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<br /> - - �q�'r�,�h 2� or ch.''Ji�O l�tt1 LtTlQIIIIt t��FUC�I [h1yiliCiit9. A�y extxc9 pmecrsLv over an nmount t�cqtsirc�l to 4t7y aQ �uts�nnding
<br /> � ° -- is����r��r t�n N�t^�a�tt�Sc�rsftv i�stn�m�t�ii�ll t+a p�-id to t3►c�cndtar[egally catitlttr�l thcsc[a, _.
<br />_ _ _ _;:� ` �
<br /> C.Fets. I�ndra n�v ca!!�!iL�i.9 Ktld Ctl�AC�flu4110ri�.Ct1 by ttip SC�rcll►ry. �
<br />---_-��:� �
<br /> ':i:.__.�--.
<br /> � 9.GPBUltt�3�Gi Act�krg¢t�n at Q.bt.
<br /> "` (A)Qef�ult. I+cncicr may,oxccpt a.� limlte�P�y rc�;ulations issuarl !�p tlia Sccrcuuy in thu c�uso nf pnyment dcfnults, f
<br /> --.�. -1-.—��- �t;yuuu u�iidaail�iw�y.���nt�,i tuft us:ifl sum�s�ured by�l�a�urit�ins!�n!�: w
<br /> �- (i)i3�n�wcr defaulte by failing to pay in[uU tu►y muntldy paymcnt rc,�lui�d by this Scc:urlty Insuumcnt pdor ta or �
<br /> ----= � an tPw Qua dAW of tha noat month{y payment.or -
<br /> -'���•�F-°-,
<br /> `�� (ii) Dorrower defaults by faiting� fcx w pctlod of thirty ctnys, to perform any othcr obligatians containcd in this `_
<br /> : �` �_ Sccurlry[nstn�o�cn� • `-
<br /> - :.c�. °
<br /> " ����� (�)S�k Without Creclit ApprovAl. Lcndcr shall, if pGrmiur.sl by �►pplir.ubla law und �vith tita priar pppmval of tha =
<br />-"' �*? �,-� Sa.rctary,rc.quiro lmmcdl�w paym�nt in fail of ail suma sccurcd by this Sccurity Instn�ment if:
<br /> -�:���r;
<br /> __-:�.-::��_r,' (i)AU or part of tha Pragcrty.oe a bancficial intcrest in a trust owning all ar paR of iha Property.is dold or otherwts�
<br /> -5�`=� trnna[�rrecl(ailticr thon by cloviso or de.scew)�Y tho Borrowcr.and
<br /> � (ii)71w I'�openy is nrn occup�ed by tha pu�bnscr or grsntco av his ar her pdnclpal residenw.or tho purchaser or
<br /> --°""�``� �[untco docs so qccupy tha i*raperty but h!s on c�r crcdit ht�s not bccn upprovcd in accarclnnco with tho rcquircmcnts
<br /> ---��= of�ha Secrctary.
<br /> W���:�
<br /> :�;;:;,� {c)No W�Iver. df c�rcumsu+ncc.s occur thut woulA Pem►it 1Lendcr ta roqWra immediaw paymcnt in fuU,but Lenckr a{ocs
<br /> �;�`�;' not�cguiro such�ymcnts,Lcndct does not waivo i�s dghts wlth cespec;t W subsoc�ucnt oventq.
<br /> `,:; �::,��_
<br /> --__= (d)itcgut�ti�a�ot HiJD Sec�tAry. In many circumstanccs reguLailons lssual by tlto Secsetacy wi!! li�n+t Lc�xkx•s
<br /> °-=-�-�� rlgt►t�i�� tho casa of paymcnt dciauit,a to rcqutra Immcdlato pa►ymcnt ln full and foroc2oso if nat pnicl.'[�hia Security
<br /> _=m;:Y,,;�;:_� Intitcument doc.a not euthod�.e acccicrndc►n or(areciosuro if not�rmival by reguletbn9 of tho Sccrc,t�y.
<br /> °"'`:'a'"� el�nrtaa�Nnt Iacurecl. IInuuwrs ecrec�that sho�ilcl th�s�l�urity Instrumcnt and tho Nota cccurcd ihereby not bo _
<br /> �----- -.._-
<br /> ____-__�; Gligiblo for insairanr,a undcr tha Nationnl Hou9ing Act wvithin 6U ds+ys 1'mm tha daw hc.ccof.I.cndcr may.at its cK►tlon and
<br /> notwiA�standing a�rything in paragraph 9, rcquiro immcdiata paym�x�t in full of ail sums sccurod by Qil� Socurlty
<br /> InstxumcnG A writtcn statcmcnt uf any authorizcd ngcnt af tho Socrcuuy dataf subsuyucnt to 6(1 clays from tho il�w
<br /> - tssse�P.s+�et�ing!a 4astlm!l�25 Sec�*Ity In.��!�?�t nn�!1�Note eacurod ttrareby,sE�II Tfe eeemea cwfcrostva pmai oi
<br /> ------ � sucb ineligibi�ity.Notwithstanriing tho forcgoing,this a�ticx�may not bo cac,�cL9cA by Lcnd�r whcn tha unavallsbillty of
<br /> - inswru�ce ly sokiy duc w l.endcr's fail►ua to remit�mortge�o lnsuranco prcmi�m w ttw Socrctary.
<br /> �,
<br /> 10.lttinstatement. Iiorrower hav a right to bo rclnswted if Lcndcr ha.a requim�l immecliato payment in ttill bxauao af
<br /> aamwcr'e f�tluro u►pay an �niau+tt dua eu�dcr thc Noto or Qds Soc�i�ty Iostmmcn�'Irii.a rlght appllcs ovcn at�cr fcar�xbsura•
<br /> proceodings aro insGitutcci.'Ta relnstatc tho SecurIty Instrument,IBr�mower shall tcnckr in a lump sum all amuunGv roqui�d�a bring
<br /> Aamwcr's account cuRCnt inc.luding,in tha uxtent thcy au:ubligWlons of Borowcs unckr this 5ccurlty xnsi,�ur►xnt,fon�:bsura
<br /> co.st�and sea�c►�abb and customary auamcya' fccs and ozpcn:,e.v pn�perly mssociated with tho forociacwo procoeding. Upon
<br /> relnsta�crnent by Borruwu�this Secnrlty Inst�ument a�id tha abl�e,atlons lhat it sccures shall nmain in eifoct As if l.ea�ckr had not
<br /> roqui�d immcdiata paymcnt in full. Howcver, Lcndcr i� not requircd to permit reinst��loment if: (i) l.endcr ha� sicoe�tcd
<br /> rt.iiutwtcmcnt after tho commcnccmcnt af faroclosuro prc�ccedings wiihin two ycara immcdiataiy precoding Iho wmmencemcnt of
<br /> g e currea�t fc�ro�kisnca praccul�nq, (ii) relnstatemeru wlll precludo foroclasuro an different gcaunds ln tha 1luuro, or (ill)
<br /> rctnstaiement will edv.cr�cay affcct tho priorlry of ttM li:,n creau�A by this S�ur3ty Instrumen�
<br /> Lx.�arrower Not Reks�ssed;�urbe�urAnco By I.ender Not w Waiver. Bxtensbn of 1ho Hme of paymeau or modiHcatian
<br /> af ank��i::atlun of 1ho swns sacumd by thla Securlty Insuument�ranuxl by Lcnder to.ar►y surccssor in intenst af Aor��vcr sh�ll
<br /> not operato w relcasc�tho Ilnbltlty�f slw original Borrowcr ar I3orrawcr's succc,�sar in intcrest.lx�nder shall nat Ue inquired W
<br /> ----__ camn�iccs p+ac.�cdings against any succcssor in intcrest or rcfuso to oatcnd t�rno for paymc►►t t�r othGrwiso mcxli[y amoctizution�f -
<br /> ___-__ , cho aums socurccl by thi9 Securl�y Inswnxnt by ecason of any dcmAnd macW by ttw�rlginal Barmwcr ar Barmwcr'u succcssora
<br /> ln intarest..Any forbears►nco by Lcades in wcercising any dght or rcrnedy st�11 iwt bo a walvcr of or preclud�tho oaercisa of uny
<br /> m,—.;� right or remedy.
<br /> -=--_ _-_- � �•�R(HE)�o�oa! aao•�o�e inniaia:..
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