, i '.
<br /> ,
<br /> � \4.,• .
<br /> . ._ , , � .� _ .���
<br /> _�.:..r.Y....�_����'°.,�.�:� ' . .. . , . . . .. �� --- ^— -
<br /> � C(1d�r1ANTfl ���..1""' �Q�r�L�� ,
<br /> �� ---- � . 1, t'a};m:r�W. [iarrotiv:�r ��reaa t�t rrt�Ae at! �Nyn�enia nn tltiw awau+acl duhl whan �tua. Untoao llarra�lar ond Londor npraa alhorwiao, eny
<br /> � poymo��te landnr rocolvve(rc�m flurrwvur ur �ur Oorrowar'o bonofq wlll bo Upptlod Hrot tu nny aroounto llorrmvcr o4voa on d�o auct+rud dsbi
<br /> awc�u4lva ot Intoroet or principnl,enCOnd to intaroAt and thnn to princlpN.lf narll�l prppnymont of tho eacwad doht accuro for any rouunn,ft wlll
<br /> nat roducn or oxcuno any achadulad povmont untll t��o eocurod dobt lo�ald In tuil.
<br /> 2,C1a1mM ApeEnat YIUr.17nrro�vor�vlll pey nll taxae,o9�eaemonts, end othor clierpo0 p1tt��utobta to tho nropo�ty whon duo end wlll�iotan�9 Ntlo
<br /> ` tu 1he prognrtv apelnat Kny clalm�which►vuuld Imp�b U�a Ile of thle dnod u}twnt.tendar may ioquiro Parrawcr to oeelpn ony rlphto,ctelmo nr
<br /> ' doteneae which tiarrower may(vfve F�ln:net pertioa v�ho�uppP�lebo►or mateHotc to 1�»provo or mo�ntn�n tho proporry.
<br /> - - � �, tnaursne�. Gorro+�:or wlil hecp ths property Inaurod under�erma ecceptabta to londer at E3a—rtawar'a oxpance end far Lend�r'e G�raNi. AH
<br /> � inauianco pollci3a uh�it h�tud�a et:�ndurd r,�ort� �o e!„as9 In t•»x�r ot len�r.L6n�?r�vlll L�s nan��d��lo�a{�ays�M a�thn Insu ad on any suoif �. •
<br /> __, � Imurence pollcy.Any.lnaurence praco�de mny be epplled,withln Lendar'e diccretion,tn elthnr tho ro�toretlon or�opAl�of tho dnmapecf propnriy �
<br /> � � ot to tho aacurad dobi,(i lo��ior roqu+rac nlc,n�t6vd ic��u�o�tta,6a�.awaP a��a to mslr..sln auch tsxiuran�»!us es lozt�e!!^_tt�+at ts+�t!!��0. .
<br /> - � 4,f'�'oPsriY•Uareowm�vill kaop tho praporty In pond candlUOn�nd 1nek9 ell repolre reaaanebty nacoesery,
<br /> 8.GMp�n»s.OorroHOt oprooa to pn all Londor'A oxpnnsee Incluciinp roeyonnbto nttornoye'fune,If[3orrowar braake nny covanonte fn thle dood
<br /> , � : o}irusS or In eny oblipatlon encurad�y t�lo doud ot¢rust.dorrowar wlll pay tlieso c+maunto to Landnr oa proviclod In Covunant 0 at t�t9 dood of
<br /> ---.--• - truxe. -
<br /> � 8.Prta 6�curity(nt�ro�t��Untoes[lorrewar firot oEtolno l.endor'e�vriltan consont.Oorrowor wl�l not meko or pormlt nny chenpne to any prlo�
<br /> oocurlty Intoreeto. Barrowot wlll porform nil n1 Oouowor'a ohllCatluns uncior cnV Prlor martpapo, daocl o}truet or otho� ooaurity eproomont,
<br /> . Includlnp Oorrawor'e covenente to meko peymonte whon dua. •
<br /> � ° 7.A�tl �t of R�t��nd Profits.Dotrowor eoalpna to 4ender tho rente end prollt�of the proporiy.Unleee�orrower end Londer have epreod
<br /> otherw so In writinp, Qor�awar rney collect and retain tL•o rante ee lonp ce tlorrowat la not In dafauh. If Oorro�uer de}eutt�,Lande►, londu's
<br /> flpant, oe e court sppolnted reccivor mey tuke poeseaelon end mennaa the praperty end colinat the ronte.Any rant�Londer colleats th�ll b�
<br /> oppllad tlret to tho coets of inenepin the prapertV. Inctudinn c�urt aaete and nttor�ay�• feea, commlcelon9 to rentel a(ionte, end any othor
<br /> necosAery roiatod axponsos.l'ho romoPninp amount of rante will thon epply to peymonta on the cacurod dobt ea provlded In Covenent 1.
<br /> 8.4��ashold�j Condominiums;Pl�nn�d Unit D�vaiopmant�.8orro�vor a ioos lo camply wlth the provlsions o}eny leaso I�thta deeJ of truet la on -`;:
<br /> e IuusehalA. 11 thle doad af truat le on o unit in a candominium ar e pQannad unit davutopmont, Uouowor wlll perform nll of Dorrowar'e dutlae
<br /> undor thn covonante.Oydowa,or rnpu�atlons of the con�lominlum a►pinnnod unl4 dewtapment. .�'
<br /> 9. Authaity of L�ndt�to P�sform for Borrow�r. I1 8otrowor (olla ta_qertorm eny at Oorro�ver'e dutloe undor thle dand of truat, Londar may _
<br /> � C011ltf O110t1 Otlt th pfOpeity le dis o�nuecf oi noi•CATt�ed on in s ieeionebiWO maIlflUf� �.011dor may daivhatever 19 nuceaaaryt o�prato T Lender s '•.�
<br /> , �ecurity Intareat In the�ropenv.Thla may Inciudo comp otlny the aomtruoNon. �'_""
<br /> �r�:- ' Lender'e fa�lure to peiParm N ill not preclude londar trom oxorct�inp eny af Ito other rlphta undar tho law or thle ddod of truet. !--
<br /> .�. :
<br /> Any amounts psid by Lender tu prataat Lundor'u eecurity h�t�teYt wIU t�9 s0cuted by thla daod of truat. Such omounto�lUI ho duo on domenA �___-
<br />� end wfil tear Iniarast from tho dato af the pa�rnent until paid in tull at tl�o Intoreet rat�In o}feot un tho secured deht.
<br /> � „ F:--_
<br /> ,.,,�,�' 10. D�t�ult�nd Acc�t�ntiun. If Elorrotver Pc,il9 tp mako any peym ant whon duo or broeko eny covenente undar thl� deed at trust or �ny �._,-__
<br /> ohlipatton eacurad by thta Oaeci ot truet or any prlor mortflape or dnad of truet, lender mey accolmete the moturity of the�eauretl debt encf �,.; _
<br /> ��-� U demend Immediate payment end m�y invok�tha power of e�le and eny other romndlea permlttod by epplicarla law,
<br />_..�� ..._:___..i S�. _.= _
<br /> 1i. R�quat tor Notia o!��f�wtt.It la horoUV�oquustud t�a4 coplao of tha naticoa af dof�uR ond eele be eent to e�ech�m�aan wNo i��puty
<br /> - . . �Y;;�:� � heroto,et tho tctdr�rr�ot oach Quch por�on,as aot farth hemin. �'
<br /> ... . .
<br /> , :.;.r;.. - -
<br /> _ ,;. ,�„� 12. Powe o!Sa}a. If the L�ncf��Invoke�tha�owar o}seta,the T�uatae eh�li fU�t rocord�n ths otflce u9 4ha ropiit�r af dQad�uf Rach caunty =
<br /> whareln the truat�opariy or cotne part or yarcal thoroof la eltuated e noUco a!defeult contelnlnp the Infurmallon rR�ulred hy Isw.The tvis4ee _ _
<br /> � -`_ ' _ _ie, ,�y,�,�,,,��r�,�,�e,n!ehs nouce o1 datauu tn�he 9nrm�erer.to each penan who i�� outv hereto. 4nd to othor pe��o����[x�4cr!M�Dv
<br /> .',1 • . ' ' �` , ipDficablo law.?Nbi iefo (hin one month nher the Truetae rocorde the noHc� oi Qet�ult. or Qwo monine�t tn�trwt propeity u noz in �ny �
<br /> Inco�poratod citY or viu4pe anA es used In tarminp operptlono uarrlad on hy tha truator,the Tivatee chall give pubilo nutice of��Is to the pereons -
<br /> •-" `;.'_ �� md In the mAnnat{xescrlAed bY��pppllceblu law.Trus�es,wlthout demmd on Bnrrow�r,ana11 ae0 tM prtop�rty at publlo auotbn to tM hipMst c`
<br />