r a'SV.'� <br />- . - . . . ' ��, ��t6i'=Vm - <br />-_1i+i, i.' -� - , . �; . .�'nl.L-. ..., _.�.$^.'-s� �`` <br /> ;l / . .-..� .-i . .. , . . . . {.��N _ ��@i�t��sei-��I_ <br /> � ,. .. . ._. . : � � r�a <br /> , *, .�� �, Tt R � :yl F . �'r�`� ��_., <br /> �'•. _ ° ..`lLbt�t.(�v'"Si�? . .__ r, . � .r "�.` �- : .___. <br />