<br /> . . . . .�
<br /> ,. � , -
<br /> •' .. ,. . ,. ,._ . . ...-... _ .
<br /> n •. - ' . .... .... . ... .... .
<br /> ;'��� ��)����i
<br /> � 1f, �uit�r�Advon�c�.U{�on raqunal qf E3orro�vor,Lmtdor a�ny,ol i►o upUOn,mc�ho odd�Uunal n�d f�n�7r�nl.Atnn timp aholl �..
<br /> QdY�I1Gp9 t0 C10ff0►vU1.SUCh(1f�VA�Cp9 Qnd Ip�dVtl��(;00,►vnh iniaroai liiu�nun,al�ail Ua..cc�iccd�y ttn9 L�°oc�
<br /> • tho prinalpnl cimounl�l tha Indobt4+,�AicQqsaCt�roci I�y Ihie Qaod ol l'runl,not�naludtnp aum�ntivnncod tu prat4ct tho cacurlry althie
<br /> pcud ot Truaf,oxcood lhp urlpinnl pr�tic�Ijial Amount atntod hntaln,ur�u.l"t.�.(d0!1.-Cl� ,�v►UClmvor i�pru�tor. �
<br /> tU. Ril�ca;lanaon�Ptavtelens.
<br /> (o► L�aroowar�7ot�tata�:-d.�xtanslpn M Iho Ilmc�!ur payman!or mc►cti6cnUon ot�mu�llxoUun ol tho uum�naourc�0 by 1 �o
<br /> �d ut��ua{�}r�nt�cl�y Londor t�er�y R�+GC�a�Br In Intoroat oi Efnr+u�vor t�hnll nm oPor�tc�to ralendo,In any mannor,tho Ii�BUlty
<br /> 0}ti10�rl�ln�+l Eimrn�vc�r[tncl��rroWpr'4 aucco9sora In iniorast.londor rhnit no1 b�rvquNed tp�o��►��°°PT���'�dl��gs°Q�Ina1 �
<br /> suG�ouccoaeor nr rptueo to axFOnd Ilmtt 1ar paymoM or othor�viuo+nadity amar�i=atfnn al tho 5ums cQaurnd IsY ttNs Clapd of Truat
<br /> 1ty reason of nny domands nisdc�i�Y s���t�9tna1�osrei+�er nn�aorrowor's�ucGO:iaArs in Intoru3t.
<br /> (b) L�nA�r'� Pow�n.W�thaut oftootlnF�tho IInbIUty of nny utiwr pornon unbtu lar tho pnymani oi d�►y oUflpaS:an Eter�ln
<br /> monlfonoU,and��uithout pitqotlnp tho Ilon or chnr�o ot ihls Doocf o1 Trust upon nny portlon o1 llia Propotty not thon or tiiorototnro
<br /> rcleneod na sucurlty(or Iho tull nmaunt ot�II��npald obllpntion�,l.ondor mny.lrom Qmo to pmo�;p�har Indutgoncolsrliv)ro Qnao
<br /> p�roon eo Ilnblo,(��)nxtond thq maturlty Ar altor��ny ot thu lormn ul rany auah obllp�t�ons.(111){�
<br /> or rocunvny,or cau�e ta bn rt�lnneocl nr roconvovad at anv 11mo st�onc�oi e opt►on nny qnrcul,qartion ur all oi tha f'roporiy, _
<br /> (v)tako or ralenso�ny oliiar or uddldont{I eocurlry lor nny obtl�qt'on h�ltoln mo�tiPnocl,O� (Yi) 11�kikn c�ii1t7831I1Ona�T Q1h9f __
<br /> arranuomonto�vltti dobtor��In ro�ntlon thoroto. �.
<br /> (a) Fotb�Arsnc�by��ad�►Not a Watwr.Any forbonronco by Lendor in oxorclofnp�ny ripid ur r�mody horeund°r,or
<br /> �.
<br /> Qf110tWI8D DIfO�(IOd hy�P���CftblO IAW.:1h�►��nOt bP A WAIvO� 01 0I p�QGIUdp 1h0 OIt�iC1Aa 04 pily 8UCP1�'IQhI OI fEffiB(Iy.The _
<br /> praCU�amont ot Iflauranao or tho paYmo����+a'��s or othor Ilonn or clmrpoe by Londer aht�U nol�o n►v:alver o1 Lender'n ripNt to '-
<br /> AcaalBrnte tho mc�turity of th^IndoGtednc+gs st�curad by lhle paad o1 Truot.
<br /> {d) Succ�ttl.��And d�atlQny�ot+nd;doinl encf S�verAf�.iablNty;Ceplton�.11m covanante t�nd aflraomenta hareiq Gan- _ _
<br /> ifli�o� telancl a�oo�o ts'of Tru tor Ohn Irb�j Iinf�d r,ovOrt�L Tho C�A�tlonn nnd hondl pa ot lho pnrnp ph9 ot hle Dond 0't
<br /> CpVOntl (�
<br /> Y'f�t9!il�t)(Oi Gpt1VOn1��C0 nnly ilnd tif0�Ot 10 GO UB�d tb iTll(l�P��1 Or d01i11p th0{11PVI�IOt1N hp�00• 01 Q►1 nOl�CO
<br /> te� R�qts��l tor Notic��.Tho pnnloo haroby roquost Ihul o oopy uf nny nnttco c►1 default horoundor und a copy y
<br /> 01 sate hereundor ba mAilod to oaoh pc►Ety to thla Doc�d o1 Trus1 nt tho c�cldross sot torth Ak�ovo In the manner proaorlbed by
<br /> Apptlaable law.Exaept for a��y oSher notico�oqulrod undar ep{�IlCabto law lo ho given�n anather manner,eny notico pravlded
<br /> tAr In this Oeed o1 Truof el�all be plvon by malling suol�notico by cortlNod mall addroaspd to tt�o other partlee,at lho e�ddre��se1
<br /> torih Kbovs•Any notice provldod for In thle Qsecl of Trust BhAll be oNective upo�molNnp In the manner afe��Qnttsd ha�eln.(I
<br /> Tru�tor Is mare then one{��reon,notice eont to the c�ddreas eal torth above ehall be notico to all euah penone,
<br /> (q �n�p�cUon,Lander moy make ar aauee to be mado raaaonnbte entries upon ond Inepontlond at ltie P�o�rty�p�ovld�d
<br /> that Lender�h�tl dlva 1Yuetor notica prlor ta nny euol�Inflpeotlan upnoltylnp rerso�eble cnute lharot�r reiAted to 4anda'�
<br /> Interellt In the P�operry.
<br /> (�? ��nd thall�uc,enciRr thle Qaed ot Yr'uat and ell no�evldenc np I�dabtxtne�dsocure'd by llds U rmed ot T u t to'��uit+es.
<br /> Pte�nY
<br /> Yru�te�a ehall recUnvey the Pro�e rt y w l t h o a t w a r r a n t y an d wlthout cha�pe to ths pereon ar penone leflelly enlititd t �re o,
<br /> T�uator eh�t!pay n11 cost��t recordetlon,II any. ren�
<br /> (�,� per�qna�prop��ty;8�eurity Aqr�m�nl.Ae aAdltlonal eeaurity lor the payment o1 ihe Nate,T►uator hFreby q
<br /> �.nd.r und�r the Nalne�ke Unitorm Commerolal Qadr+a aeourlty Interest In eil flxturee,equ�pment,and otfier�r`on�Rr�01
<br /> "'i----�"�t!s�!itha[r!loe deolflfOd OC C�
<br /> ufed In connettion with the reat eetAte ar imprwem�iwo�����°^^��'
<br /> 4hs rs�l e�t�t�aeoured hareby,Thle inatrument ehall bo con�trued aa a�eairlty Apreement uader sald Code,ana ma i��rrwr
<br /> ��'.nnnr�il.ei lhe'Lpinde�Our uanl to thls Oeed o lpuet p ovldea lhal Lender'sr�9►�t�►�d�medles underthls p�r pr ph�hnil
<br /> __���....aa,onv�t�ar aecurltv eareem�nt eipned by
<br /> �,o�u�ui�tt:a rslth.sin�+In no w�y s Ilmitatton on.4ander�rio►�ii s��W�o.��..�--«.��_.., ---._ _ _ .
<br /> 8arrower or Tru�tor.
<br /> (1) LHn��nd Encumdr�nc��.T�uator hereby warrante and represants thal thoro la no defaull under the provlslon�of any
<br /> mortgage,deod o1 truet,leAee or purchaae contraCt desarlbinp all or pny pait o1 tha Proporty,or other cantraol,Inetrument or
<br /> aprepment consititutlnp a tlen nr enoumbranco ayalnet al!or a��y pnrl of the Praperty(colleativAty,"Llene"1,hxl�tlnp�s ot 1he
<br /> d�te of thls Oet�d o1 Truet,nnd thet any and atl exl�tlnp 41one�emaln unmad111ed vxc�pt ae dlauloaed to 4ender In Truator'o
<br /> �;•r,lttpll d18CiQAUfO U1 Ilet����nai ena►imbrance�provlded tor horeln.Truetnr elialt timely per(arm a�l 01'fruetor's a�::�ation�,
<br /> �.uvanant�,repressntatlans and wArrAntles under any and�+ll exl�ltlny 9nd I��ture Llen�,���e��P�p�nptly torward to Lende►cap1��
<br /> 01 All notics�ot default YORt i`h f:tlAllBClvpa n�Ah t or ellow�a y tut�ua adva cea under any�'x etlnfl ot r Is turen�.le 9�r�o:wrltten
<br /> con�nt I��any mannar mad.,, th_m� � � __
<br /> U� �P��p�a p�y�q.Unloea olhnrvelse requlred i�y taw,dume p�aid io l.er�utlr��P���n��'.'•"=,�•'��^�wl�hout Ilmled by
<br /> payments of princlpal ancl�nta►eet,IneurAnce praceeds,condemnetlon pracsed�and rent�and protlt�,�hall be�pp
<br /> Lender to the amount�due and owlna trnn�Trudtor a�d 8�rrowar In such order ac�b10`e�w o��pU��C��°�t�n��Ild o��iherrwi�e
<br /> �k� gwo��bll►ty,If any Aravislon ot thl�(9oed ot Trust coMUot4 with�pp
<br /> unantarcAabla,euch confltal or Invalidity ehuil not eHeot Itie o�her provlaone allhla�eed of 7ruet or Ihs Nate whl�h c�n be
<br /> p�van eNsct wi9iioul the confllatlnp provl9lon,nnd tu thl�end the pravlstons ot thl�Doad oi'fruet t►nd tt�9 Nate are daolarad to tis
<br /> suverabte.
<br /> (I) T�m�.The terms"Trustor"and"Barrowar"chall Inalude bot11 ainpular and ptural,and when tha Trustor end rrowar
<br /> qrs the a*me per�on(�),thow terms xs u�c+d In thls qaed of T�uel ehall ba intarctianfleubte.
<br /> (m) tlayWnin�I,aw.Thlo Deed ef T�uet e�all ba povemed by tha law 1 tits SiHt�of NebtA�k�.
<br /> Truetar haa executed thle.Oead ot 7�uat aa ol the�tate wrltten al��ve.
<br /> _ aaAr'�"�-._
<br /> ST�VEN K A D NG M, uator Huab�
<br /> UEDORAtI L�JAftDTN[: 7rustor W��e
<br /> ] -
<br />.:
<br />