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<br /> �7, Hmtnenl l�Qmsin,Lendor fe ho�oby As�IpnExi all onmp�nar�it�n,t�wnrda,d�ma�43 and othor hnyn�onte or rali�i(har�dlrioii�r °
<br /> � � �' ��Nwce^de")(n aunn�ciiau wltll u�.ilil�:�nutidn ar trtt�cr 1�41np o}tho Proporty or pzrilharuof,or tn�canv�ypr�ca In I�eu ot condemn4-
<br /> ' Npn,l.end�r ehalt be anUtle�cl ot 119 ohtlon to oommonco,apponr In c�ncl{�roeaoutv�n�te own nAm�any spuon or procaec�i��p@,encl
<br /> ohall atao bo ontltlecl to mnho any oompramino or eolUnmoM in oonnootlon wllh c�uoh tnklnp or Qnniapc�.In tho uvonl any pmlion ot
<br /> !ho Wiaparry la ao takon nr ddmoUad,I.endor ahall havo 1No aptlan,In Ita eoto anct absoluto dienrollnn,t�c�pply all euc11�'roG�eda. _.
<br /> slter d�duGti��p H�erolram all aoata nnci oMpnngas I�currad by It In connoctlan r�lt►r euch F�rocoe�a,upmn�ny inclat�tednaee�eoured
<br />_ _.. _ _ __ �ere��And In euch ordar ee Lonqar may dnls►mino,or to A�►►�ty al►�uat�ProcAact��attor auch dcduct�ont�,(o the rB�tArAf{AO cf)Ih8 -
<br /> _-- - - - - �fAPCriy uppii 6Ei0Fl Ctltldii18i1�RS(.�iti3t rit�y t�,3t�1MlA��.7RY ARPIIGC1tI0fl C1)NfitGP_Ld�t41f1I�E�?t['ff11�4�E91 9 11 1101HMZAilil6i�HSStj}pli8 _
<br />' - � - � th7 du�d.°.t�ot:�ny paym�r+t�ua:ior the P�3ote,or c�+re�ny dntauh thereunder ar horQUnder.dny une{��Il�d f+�ndn ohall ba pald to �
<br /> _ Tructflr. �
<br /> 0. P�Kormanc�hy 6end�r.Upon tha Qoc�urrenca ot en�vent oi t3ata�di narc�uriear,��i►hiy ao.Is t=�vr�or 4:.�°!Fr��ln;
<br /> - - aomm�ncod whleh m�t�Naliy nitaote 1,e��der'e Interealln tho Propency,LenUer m�y In Its own dlearotlon,but wilhout o�ii�aUon tod�
<br /> ��.,"`^,�,-; i, ea,and without nutico to ar demand upon Trustor nnd wlthoi�t raleaelnp 1'ruetor trom any obllp�tlo�,da uny act e�hich TYu�tur hae
<br /> qgreed bu1 fe�lla ta do�nd niay alao da Any other not II deeme�aceaeery to protool lhe aeouriry heronl.Trudtor ehpil,Immedlrtoty
<br /> upan dUmand tharotor by Londer.pay to I.vnder nll coafa end oxpenac;a Inourrud ancl c�um�axpandod by Lond�r In cannet�tlon wlth
<br /> �� --�` ' tho exeralne by l.ander af thp torepolrep riphta.topethor wlth Intereat ther�on st trle detautt rato proviood m tno i�oi��,widui�ni�nii Gn _
<br /> . � ndUad to tha Indeb!adnoae aoourod hareby. Lender ah�ll not In�ur any Ilabllity bacnuao of anythln8 11 mny do or omll ta do -
<br /> I�oround�r.
<br /> ' ' 0. H�:��da�c�M�1wlai�.Trustor ahall koep ihe Aroperty In oomplleace wH!►all appticabte lawa.ordlnnnces and roputatlar+�
<br /> • _• relatlnp to Induntrlal hypiono or envlronmental p�otaatlnn(calleoUvety referred ta hereln eo"Envlronn�ontol l�we").Tru�to�ehetl
<br /> � koap the Praporty froo Irom all eubeta�coe deemed ta ha ha:ardoue or toxlo undorany Environmental l.e�wd(aoltoativety�eferral to
<br /> � ° haratn a�"Hax�rdoue MAterielA"�.'f�u�tor heraby wnrnnts and repteaent�to 6enUe�Ihnt there�r�no Nat�rdau�M�tN�l�la on ar
<br /> ,- �:.: under the Property.7ruftar haroby epreeA to In�emnlry a�d hotd harmlaea Lender.its dlr�tors,oHlCerA,employea�and��inti�,e�td
<br /> .��;. � •�., eny eu�caeaors ta lender'a Intereeb troro end sp�lnst any�nd all clsime,d�mepea,(OidQ!aild(IAblllll�s Aridnp In conneollon with
<br />:.�,�''� ''.�' lhe preaence,use,dlepoaal ar hane�ort ot any Nazardoue Meteriale on,undar,trom or ebout the Propbnty.THE FOAEQOINA
<br /> :, ,., '� 6URVIVE NECONVEYIINCE OF THIS OE�Q OF TRU9T. rovidetl thet Trutt�r -
<br /> __ , _•�•�<<�` iQ. A�t{�nmRnl of Rfnt�.Trustor heraby asalpne to Lender tho ronto,lasue9 and��rollta of tho ProAorly:p =
<br /> � ahall,untll the ocourrence ot an Evant o1 pelnult herefander,have Ihe�Ipht to collcsotand roteln euoh rente,leeuei end protib sa lhay
<br />_ ` `�` beoomA clue and payebte.Upon the 000urrenca o}an Event of Ue9ault,Lender may.elthe�In ps�aon or by sD�nt,with or without
<br /> - •�:,=';;;�� brinpinp eny actlon or proceedlnQ,or by e roaeivar eppolnted by a coutt and wiYhout ro8erd to lhe adequaay of Ite aeourily.entm
<br /> � upon snd take poeaeaslon o9 the F'roperry,or any part thereof,in ite own name or In Ihe nam�o}the Truetoe,and do any anU whloh II
<br /> - deems n�ao�sary or deelrable to prasorva the vuluo,marY»teblilty or renteblllty ot iha Propor�y,ar any pan thoreof o►Int9rentthareln, _
<br /> Inoreaee the Ineamo tl�oratrom or proteet tho eeouriry horaof and,wlth or wlthout taklnp poaaoaslon ut tha Propotry,eue tor or _
<br /> - , otherwl�a culloat th�rente,lasuoa and proilta thoraot,Inoludlnp thoae past due end unpald,and epply the eamo,leas ao�t��nd _
<br /> �'.��'.� •J=y , expeneea o1 oporatlon nnd colloctian Inuluding sttornoys'leae,upon Any Indohtednnss soaurod heroby,ell in euch order ee Lwf�der _
<br /> ..�"-.-.".�. �;�� mny�etermina.Tha entering upa�l flnd taklnp poasaselon ot tho Rroperty,the a�llaatlon ot such ronts,Issuee and prntite end the
<br /> -�• Y -� ppptice�tlon Ii�orool as 9tpres�tld.ehc+ll not auro or�raivo�ny deteuli c�r notice o1 Qetaull hereunder or Invalldnta eny eot done In
<br /> � ��"'"s�� ro�panae to eueh default or pursuqnt tosuch�otlGe of detauN and,nohvithatendlnptho conllnuance In poasesaton ot the Prope�ty ur
<br /> r � `�..;,,���;�r, the colieotion,receipt And aaDlicatlon of ronte,Isaues or proflts,and Truetao a�d Londar shali be untitled to exare.l�o ovary dght
<br />-.,�._,+';:;,3_iy�. pravtcietlt�rinanyoltheLaanOaCUmontaorbylnwuponoccurrenceotanyFventotL�otault,Inaludingwithau111mltatluMhe�lphtto
<br /> o���i��.�,�����.�t�;���,za�'o���i_�}or�lns u�da�4���Qarea�anh ahall he cufl'IUI�tIVB Wlth.�nd in na w�y a
<br /> ,t:tt-�c,�-:�.-�
<br /> r,.,,.�,;,;p� Ilmftatlon an,Londar's rlphte t�r+t9�omedle�undor any asslpnrr+ent af Ieases and ronte recordoti apain8t 1ho Property.Lflnder,T�uetea
<br /> ••�-�M�aea���.� and tha�eceiver ehell be Ilabta to accaunt oniy those rents e�tualiy recolvad.
<br /> "
<br />