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<br /> � $� whoaa raelJonao adcfrosa la" nn_nnx �ap,M�iL.�n.},aud,_..1tai+ . � AGaunty, Nobr�eko ("Trustua"1,end tho�ouollciary. ��
<br />^����'�t�. �I�FFnF.RAi. AAV,�ijQ,,Q_,_�N AAB��.'.TAT�QN ,.._ �a coqwretion orpeN:ed
<br /> -- end exl�ttnp uncioi the lawa uf,��EHF�19Ha ,_whoee addreas I��2�&�LTr}t r.c]CtrQT gTRi',ET�� —
<br /> ��� .L�4�1t+�1�I�►f.nt�_ .�H�n�a n K9R �-i(�_9 _..._.._t'4onder°l. "
<br /> ',"� ° GONVEYANC`a:For vatue reoeived,Oorrawer Irrevoc�bl
<br /> cu�' . V prente nnd convay�to 7ructao,in truat,with powor ai aato,tho real propo►ty,of whtch
<br /> k�or�ower 1�I�wiuly Rei:ed, dflacrlbed qato+N and sll txiltcllnpn, fixtv►ei, end exiatlnp end tuturo improvemente ihereon end •II riphts•of•way,
<br />=_:� ea�emante, renl�, leaue�, proflto, Income, tenemenU, horaditamont�, prlvlfupos �nd eny eppurtenencea thsrounto beionpinp (all oallad the
<br /> ys-�.�.�- � `�StapattY'1,
<br /> PHOPERTY AQDAE98t.�...911_I1._LR1QM�'��-- __�_ ���►� .I9LA� _ .Nobraake�6fik1II3.
<br />__,'�'�;;�� 15trH11 ICIIYI f7�0 CoMI
<br /> .�,R€: LHOAL DE8CR1PTIt1Nt
<br /> ---„a-v�a� LQT ONF: HYINARED NItJ�iTX^TYINF (199� , 30IJ�H 1/2 OP I,OT TWO !-IW�T.[)RSD (20Q),
<br /> ------- YN B&LAtnNT 31DDITION TO TIiIi CxTY OI2AND TBLANI)� H11LL COiJNTx, 8�E4R7\�91(A.
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<br /> _ __ �� locatod In�._� _tlrLt- ep1IAT,Py ,�_,_ Caunty,Nebreaka.
<br /> TITLB��ortowet covenanto and wurants titls ta the prppetty,sxcept for ...... �.
<br /> _ -. �ECUIgD oiRi TAt�tNM ot tntR��cur��to�muw rt�P�Y�rR aw ttw�aaur�a a�or�rtd me prrioTm�mce oi i►w cQV.nmis md.Rrwm.rri.
<br /> -- cont�ir►sci In thi�d�ed o9 tru�t�nd In�ny athn documsnt Incotporot�d h�nin.6�cund debt,��ut�d in tnb dNd ot tru�t,Inciudo��ny�mour.t�
<br /> - Bcwrow�r uwes to 4ander under thl�d�od ol t�u�t or undor o��y Inttn�mont aecure0 by thle deed of trust,and etl moAlfla�Uom,extensio��snd
<br /> nnawvl�the�uf.
<br /> -_--==-•-�_—m The eecure�debt ie evldencod by ILlat ell Inetrumente end epreement�tecu�ed by ihl�deed of trwt�nd the dn*.os thar�of.1:
<br /> �Ca{_J1�A(SMZS&O,gY_..Ht�2�� Aucf a�:ct�uYmY �1f�R�'.FM�►�'r_t3n?'FD._LICTQH�!� 1?.-1�9.5__.... ...._........
<br /> �Futu��Adv�nc���Th� �bovp�mount li s�cund evan tlx�uph ell or port of it m�y not yet ha �cN�nad, furix� �dvanc�a an
<br /> contempleted�rxl wlll ps eecured to the e�me extent ae(f mRda on ths data thfa cMed o}trult la ox�cutKf.
<br /> ❑Ravol�inW Iirt�ot credit�pre�m�nt d�ted.�._. ._ ,with Initlal�nnu�l int�reet r�t�of 9t�.
<br /> AII�m��uat�ow�d und�r thl� �yn�mant�ra�acund�v�n thoupD N11�muunt�m�y not y�t M�cJvanced.Fvtun �dv�nc���+ixNr
<br /> tf»�araMm�nt us cont�mptat�d�rxi wlll ts�ucu��d to th�a�m��xtent�s If ine�on th�d�t�thls daed ot tru�t 1��x�cut�t.
<br /> Tha�bovs oblip�tlon I�du��nJ payablo on,.,..,..,,.(1CTQE{ER,_].6.r,.13Q6 ...��..., d4 rat psld oulirr.
<br /> Th�tot�l unp�W 6alance sacured by thi�dred of truot�t any nn�tim�Rli�ll�ot sxo�ed�maximum princl�al amount o}..._. ___.,
<br /> -___ -_— •py�►n�v�rnii9�iQ111iY1u1'CY IiT.�!T_RdO.NOLSa10 �DOIIt1�31/2.(1,_07A_(10 . 1.Plu�I�t�POat,
<br /> -° ptue�ny�mounto dl�buneA under the term�01 thla d�ad nt Vurt to pro4eot the�ecuriry af thi� dand of tn��t or to p0rtorm�ny of t'ra
<br /> coven�nt�contNr»d In thl�cteed af trutt,wlth Intero�t on puch dt�bursem�nto. �
<br /> - �Ywi�bt�flatr.7he InU►oa1 atts on UH obUq�tion ucurp0 my 1h1� drud of trust moy vary accordinp to the termo of thnt obliy�tton.
<br /> __� i� G� A co�y af th�losn�pr�tmsnt cantdninn tha terms wxfer which the Intsr�at rate m�y vaty le ettaohed to thle claed of truu�ncf
<br /> =- - m�A�a p�rt h�nof.
<br /> -------_�.�
<br /> = RII9kR8s Q Commsrc�al ��59*.�NMFHI' nF RF.j�QQ, _,_�__ Q _.,
<br /> �"� - PESIaNATif�T10R Hi1ME�TEAD
<br /> -------- Purw�nt to th�F�rm Momut�td Protection Aot,da�ipnation at homest��d ❑ I��tt�chacl to this�eed of trwt�nd made�pArt hnr�of
<br /> ❑ h�s lHm dl�clal,�d;tha cil�clalmer I�atteahad ta tht�deed of tru�t�nd m�d��p�rt t►�nof.
<br /> �,,...��. ��.�....�,.
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<br /> - -:� �ny d�acr v Wprwd y a►ow�r.
<br /> ...`"� �1�i=4==4'!e���__i���?/J � _ ---�.___..
<br /> _,,,;`L '� ItT,�iiY�, l► D'lKL�itB SAMELA L EHLER5
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<br /> ' � : � Tha foropoln�in�frumont wan ucknnwlad�lod bofaro mo on thls�__�,Ttl—_ day of _QC.'LQ}1F;L�,_.1.99..�i__._._.......-
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<br /> __..:�;�r..,. ' vu�nu.r�v oY_. ���_.._._. ...y
<br /> ' �"�� AcYna�vbdyn�nt e � � � My Comm.Exp.M�y 6,i-99i on boholf of the corpontlon or pennerohlp.
<br /> ', ��.�. �,�,w,z� My comminlon expireAl 5/6/9B � � ��/� �y�7�,n J1 -
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<br /> CCD# 010044BA37
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