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<br /> 1e���oo. vnAoca �i�rtioCox cina F3e:���ai.ic.:►.�ia.y ay-�-oc� aeh�:rt:i�e itz •.•xiti.*�f�, n�►y r
<br /> ���g�li�aCic�t� c�� xanCn, i.nuuoo c�.r ��:O���f3 E:a any �.ndobL•ociu��,� ❑ec:ua:dd hax�k�� =
<br /> r�}ia�.�, �noG oxt:end c�x pc�r�C�on� �h� duc daCe o� �hc� �.nc�L-�ilament� pr�yni�nt:r� c�� �.
<br /> �?�'p��(�[3(� �.I1 �}l0 Notc c�x r.hango �he t�rnaunC o�: �juCh inoGa].:lmenC�. Z'1�cs e_ztc�in� ::
<br /> upon and C��Ic�,ng poe�r_r���.on of rh� �'x•c,�it�xry, khe colYpcGian of au�:h re��Ge, �
<br /> �.s��uoo ra:�d pxofi��, �t�cl �fie+ �°►�pa�,��xion ti}i���a£ �e afaa-�r�a�d, ah��1 �t�� �r��v� r
<br /> ox cuxa ariy dai:aul� or natica o� dc�i:au�.t hc�zund�r, ox inv�lid�f:e any ar.� [_
<br /> cionc purou�an� zo uucii z�tice. Truo�nr �Z:::�:�Sn�z �c� H�rie�'�r.i3r�►, .�� turth�r -
<br /> r�ec�tr�.t��► foY �ho pQrformartGe of Cha �ndebtedn�ao and abli�ata.�ne eocux�d ;
<br /> lier.c�by, a11 �repaid �conte �nd all monaye wh3ch niay h�ve booi� OY �ii�y herea£C�r �
<br /> br� depoAi.tec� wiCh TruaL-ar by any ].oeaee of tho Pr.oporty, �o eccura Ch� _
<br /> paynicn� af �ny rent or datnac�ea, and uNw� adiau�.� in tha parEormancc of any ni� _
<br /> tho proviaio�ne hexeot, Trunror agzee� to d�livcr. such rpn�� and depoai�� Co
<br /> Deneficiary. Doliv�ry o£ wri�ten n��iaQ of a�neE:lciary'� ex�rcicae ot Che
<br /> xigli�o gxanCod by thia paragraph T�IIRD ro any tenant accupying thQ Property
<br /> or any pQZt�.on thert�of eha11 be �u�Eicio:zt �o reguire said tonant ta pay ea�.d
<br /> renC ta p�noiiciax�y unGil turthex notice.
<br /> �o,��. Tf �here �hall bc E�.led by az� againat �he TruHtor any petitit�n
<br /> ox �Oroceeding �eeking any arrangement ar compoo:ltion or exteneion o;E any
<br /> oth�r relief under or �urouant to Ch� FedESA1 Hankxuptcy Cod�a or anX at�a�.r
<br /> ��.mi:l�zr s�a�ut� as i� naw ar h�re�fter i�n oFfQat, ox if Ghe Truetar eha:�.:l. �o
<br /> ac`tjud�.cated bankru�� or inaolvcant or any of T.r�i�rar'� properGy �t�a��. have
<br /> b�an �eguee�.err�d and suah deGree eha�.l havo ct�nCinuea und��chargad And _
<br /> unetayad for 90 day� a�t•wrc nc� en�xy thereof, then Gha wtao�,e oE the I3ate and
<br /> inciebr.P�inPr�� hereby oecu�ed aha�.�., wiChou� np�iae, at tli� apL-iori oE the
<br /> Aen�Eiciary, become due and p�}��3.G.
<br /> ��'I�'TH. Upon cleEault. by Txus�or �.n the paymenr of or por£ormance of the
<br /> �ex•ma arad corrditiano of the No�e, ox any renewa��. mod�.f icatiaz�e or =
<br /> execuCione the�ceo:E� tlie payni�n� of any c��her indebt�dneaA BQGUX'F3f� �'1P_Y'f3b�I C►x' ..
<br /> in the pc�rforman�e of an�+ agreement, cov�nanC or warran�y h�rea.n 4�nCained nr
<br /> aet forth ir� any agrPement ar inotrument executed by Trueto� �a� aozinecL•ion
<br /> cvith �iie �.ndebtednea�s hareiiy �r�cur�u, fi���€ic:ia�y- m:}• �°s3��� ai i n��
<br /> e�cur�d hereby immediatiely du� and payable and �ho aame ehall �haxeupan
<br /> bocomo due and �ayab].� without pxeAentmer�ti, demand, protee� or r�otice aE any
<br /> lC�,tic',s, Tc`ioioai�'vi.� pvilva��3°:� ll�.�� �°��1/°r hn TwlfwtF3A a w�ittei� daclaraCion
<br /> c�E default and de�manc� for aale. aruetee ahall havH �hs raws� af aa1� a� the -
<br /> ProparCy► and 1f Aaneficiary decidea �hc� Pro�pr�y it� to be ec�td� it r�hall
<br /> dc�por�i.t w�Ch Truatee �hie Deed of Tru�� arid thc� Na�e or I10�!'�9 and any other
<br /> documen�a evidencing exp�ndi�urea oecured hercax�y, and ahall. delivo•r �o
<br /> Trustee a written natico af defaulL• and pincGion to aau�e Che Praper�y �p b�
<br /> ec�ld� and Txuatee, in turn, ehall prepaxo a dfmilar noCiae in th� Eorrn
<br /> requirad by �aw, whiah ehall bo duly fi.led fox record by Truatee.
<br /> (a) F1£ter �he lapc�e oF oueh timc� aa may bo requ�.red by law £allowing
<br /> thc� recordation o� No�iae oE De£ault, and nartce aE D�fauZt and Natice
<br /> ot 9ale having b�en given ae rec�uired by law, Truatee, wi�hout d�:mand on
<br /> Tru�tor, aha].]. �ell �he Proparty h�reinbefore daecribed, and any and
<br /> evory par� tharen£, in ee�A�:ato parcale or en mau�o aa Lhe Truetee m�y
<br /> olect and in auah orde.r aA Trua�ae may detexmi.ne on tho ciate and at the
<br /> time and p�aco deeignated in aaid No�.ice �f �ale, at �aubl3.c auctian �o
<br /> the highenL• bidder, the purahaee prico payablo in caeh �n lawfial money
<br /> nf �ho Ux�ited Statae at tha tima of �a�.e. mhe pexaan cc�nducting �he
<br /> �aYG may, �or any aauAe he or �he deema oxpediont, poHCpon� �he pa].e
<br /> from time to time unril i.t ahall be comple�ed and, 3n every euch case,
<br /> notice of poatponement �hall be giv�n by public d�alaration thereaf by
<br /> euch pereon at the �fine and placo laet appointed �or Cho �a1�T provided,
<br /> a.� the aale is poat�poned for langer than ona (1) day beyond the day
<br /> de�ignaGed in the Natiae �f 9alo, notice �heraof atiall be given �.n tha
<br />- �.a:i►� manr.�r as thQ Q±^i�1na1 Hnr.i�p �f �,ale, Trus�ee ahall execut� a�nc�
<br /> delivex to the purahaaer itc� De�d conveying tho pr�perCy ao aold, but
<br /> without any covenan� or warranty, exprer�e or i�npli�d. The reci�ala in
<br /> the Deed af any matters ar Eacte ohall be conclusive proo� o� the
<br /> truthfulx�ese thereof. Any peroon, i�nr..luding without� limxtatian,
<br />- HeneEiciary or Trus�ee may purcha�e at the eale. Said eale ehall be
<br /> conducted at tho real eotate �orming a part oE tihs Property or a� tho
<br /> court houpa in the county in. which the Pr�perty to be aold, ar aome part
<br /> thereo£, ie oi.tuated.
<br /> (b) When Tra.�eteo aelle purduant t� the powere hez�in, Truetee �hall
<br />= apply L•hF. p?roceede of tho eale �a payment of tYio caete and exp�nee9 aE
<br />