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<br /> ._ �= G�Sis, tl�u At�tlw��Ity nu�y in�ga�cc q�a�tc+rly r�pa�in�res�o�isililt�tie�pert�iai�i�; to sucl► nintt�rs �
<br /> ----�=� as Ih� Authortty d��ms r-�u�sanabt� ��pon th:, ��t�n�r. ��ilur�lay an(3�n�r to cam�ly with uny ��
<br />=a-,�� si�i:N r��ia�iL�6 i��is��ii�t��s 6�all can�titu��: ��iQlati�n c�f this A���iz�it. �
<br />__;�a
<br /> .:��° ` SecNon Iq. A►iicucliuont; Tern��imP�a�. Tfna provlsiana horeof shmll not tx� �mcndecl.
<br /> ' rovisc.�!or termir�ated(oxcept as l�mvidu�i in Su:tio,��ug this A�ccomcnt)pr)or to tha stated tenn
<br /> ��� he�of oxcept by an lnstnmi�nt in wrlting cioly oxect�tecS by thv Autttority nnd tlta Owr�er(ur ite ='.
<br /> successors ih titl�)an�1 dtily re�cosde.d. 'II�i�Authority's conscnt ta nny suclh amendmont. rovlsion �
<br /> _�;p-_�. ar term�ation,atflnr th�►n n termination pursunut ta 5eatlon S of this Ab�+eemont� shall be �,ivea !.
<br /> - `���� anly if (n) the� sh111 txi lttached t� tho decument ovldcncipig such �mmtdment, revlsion or �.
<br /> '� tormin�ttan �n�P9nioi2 af Owner's counsol sntlsfactory to tho Authority thnt such amendnten4� =-
<br /> ._ �,�•, -
<br /> -�=.-��., revis'san ar to�nin�tion wi�l nat rcault in nattcomplianco �f tho Pno,�ect or tho �wner with �.
<br />=���j�� SeGtlom 42 of tha Codo or (b) ovldenco sntisfnctory to tho Authority has bean �led wlty saici =
<br /> -==�`,,.�,�:- Authority dcmoastrating th�t tiiero has occi�rned t�n involuntary nor►cqmpliancn caused by fie��
<br />�="�--- sa�zu��o, m.quiaitl�n, change in fe�toml IH�v, ucdan af a federal agefiGy which p��+vents d�o
<br />_�"� �uthority from onfaroin� this Agreoinent or eondemna�ion or similar ovant. Notwitlastandin�
<br /> = tha foi�egaing, this Agmcment shall not terminnte by mason of ti»uforementianeci farerlosuro�
<br />- - transfcr of�itle by deetl ln lieu of foreclasuro or other eunilar avont ox 1f ttio Ownor ur any
<br /> __ - Ytclntcd Porsou or Any persan wfth wl�orn tha Owr�or has h1d fam�ly or buslness ties obtt�ns —
<br />:;�=�,� ownership int�%rpst ia tho Pro,�ect for feclaml t��x puipases during the periad in wf►ich the
<br />�'±'"'�� restrlciions of this A�re�mant aro or wauld bo In offoct.
<br /> �'�'�� Section 11. Na (.'Q��nlct With Oither l�cuments. Tha Own�r wacrnnts tha� 3t has nat
<br />.�����
<br /> _.�._�
<br /> �xecuted 1nd will nat oxecute any other agrcoment with pmvisions cantrndictot�r Qa, or in
<br /> _ �s��,�r�,:t�r r►��A�a he�f a,�d t1�at, iu flnv ovent, thc�rc�xuiremcnts of th s.c�:�a��er�r.n2
<br /> — _-= aro plramount and controlUn�as to tl�o i3ghts nnd obllgatlans hereln set fafth and s�a�ers�:►9„�+��;
<br /> - --_. other rec�uir�ments in canflict ho�in. _
<br /> __----- � Secttun 12. Fees, Releuse and L�der�i��Jicallon. Tho Owner agm,es to pay the Authorlt�r -
<br /> �—= as an applica�tian fee a nar►�fundablo fen, thv gne.ltei� of 19b of tha annual cradit �+equested ar
<br /> _-�=� $500. Tho Ownor agrees to pay tho Authorlty as a resc�vAtinn/commitarcnt fce the �t�ater of
<br /> ° 2"� of tlie stnn��nl creclit a�a�u�t reec�lveti ar $SQO. Yn oddltion, tha Owner agi�es to pay tliu
<br /> Authorlty an alloc�tion feo of 2?b of tha annual r,r�edit allocatecl and an anuual fee et�ual to ttxj '
<br /> -�-����� �r�1�tir af 29b af tha Am�t�s�R ci�edlt allacatec# or SS�U. Any vxt��tordlnarp� legal �eea incurm,�l by
<br /> — � the Authariry with raspecr�o the 4�ruJu:e wlll lx�p�ia i��r tiin Uw�ia�. 'Y'�ia(l�vr�r h;,r4by agc�^s
<br /> — ta pay� indamrcify and hold tho Authority harniless fro�n a�ny a�ad all castA� oxpensos and fees,
<br /> including all reasonablo utta�neys' feos whicl�may bo i�icurnd by tho Autharlty in enfo�ing or
<br /> = ntterr�pting t� enforca this Ag,reoni�nt� �.ncluding, but not fimited to (i)in tho �vent that the
<br />- �=�� vae•�tti�»r� i+�po�is aro nut subniltteci as r�uired 4axeundar and tho Auib���°uty c�anducts an on�site -
<br /> - ---° �nspecilon af tho C)wnc�'s twak nnd m.cords and (ii) fallauRn� any d�fault an tho part of the
<br /> Owner henunder or 1ta successoi�v, wh�ther tho eam� sl�aU bo enforced by ault ar otlienvi9s,
<br /> ° tagcther with �Il cc�ste, feeo s�nd oxpenaes wli�cl� n�ay be incurred 'an cannection with any
<br /> ---�e
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