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<br /> � 1�.Su�ce�r�e�t�l A�alg�v Qaunci�,p�n1 en�Sevpral�,.�6llity�GaSl�rECra. 'Iha covci���t� uul t��c�ncnts oi th�9
<br /> • S�usity u�.�:u�smcmt �:�U 61n�1 and kat�tlt tho xucr�:a-.� r��c��n�of l�,-��lu �nc� flarm�ccr.su�,�t w t�o provisl�n9 ef �
<br /> �ara�r.y�h 9,b, Qurraw�r'� �ovcs�an�.a ar�d sg �cc.�ncntv st�ll bn �ofnt atd sc�rnl. 1U�y [tare�owr,r who cn•slgns thia �c�urtt}� _.
<br /> instrumcnt hut docs nat axccuta the Noto: (a) ie co•slgning this Sa:ui�cy inst�-unicnt only tn n�or�qt�o�pra�tt and convay t�m
<br /> t3c�nuwcr's intc�cst iu Utn PYaperty unuct Ux�tcawnq ot t�ls�ocurity I�2sU'u►n�itt;(b)19�x�t�xrsanxlty uDftgata4 l�p�y lhtj su�►�s =
<br /> sccurc�l Gy thLv Sct:urity Instrun�t;�d(c)agee9�t�t�cndcr�uid nny Aihcr�onawcr may tigrc�to oxtcnd�modily.folbcar or
<br /> mak�any accummocintlons with ttignttl�o t"hcs tcm�of thie Sact+�iry Inswmc,nt ar�ha Noio withoat that ilorrowcr•g cnn�� _
<br /> A�.N���. ::p r.r,'t�,;,i�p:.:����e3�;.�fes tn t���.��arit,Ins�ru:�.:.n;s~;�i tR,��.:,,-s uy�;,liy.��i::a�y��;u��ii
<br /> by�irst clns.�mall unlc.sv ngpllr,ab{a law ra�ut�cs u.go of Ano�t�c.r rt�cthad.Tho nati�a s1iRi1 bo dirxtod to U�o i'ro�tr..try Acidrrss or
<br /> any otticr acidress�arrawcr c!eslgnatcs by notico ta L.cudcr.My notl�o tn I.endu shatl bo glvcn by flrst ctns.v mall to Lcncicica'e
<br /> sdclress swtctl!►crain or�ny acl�iress I.cndcr ck;signatcs by rtotko w 13o�uwcr.Any notke provitiod for in�his Sccurliy Tnsttumcnt
<br /> shal!bo cWemal tu hn��a bccn givcn to Uanawcr aa Lcndc�when glven av piuvldecl tr+�hia puragreph.
<br /> 14.Gqvirnfn�Lawi Sevtr�hlllty. 'IY�is Socurity I�strun�cnt shall bo govcancd by fcdcral luw and tho law af tho
<br /> Jurisdktian in whkh tho Pc+nperey is locau;d. In Qio ovcatt that any Enuvision or ctausa af this Socurity Inst�umtnt ar ther Noto
<br /> cQntikts with applicabfo law,such conflict�J►�11 not affoct uther pravis3oi�s of this Socuriry Insun�ment or tQo I�ato whkh cun bo
<br /> givcn cffoct evithout tIw cc►nfllcting provLslon.To this cnd Iho provislons of this Sec�uity Insuumcnt nnd ttw IVoto ara dcclarott to
<br /> ho sevcrabl�.
<br /> iS.BorroNer•s Copy. I�ortowcr rhall tw givcn cx�a canfamticc!copy�f this SecurIry Irstrumcnl.
<br /> 16.�ssl�nn�c4t otl�tals. H!lJfQ�'JC! I!!1C<lRtIIjII01S�Uy ::;.signs and tmnsfc� ta Lendc� ntl tta m.nt,v �-iA rrw-�ucs 6f tt�
<br /> 1'roSx;rcy. Barowcr s�udwrizcs Lcn�iu ar L+�kr'a age.�t�tt�cullect tho u�,t�iuid�GVCn�x:y wK1 F�rrcby diroc�s e,w;h tenc�►t of Uw
<br /> �iropaty ta�u►p Iha scnts W I.errdcr or l.cntler's t�cnts.Howavcr�prior to Lcndcr's natko to E�orro�x�r of Harrower's Mr�ch of
<br /> sny ct�vanAn►ar egsecanc�t in tha Socurity Ins�wncnt�I10SLOWC!St1t1v C4UCC�8tl�(CCLJY�ltl�lY.il19 Q3}!�PCV�Il!lC9ITf(�!0 P(O�ily A9
<br /> tfl1.�Q00[Or lh0 bCne�t df LCOdCt Anti BOtfOwCf.'Itd.v assig�mcnt of rcnts constttutc.a an Absaluto a�sigmmcnt anA r►�t an assignmcnt
<br /> for ackll�lo+u►1 socwrlty only.
<br /> lf[.encler�ivcs at►tir,�of bm,as:h w Honower:(A)�11 rcnts rcoeivcd by 8ornower shall bc hcld by Itarrpwer Av Wstca for
<br /> beneft of Lcackr o�ily.to bo u�,plicd w tho s��ms�sr,c�ucd by tho Socurity Instrumeni;(b)l.cr�dr.r shall bc�cntitlo�d to colloct And
<br /> roccive all of tho ra�ts of tho Propctty:and(c)each tcnent�f the Arope�ty stu�11�wy all�unts dua an4 w�pald t�I.eaxkk�r oa L.ender's
<br /> agcnt on 1.�er�der's wrJiten demancl w It�a tcnam.
<br /> Bomawcr h�not oxocutcd any pdor agsi�ment of tha rr�ts wxi tia9 not anci wlll not pufar,i any act Ih�t wc�uid pc+cvcnt
<br /> Lap�,�cr irc�m eacrni�ing it�rlghts unticr this paragraph 16.
<br /> L,cnder ehall not bo raquirod to entcx uptxt,uko cwntma o:F or maintain the Pto�xaty befc�re ae aitu glving notice of brca�ch to
<br /> Barowcr.Howcver.��ctufrr or e,��ulk1a11Y apWlntcd�YCCivcr cr�y do vA rat uny tima thcro is a bi�'�.My a�►ljcaxl►in af reats
<br /> stu►!1 not curo or W�iva nny default or inK�lk-�wo any ott��rlght ar rur�edy of Lrndcr,'[hia n.�signuxvat nf c�ents of tho Pmpaty
<br /> sl�all terminxe wlKx�q►e Aebt eocurod by tha Sacurlty In.�►nknt is pAic1 in lull.
<br /> NONdINII�D1tM�COV1�NAta'['S.Dcxmwcr and Lcndar fluttkx coroGwnt wxl agroo a9 fofbeve:
<br /> �?.Fwxclaau�c Rracodure.If Lend�r a�tquirte ismedWte payment 1�(1�U uackr psr�p�9,l.eudt��awy favoke ti�e
<br /> pa�w�sr o��le�ad�wy ot�n�re�aedla per�auted DX wpplicAbb Ww.I.eodtr�u Ae eatkkd ta colie�.�t W ex�r�easa�camd
<br /> ii����f tMr rnredia u�dkr t6�per��rapM 17.lacWdi�j.bdt aot Wnited tq rewoaabk dtarney9'fi�ar��d mtt�af
<br /> t#7e�vldeiace. .
<br /> tI tMe Nrrrer af Mk i�Mraked:Tn�tee �6a11 reta+d a�Yotioe ot det�ak ie e�cM cou�ty i�rvbkY��y p�rt of tYe
<br /> PrnperR,/W bcated w�d�aU ia�i11 copkt c+i such notice to tl�e��oser pnscr�lbed by�ppllnble t��r to Borrawer afd to tl�e
<br /> otl�er per�aw�p�acrlbed b'apAikabk IAw.Ahcr tbe time rtqu4td by��plk�bi�hw�Tr�ten tlu�Y�ivo p�b1k�wtk�ai
<br /> etiwle to t!�penoua And Ia tl�e ap�mncr prescriD+M by appfica6l�4��r.7Yu�ter,without dco�snd on Bw�mwer�r•IiaU aU t�e
<br /> Property�!publie aucti�w to i3�e hl�6t�t 41eWer At the tlma eud ptac�e w�d uader the teria�desi�n��te+l ia t1K aatlee oi eAie
<br /> is oae ar atore parceli aad io any order Tcuate� dotermtaw.11riutee may patpaoe cale ai Mll or aoy p�►rcel ot tie
<br /> �•�p(NE) {aeos� P�y�bof A 9nttlR��:
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