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<br /> __ - � C � i 1 � i � I � � ,..�u �--•
<br /> }YJ.: -'4--�":, � r l, �� � .�
<br /> otcp o� r�uar���iraa �u�u�� a�v�����
<br /> ry~ THIS DEBD OF 1'HU9T,Is mndo ae al tho 1:t.�dny o1 ......__.l1rs. .._,19:1.�.., by and c�monp �
<br /> '. ' • � �
<br /> � �'- � tho Trustor. ---jl�,�C4�-�.-HAU�lG�.---r--�n�-��aon ---_ � �J �_
<br /> .;.j.i.._.•�._
<br /> � � - whose mnilln0 adclroso IB 30¢�7 W St.rlley Pnrk Rd �►h2 Grond iolanc��horoln"Tru�E'or,CDt�I�tlw�b��'or more), ���, �_
<br /> . �
<br /> • �,,�- thfl Trustoo. .____F'.iue...Poinit�aiak.._�.-Habr�alcu��axn�.�.an — -•-----------� -_-
<br /> • ... � . --_
<br /> . „� whase malllnfl uddroen is E�.Q �x 15QIZ..,.,�.�p� IE1lnnci� N�. 6E1f�02.�,.. (hQroln"Tr�ste�"�,snd �,
<br /> . � r-.
<br /> ih8 f39R0}ICI9fy. _.�111� ��i nt ri_Ilna�k__ — ----------� _
<br /> " . � -,,•�' whoae malUnp addresa ia�Qa��._.-preadyE•l-�-G��c1--E�ar�car--NCr.-G�02a3�3T----- (hereln"lene4ar"). —
<br /> ' ''• r-
<br /> ,�.
<br />-=�:.�.���._�_ ' FOR VALUABLE C�N5IUERATION, Ir.ciuding Londor'n oxtonalon o!oradlt Identltivd hereln to
<br /> � •.
<br /> ,� _ - ,�p��y�po.-�._..�_____,�_._._ ___..(horoln"Elor�owctr",wiiethor ono or more)and Ihe truat heroln creatad, R
<br /> _,,•-�. ; tho�000lpt at whlch Is horoby auk�owtadpod,Truator horaby Irrovocnbly grants,trnn3fare,conv9ya and asslpne to Truatt�a, IN
<br /> __- . :,,i TRUST,W17N PQWER OF 9ALE,lor 1hu banoflt and oncurlty of Lundor,undor and oubJoat to tho terma nnd conditlona her�lnafte�aet
<br /> torth,the rEal proporry,e�asarlbod as toUows:
<br /> �'r"'� '��
<br />_.�-.��'� l:ot Forty Nln� (49). Amick Acreg ��st Subdivlainn, Hall Caunty. Ncbr�slca --
<br /> _-.-�.z.._�;,,r�.� �
<br />__`._,ct:•t.[.c`.�:_�� - -- - - -- - -- - - - oe. :.t� �( • �rl_v�lgnaf�1d�ntluttt= -
<br /> -�,t�y.i$..�w� loqetnoi Wim sii Uii4�a{Rpo,ititVivi�ZiaiiYv��n+v,00�u�vo v,a,!lvyv��'w°a:fj..��ln.•«.3�t8...-. '{�l�.S--
<br />=��-l�i-=_�:�� nancaa locatad tharoon ar In uny�vls�pc�rtninln�thcr��fo,bnd the ronte,iesue9 Anct profits,reverslona und rmm�indero thereot,dnd
<br /> --_=__�� auch pereonal prope�ty 9hnt la attached to tho Improvomont9 so ne ta conetltute a ilxture,Inoludinp,but�ot Umited to,he�tl�p end
<br /> - - °- -_= conlinp equipmanL'and ivyelhor wlih Ihe homestead ar meNlal Interaata,I1 any,whlah Intorosts nro heroby releaeed and welved�nll
<br /> '-..---....�__ .�• � �`�M�ti�n_��rnrl hv/Fu Ilan nf thli
<br /> at WlliOn�irtO�utliny repiaaamoriin o►mi mciuriivno Qiiviva�,�a noivvy avHtaiav�3�'•�v v j:ui:�.Zh�:�°! -.-
<br /> = - --�------� Desd of T�u91 and all of t�o foropolnp betng roforred to horoin as fha"Praparh�".
<br /> --v�� Thl�Deed ot Truel sh�all aeauro(n) tho puymont ot tho prinnipal eum a�d Interest ovldenced by w proml�aory�note or aredlt -
<br /> ., s�����
<br /> _:�- apreemoM dated .�.g����gg�-�--------.havinp a maturlry data oi ���},y��kg �
<br /> -����- In the orlpinal principal nmoun9 09 5—..-lF.r36�00------ ,and any And all mot1:11natlono,extenelpns and renawa�t�
<br /> ---- theraot or tiioreto and any and all futuro sdvancas ond raadvancen to Borrower(or Any o1 ihom N more then one)hnrNUnder
<br /> �a punuAnt tn one or more promlaeory notes ar nredlt apreomente(horeln aalled"Nate'�;(b)the payment o1 otl�er�umi�dv�need tsy
<br /> ---_"_--� I.endsr to protent Ihe seourlry ot tna Note;(o)tno porfarmnnco m ali covt�nants and apruamenta ai True,t�r aet fcnh hereln;ER[i(s!)w0 c
<br /> prs�en!and luture Indebtedneia arvd oblipatlone of F]orrower(or any af them If more than one)to Lender whathq dlrao4 incliract,
<br /> — ahaolute�r ca�tlnQent and whethe�arisinp by note,puAr�nty,averdrett or otherwlee.The Note,thls Dbaci o1 Tru�t and�ny�n�d�II
<br /> other doouAnts that seaure the Note ar otherwise axecuted In connectlan therewith,Inoludinp wlthpul IImlUtinn�uer�nte�f,s�curity
<br /> __�__ ap�aem�nts and�ssipnmenta of leasea and rente,ehall ba reter►ud to he�eln a�the"Loan Oooumente".
<br /> _ �� Trwt4r cown�nte and egreea wlth Lender ae folipwa: ___
<br /> --- 1. p.�cm.n�a ina.at.�n�.All Indobtedness seuured horeby shr��l ba pald whan due.
<br /> -_- --=-v� ?.. TIH�.Truator le�he oHner of tho Hroperty,hae tha rlght and authority to oonvoy the Propeny,and warrante th�t tiia llen
<br /> - oreated he�eby Ia a flrot end priar c,>�n on tho P�operty,oxcopt for�lane and enpumbrancoa sat torih by'fruator In w►itinp end
<br /> dellvarec9o.�+I.entler�etore axecu9i;�:,�f thlo Daed of Truat,and Ihe exenutlon And dellvary o}thla Oeed o1 Truat doea not viofate�ny
<br /> � �� contrect or bthdr obU�alion to whir.h Truator la eubJaot.
<br /> _ __�3 3. T�Y�,Ilswwmana.Ta pay bafara delinquenoy aU taxea,epeclal asse�smentc+anA ell ather charpoa apalntt tho Property
<br /> _��---- now or hereafter levle�i.
<br /> j b. Intur�ne�,To keep lho Proporty I�aured npalnsl dmm�po by tire,hozA�ds Included wlthln tho tenn"extended cpverepa",and
<br /> ___�;�i suah othor har.ards ea l.onder mny roqulro,In nmounts und wlth campanles acceptable ta 4ender,naming l.ender ae an addltlonal _
<br /> --__--� --- named inatired,wlth loss pAyable ta ihe Londer.In oase ot losa under euoh pollaloa,tho I,vndar la authorl:aci W adJutl,collact antJ
<br /> - "��:���:Y: compron��Ise,all alalms tP�ereundar and ehall haeo the optlon nf apptyMp all Ar paA of thd InourNnbe pracs�cla(q b sny Ind�badnsu� -
<br /> u�
<br /> _.�...,�Wr�.r4.
<br /> - - ��,- �ocured hereby and In suoh order os I.endar may datermina,(I1)to the Truotor to be uaed tur the�•epatror reotoratlon o1 th��"rop�rty
<br /> -°'�� or(III)for any o4her purpoae or obJect estlef�otury to Lender wlthout attectln0 the Ilen o1 thle De�d ot Trust for ths full amaunl s�aurad _
<br /> - = h�ab;�3oss_aots�;snsnt�ear lonk�19t8.Ari;w���ing����I n��cwacis tn�ce.ightruina�.shall not extend or pn�tpnna/iw du� �
<br /> r��s �� � date o1 any paymente under tho Note,or oure eny deteuit the�eunder or hereunder,
<br /> `"�,sr`��' 8. E�erow.Upon written demsnd by Lender,Truator ehall pay to Lender,in euoh mannar as Lender may dasipnat�,wtflclent
<br /> _=�-;- oums to eneble l.ender to pey ae they baaome clue onp or more o1 the tollowb�p:(1)alI taxee,a�sa�ementa and uther cherqae s�alnd
<br /> _ ,�. � the Property,(11)the promlume on the properry Ineuranca raqulred hereunder,end(III)the premiume an a�y mon��e Insur�nco —
<br /> ,_-}, ,•4f�� raqulred by Lender. S,_
<br /> 0. MW#ntfn�ms,R�p�irs and Corapllanc�with Lew�. Truator ahall koop the P�oporty In pood condltlon and repalr;shall
<br /> �� promptly ►epalr,or rep�eco uny Improvomont �vhlah mny bo damapod or dostroyed; shall not commit or pormit any wastt� or
<br /> � �, Aeterloretlan of th�Proporry;ehall not romovo,domollah or f�ubatAnNally nitor pny pf tho Improvamonte on tho F�raperty;ehall not
<br />-� � comrnit,suftt�t ur��prmit any act to tao do�o fn or upon tho Proporiy U�vlolatlon o!any Inw,ardlnanoo,or raDulstlon;end ehall pay ancl
<br /> .. proro�ptly dieoharpo at'1'rua�tor'e coat und oxpon�o all Ilono,onoumbrancos and oharpa�s luvlod,impos9d or aeaosaed a�palnnt tfio
<br /> , Propeftyr or eny part ihoreot.
<br /> - R.
<br /> . . o
<br /> J� �� Z
<br /> �. �.
<br />