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<br />�� �xc�zc�.�in� tltt� pt]iVQi n� ❑alo �nd ax f:ho e��l.�, anc:�.��c��ric�, wii.hc.►ui: _
<br /> 1�miL•c�tian, CIl(1 jJCI�►RlOriti OS: 'rxuUCG��c� fPC�� i,naurrc:ci, wh�.ui� T:t�aat�e'o f�eo =
<br /> nha].J. rio1: �.w� rlap c►c�grQC�aCo oxr.aad thc r�ttm ar rive fiundxc�c� �ncl no/100�h _
<br /> t�a�.�.ttra (�5U0,p01 p�u� 1/2 0� 1�r crS: Ch�. �mounC e�CUxed lic�x��by an�l -
<br /> x�rnui►�iii�.Y u»E�ct�c� ancl Chon Ga Ghc iGc�rto c��4 �oreti �n auh�r�r.�c�r��ph (c) o� ;
<br /> - Ghi:� �TdYc`tfJYc`1�1H FI�TH i.n �:1t� Pki��Y' ttt�xe�.r� et�C�a. -'_
<br /> � ta} fiit�r �:y�rtg �h� �.�.emA ��+��i rind in eUUC'�1Y'£lCtY'e'�pll �b) c�� �hio E
<br /> p�rzgraph r�rr�r�, if: Cha n�10 ie by Truo�ao, or �ho pro�ar cou�t and
<br /> oChex coeC� oE forocXoouro �nd �ale 1E oal� ie pur�u�nt tn �udicial _.
<br /> �Oxl1Ca.Okll.lX'4� Cha prnccodo of oalc� Aha].1 be a�p].iad in tY�� ordor dta�ad =
<br /> • bc1o�•� to khe pa�►ment: -
<br />�� (1� Coet of any evidenc�i aF titlu procurCd in connec�ic�n with f7UCI1
<br /> - Aalo and c�E any x�QVenue raquirod to be pai.d j
<br /> (2) A11 auma thor, �aocured here+by;
<br /> i
<br /> (3) Tli� ramainder, if any, �o the p�.r�on or peraone Xc:gally
<br />- - ontit�.ed theroto.
<br />-_ �ach oE tho pax�iee �.a �h:Lo ll��c� �f True� horeby requcoto that a copy of. a�zy
<br /> - NoCice of Da�aul�. anal a copy af any Notice o� Sa].e provided for hereinak�ove
<br /> - be mailed to ea�h su�h party aL the party'p poaG o��iae addreAe eet forth
<br /> hexean. Upr�n �t�ca ocaurr�nce o� any daEault ho�:oundex, 13�anoficiary aha11 have
<br />_� the ��►t•Lon �� EoreGloee thie Deed oE TruoG i�a �he mannor providad by law �or
<br /> - tho farcclo�ure �f mortqagee an rea� proper�y.
<br />-= 9�X�'H. 'Trua�or epecifically agrca�e Chat (a) True�ax, a� ixo expenee�
<br /> T wi11 execut� and delive� ta Beneficlary, promptly upUn rec�uee�, eucYa aacurity
<br /> T' i.natrumenCe ae may be reguired by F�enetxciary, ln � form and euUatancca -
<br />- ��tie£acGoxy to 19ex�aficiaxy, covcring any of Lhe Pxaperty canvQyad Iny Chie
<br />- Deod of Tru€�t which eecu.rity instxum�n�e ehall be additional �E:aurity fax�
<br /> TE'l1HLPL'�a iix�.4}IiLi�. gar�a�ma:i�° C$ a�.�. ^� tho rrar�n� cnyenante and condiGiQne
<br /> of �h�.a DaAd af 7['ruet, �ho Nate and indebCadne�e eecuzed haraby, and �ny
<br /> s�thex decurity inatrumante execu�ed in �onn�ction w�th �he� indeb��+dn�ee
<br /> qo�.��,� r� tha� noa�a �� Truet: and �il ouch inetxumantca �+halt ba f�.7.�d and
<br /> - recorded at Truar�ax�'a aM�s;�aet tb) 8aae��.ciNz}- m�y� from time te tjm�, ?��;
<br /> wri�ten ins�rumc�nti ex�cut�d and acki�owlodc�ed by He�no�ici�rry, maSled �.a
<br /> Truet�r and xpcarded �.n Ghe eounty or COU11C106 in whiah �he ProperGy ir�
<br /> located and by othorwid� aomplyinq wi�h the provi:�ionn of Ch� appa.icabla lawa
<br /> of the Stat� of Nobiaeka, aub��iLuto a aucGOOeQr ax eucaeaeor� te th� Truetee
<br /> nam�d hera�n Ar ac:�ing hereunder; (c) a].thouqh �ho Truotee, ar Tru�+tee'�
<br /> aucce�eor or eucceaaara, may bo �n agent of, o� atiCarney fox, or otherw:�e�e
<br /> cann�cted ws.th the Benef�,ciary, euGh fact ehall not be con�trund ta
<br /> _ diequalify '��a�r_ee �o act; aa �uch 'Pruetec:. nar oha11 �u�h �ac� pravPnC ���:
<br /> Truc��ee or B�:^��'r.iary £ratn bidding at a eale and buying any part ar al1 a�
<br /> the Pr�par�y a� an�r aale hereunder; (d> tha� if i� ehould be rxeceeaary or
<br /> appropr3.ate f�r the �rataaCinr� af the oecuri�y horeby aoiiveyed ar onEoxeament
<br />_ o� the debt hez•e�by securcd, £ox tho Truatee or the eene�'�.�:�ary to inatitute
<br /> or bECOme a party to any �aroceed�.ng or ault in a couxt o� bankruptcy car
<br /> - probata or. ath�x' court of gonera� ar limit�d �uriediction, a11 exponae6 and
<br /> _ cos�s pxap�r�.y incurred by eaid Tru�tee ar eaid Haanef�lciary (including
<br /> reaobnable attorr��ye' feea) paid ar incurred by Quah �rua�eo ax� Ben��ic�axy
<br /> in m�intaining, proc�eau�ing or defending euch pracc�eding ar protecting the�.r
<br /> � re�pec�ivo righ�a hereuMder ehall be an additional debt aecured by �hia Dc:od
<br /> - oE True� �.n liko manner with �he pxinc:lpa�. dobt hore�.n deacribed; (e)
<br /> - Heneficiary, or ita agontp, repxooentatives or woxkmen, ar� au�harizod to
<br /> - enter aL• any reaoonable time upon or in any part of the Progerty tor tha
<br /> _ �urpar�e af inspeating thca aama and for the purpoae of pex�axrning any n� the
<br /> = actg ir. is auC�or3.zed to perform uncl�� �he ��rr�� of thir� Deed af Truet t (f)
<br /> - any �orbearance by Heneficiary or Trur��es in exercieing at�y right or rem�dy
<br /> - hereundor, or atherwi�e afforded by applicabl� latv, aha�1�. not be a waiver of
<br /> = or pxaclude tlie exe�rciae of any euch xigk�t or rpmedy lioreundor; �imilarly,
<br /> - the wafvor by Henaficiary or Truetee of any deEault uf Txu�tor under thia
<br /> Deed of Truet eha11 not ba deemed a waiver of any athar or eimilar defaulte
<br /> aubeequent].y occurring; (�) extenaton oE the time for payment or modificaeion
<br />-' or amort:4zation o� �h� aumo aec�nwed by thio Deed a� Truet grantad by
<br /> Benr�ficiary ta any E1UG�E]EJ60X' �.Y� :ticacereat of Truetor oha11 not operato Lo
<br />' releaAe, in any mannex- the liabil3�y ot tho �ri.gin�1 Truotor and Truetor' e
<br /> pucceoeor in int:areet. I3enoficiary ahall not k�e required to commence
<br /> '•} proceedinge againdt euch euccoeoor or refuee to extend tha time for paym�nt
<br /> .�
<br />�;�
<br />���
<br />_.,�
<br /> ,�
<br /> ,�
<br />