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<br /> nmendment tn this Aercceucs�t ar otliorwisa bv tua Auth�rity :�t tiio �quost of d�o Oivnvr �
<br /> (includin�� b»t n�t limitcc� to� t�l�l [�ilSallA�Ic� flA9 tlfl(I pXj?CI1SC9 di tlt0 AU�Il01Ily's cotuisol in _
<br /> connection �vlth ciny apin.iun to bo ��i1do�:d i�areund�r). Th� Uwn��r nbr�ees to �ale.�� ttte =
<br /> rlt�tftor-i�y f'mny t�ny clnim� los�� �icmnnd or JudIImr.nt aA n mcult c�f tl�o.�llac�ttlt�n af tnx cm.tiit =
<br /> duiI�iu ii�n r,uJd+,i a:4t�a;.;�aptu�v u�,a�:�t;:�y i4t:.I�t�:.s��1 R�c+�i!u�c�ti�lcL�:��t��4?i��r,��i�y =
<br /> thc�Autiiority for any claim, losq, domnnd or,�ud�ment a�nU�st dia Authorlty ns Hto result of�n -
<br /> a�loc�tIon of G�x c�tt dollnrs to the �*raject or thc� recnp�mo afi s.�mo by tue Intorn�l k'tovenue �
<br /> 5orvlcc�.
<br /> Scctton 1:3. Savemf��llty. Thv invn�idity of any clausc�, pArt or provlsio» of this
<br /> A�mcment shall nat�ffect tho vnlidlty af the romaining pcaMians tliar�af.
<br /> Section la. Notices. All �ioitces ta Uo givai pursuant to thia Ag�cinent shali bo in
<br /> wr�ting a�id shnll t�o dee�ied given whon mailod by ceitifi� ar�egistered mail. reh�tn ir.coipt
<br /> requested, to tho parti�s hereto at tl►a addrosses set fartl�balow,ar to such oth��placv as a party
<br /> may from tlme to timo doslgnato in wrlting:
<br /> nwnor: Author�ty: Nebraskn Invostmcnt Finnnca
<br /> Autharity
<br /> 2t10 Co��iiiiojr,v Cc�urt
<br /> 1?30 Q+ �finet
<br /> L�ncoU�, rY� 68SU8
<br /> Attentl�n: Sxeciatava Dlrzctor
<br /> Saction 15. Gvvearsu�law. This Aereement shall i�o�overncd t�y the laws af the,Stnto
<br /> ot I�icmra5ica. — " - - -
<br /> �;�ctio� 16. �'ernt�'natlon. �tolwlthstanding any nther prov9sions hareof, this eAgmement
<br /> and the �s�rledons and uthor p�vislons fiaereunder ah�ll tarm�z�:��o on thv to�tnination pf the
<br /> Qualifi€xi Pmject Foriad without any further action bcln�taken by any party ha�ta. •
<br /> �+ecilon 17. Counte�paRs. This Agree��a�m¢ naay Ue ai�nal ��� an�r numUer of
<br /> � c,ountarpaxt,9 with �,�° same effect as if tho signatura9 tliereto aza�4 hcrew we� upon tha suma
<br /> 9natn,m�nt.
<br /> ��;tion 18. Setbo►Y1ina�llo�. (�wner has bc�rx+c����d�tmd9 fr�m I..ender and such a�nounts
<br /> aro se�iexed by tha Psoject. In o��tor to ensuro ttie v1RbiUty af tho Project's law ineoma housing
<br /> tax c.redlt dollars, �..ender hr�roby agree.v to subordimato its rights ta the pravlslona af thia
<br /> Agrcenaent thmughaut tha toru�of tt�is Agm,emerit,As sct forth i��SPCtiun 5�and for tho Vt�cancy
<br /> I3econt�l Rul�followin& foreclosutt�.
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