, , , .
<br /> . . . „ . .. _. . . .
<br /> ,. � - -- --....--
<br /> • �-___...�r.�<..�.�...__..1_..�_.... .. . '.'_.. . . ... . .
<br /> 1'��� �,v��'u'7�R� �
<br /> �..
<br /> �7. Ei�sirt��tt Qnr��atn�landor In li�roby aeetpnUd nil cun�po��aatlon,a�:�rcia,damapos nnd atl►or pnymortitg ui rcU�l(harolnptt�r �
<br /> ^Nroc�eda")In c:onnoattan►�Ith co�iduu���ullan ar c�tt�ar taklnp�}iha Pr�p�rtlr or PpH�h�rool,ar lar convay�nco In tlou ot cvnclum�a-
<br /> tlon,Lr�ndac ahell bo ontlUed�I Ite o�tion ta aomn�nnca,c�qpa��r In oncl proaoauto In Ito o�m�ame any nciiun�n pracac�i�pa.°nt!
<br /> ehnll utso ba t��i���led to mekp any comnromiso or o3lftoma�u In aunnoatlon�vlth our,h tnhinp at dmm�flo.In tho oaa�eu h t'orcluo 19!
<br /> I;se Nro�erty la so takon ar dnma��d,bundor ehaN hnve Ihe optlan,In Ito aalo ancl aU3ol�ito dlanrallon,to�pp y
<br /> ��9r a�un�tap th�;atrom all co�t��nd e�penede In9urroci by It in connaction�vltl�euch F�rocooc�o,upon any Indobtaclnaas soaurod
<br /> he�,aby�ntt In�.►Fh ordar ae lencler may ctetermino,a►to epply�il euch i'roo:.ads,nft�r auah dHCluvtlpnA,to tho ra�torAtlon ot thQ
<br /> Ftraparty upan auoli aonditta�a aa Lerdarm�y�ste►rn+�x�•A�►y aGP�Gc�t�on at Rraceade to 1���eb!�dnssa ahatl nat axtand or post�c�na
<br /> lhp(1l.�0 dl1L9 Oi A�y pay��i8�t9 Uiivv°T t�Y9IVflS:1,or aurc�eny�9�lault thoround��p►hnreuntl�r.An�unopplicd iunda ehpt!8:�pnt�tn �_
<br /> �suot<^,:. �_
<br /> p, p��nrmrna�by Lendet.Upon t1�o acourr�nco ot an Evoni of aaia�d4 i�arr,uzi ar,or H�,Ri nGt(9 t�!�n�n}�r_.gai ormasedlnn
<br /> comrnanced�hlah meteriaity atioote 6endor's inturoet In the Property.Lendor moy In itaown dlanrotion,but wlthout nt+llpaSton to do
<br /> ao,anei wlti�aut notic�to or demRnd upon Truntar eind withau�rotoaefng Truetor Irom nny obltgnllon,do any act which Truatnr hne
<br /> spreed but lalla to do nnd muy�atao�don n�yno��tQ a�aau�ta and axpe�e�s Ineur�i�dtand a�umo oxp�ndod by L.an�1Qr n on cctlon�v/tfi "
<br /> �epuu utli�7a�d thar�.ar U�!._nd_r,p•y '
<br /> the exeralae by Lander ot tho IoreOolnp rlphte,toyathor wlth Intarealtheraon c�t tiio dofuuii ruiv p����I�a�I�th�Tlats,�Ftloh ehflu he �_'_
<br /> add�d to 1h9 Indabtodnoso aoourad heraby. Londer ehnil not Inour any Ile�bltlty bacAUeo o}nnylhlnp ft m3y do or ami!tn do -
<br /> horeunder. �'
<br /> g, N��MipH{�ir.Tru�tor shall keup lhe Property In conipll�nce wrllh nll appllc�eble lawe.ord►nance�and repulatlon• `__
<br /> �eleti�ip ta Induatr7al hy�tlene or envlronm�nUl protsutlan(aolleativety reterr+►d to heretn e�"�nvlronmentel l.aws"►.Yi��slor shail —
<br /> koap the P Nazardfoue Ma o�c���!T uator hQ eby warannte c+ndraprdaonto to Lendoi that thoro�ra no HaiurduuBlMatereale nn o�
<br /> hurel��ee"
<br /> under tha ProNeAy.Truator hsr�eby agre�s to Inclomnity and hold hermtesa Lendor,Its dir�ctoi�,o�lic�rs,t�mplayees end nQanta,an
<br /> any euccessore to lettdAr'e interest,trom a��:!��atnnt any and nll clalms,damsgea,lassea e�»d 31t�bilitlps arleinp in conneatlon wllh
<br /> tha prarenco, use�,dleposal or trnnaport o9 Any Hazartlou�Matarlals an,undor,trnm or t�bout ths�PropertY•7HE FUFiEQ�1N�
<br /> 1Q,A�
<br /> i at R�nb,Yrustor heroby eenlpna to Lt�ndor the rente,IaeueA and profits ot tha PrpperN�Providad thetTr�ntor
<br /> eh�ll.until the occurrenceof an�vent at Qetault hereunder,heve tha rlaht ta colleut and retaln euoh�onte,lo�uea end�arotitaRS ey
<br /> becarno due and psyabte.Upon the aa�ur�ence of e�n Event of Delault,l,ender moy,elthe�In pareon or by apent,with or without
<br /> brinpinp eny aollan or procasdt�q,or by a recelver appolnted by n aOUN and without reqard to the adaqu�ay of It�security,enMr
<br /> upo��and tnke posarautlon o9 tho P�operly,ar any paN thereot,In IU own name ar In lha nnme ot the Tru�tae,and do any aob whlob it
<br /> u
<br /> d�oms nec:ees�►r►r or deoltabte to preterve the velus,mArketsblllty or rentebllity of the Proparry,ar any pnrt th�r�ot or InLarest thar ��
<br /> Incrente tha�ncamo tiieral�om or proteat the seuurlty hOreol end,wlili or w►t�tiout tnktnp pol�eaatan n"18��ama,�lo�a aosU and
<br /> ptht�nvl�e coltact lhe�ente,Ittuaa end protlt�thareof,inalucllnfl thoae pawt dus and unpald,and epp Y
<br /> nxpenu�ote�e►at�on�nd coltectlun Ineludinfl sttorneys'I�e��upon�ny indo�tecinoa�eauured hereb�v,e��In*uoh ordar a�I.snder
<br /> m�y dM��min�.'Fhw enterin�upo{�end tnklnp Fos:u�slon�f the P�opdrry,tho ooitaatlan ot fuuh�ents.leeuee�tn�protiti�nd th�
<br /> applla�Uon th�r�o1�a atare�eld,�hsll nut cure or w�lve�ny ddeu:!Qi'i10tICe 01 f!l11�Ult hafAUlldOP Ol(11Y�lId��A any�ct done In
<br /> re�pcanto to cuoh de(eutl or purwent to�uah notics otd�twlt�nd,notwllh�tandlnp th�cantlnu�nca In pasa�ston o1 th�s Rropehy or
<br /> th�eolte�tipn,roc�lpt and apnllcstion ot renH,lo�us�or protit�,�nd Tru�tae�nd L.ander ehall be entltlecl to exeroise eweiY rlflht
<br /> ����1or In�ny of ths LAan t3acument�nr by law upon���anc�of sny Y�t ot[)a/eu11,Includi np witl�ari IImltMtk�n the rlqht to
<br /> �xsrc(w ttie pawer or�eb,Funnm.i.enci�r��a*n•������--�'•�--~��--�-"°r.nn anW�cumul�tivs with,a�a�In no w�y�
<br /> IImltRtlo��on,�ender's�Iphto�nc1 romedle9 undur any aeelpnmentot lease��nd rurits rocordecl�y�►ndthe ProAeriy.Lanaer,T►u�ias
<br /> �nd t►»raoelyer�h�ll be IlAble to account only 1liose rente actualiy�ecefved.
<br /> �1. E��cd�of�t�The Ioflowln0�h�ll aonsfitute a�Cvent of Oet�u�it�uidar t�tr�e,�y whsn duo;
<br /> ��j�wq��i•to�aay�►ny tn�tattm�ni ai prinoip:;cn i���•o.:�:�.;_�.�—^:---
<br /> (b) AbrMiChpfordetaullunckt�nyprovlsloncanteinedlnifidFloie,iiil.DooGail'ru:i,�s�yolll:�l^�!nLk�'!m±�!►h,°rany
<br /> othwr Ikn or encumbrAncs unon the Prope�tY�
<br /> (a) A wrlt of exeautlon or attachmenlor any simller prooede ehall be entAred epalnet Truetor whloh ehAtl becoma Alten on
<br /> the PrapeRy or any pan'on tliereal ur Intaro3t tharaln;
<br /> (d) There sha11 be Illed by ur aqalnit Truator or Batr�wez an ootlon undor any proeont or tuture federal,atato or olher
<br /> et�t��te,lAw ar re�s►Ivti:�»rolatlny to bankruptcy,Insotvonay ar other�ellat for dabtors;o�ther�ehall be�pAolntad uny trwtoe.
<br /> recoiver or Ilqufc9a;c�r v94runtor or Elnrrower or of all or Any part oi tha Froporty.or the rants,lae�ea or protila k`:areul,or 7�ruet�r
<br /> or�rrowe:shall make any ponornl esolqnment tor 1he bonnfit o1 credltore;
<br /> (e+ The;wle,tranater,lease,aa8lpnmanl,convoyance or luither encumbrance ol all or any�aq a�t„t Yr�:t�r��.n't�e
<br /> Praperty,akher voluntarlly or invotuntsrlly,wttnout�nc�oxpres9 writia��co��s���i af Lviidar: p' "t1
<br /> parmittsd to exeoute a lease o1 tha Property thal dae9�ot contaln nn optlon to purchase and the term o1 wf�loli doe��ot exc�n+d
<br /> ane y9ar�� ,
<br /> (Q Abandonment ot ihe i'roperty;or
<br /> (p) Il7ruetar io notan indlvldual,the Idauanco,onle,tranelor,c+salanment,conveyance or enoumbra�ce a1 moro than atatal
<br /> ��.r__.�parcAnt o1(If a corp�ptean)Ita I�auetl and outatending etook or(If�paHnersldp)c+total a9 parGOnt o4
<br /> pAiinerehlp Intereats dttrinq tho poriod thls Ueed o}Truet remalne a Ile�n oo the Pro{�eRy.
<br /> �R ���3/►c�N�riUon Upon Mfauif.In the�vent o1�ny�vent o1 pelault londer may,wllhaut natice oxcept e�required by
<br /> law,declara all Indabtedr�eas�eaured hereby to be due and payable and the oame ehell theraupon become dua+�nd pAyabt�
<br /> without any prosentmunt,demand,p�'oto�t ar notice of anV kind.Yhareaker Lender rnay:
<br /> (p) pemand that Truatee exerGlee the POWF.R QF 9ALE aranted heraln,end Truetea �hell the►eafter cauae 7'�uttor'�
<br /> Intere�t In t1►e Property tu bo aold and the prpGeacle ta bd dletributed,atl In tbe manner provldad In Ihe NebraskH Tru4t Raad�
<br /> A�t;
<br /> (p� Exerola[�anyondallri{►hteprovldoclfarinnnyoftho4oanDocumontsarbylAwuponoccurrancoolt�ny�vontofOosuC
<br /> And
<br /> (a) Commence an aatlon to lo�oclose thls Uoed o1 Truet as a mortflAp�,apPolnt w roceiver,or�pecllically ontorco any ut t e
<br /> oovqnanH hereol.
<br /> N�o romedy hereln:.c+ntorrnd uFs�n or reeorvad ta Truetea or I.ender le IntenAad ta be exclueivc�oY any olher remedy heralr►,In t e
<br /> � l.oan QOCUmentA ar ny iaw provfi►i�r,��:.sin:;=%��bL!e=zt�°-!�"-!�t'^�umutallua,chall Ge In�d�itlon ta ov�ry ather remudy plvan
<br /> harauncNr,fn the Loan nocumonts or now or heraAker exlating al law ot In equlty or by statuto,end rnay b�exerCi30a c9n�ur�nity,
<br /> Indepe�cNn!ty or�ucceaolvely.
<br /> 13. Tru�its.'fhe Truytde may reaipn ot eny tlme withaut causo,�nd Lender msy nt any t�rne e�nd wlthout cc�use appal�t a
<br /> suoceasor or eubatitute Trusteo.Truetae ehall nat ba Nabte to an;�party�Includlnp wlth�ut Ilmit�tlon I.ender,Borrowar,T�uetor or any
<br /> purchaeer of Ihe Properry,for any loss or damage unlese due to reoklesa or wllllul mlaconciuot,and shall not bo requlrad lo take any
<br />_� actlon In connoctlon wlth lhe onforcomant o1 thls uood ot Yruet unloso indomnlflad, In wrltlnp,for all costs,compens�tlon or
<br />-'1 oxponsoe whlch may bo ngaocintod thorewlth.In udditlon,Truotee may bocomo A purcNaeor at any eato af tho Proporty Qudlulal or
<br /> 9 uncior the powor ot Qalo prantod haroln);posipona tho aalo 01 r�ll or any portlon of tho Proparty,ao providad by law;or eoll tho
<br />:i Proporty ah o wholU,Or In aepurc�to Uarcola or!at�Eil Tru�toa'o di�cr�,tlon.
<br /> 14. �Hf�nd Expm�u.In tlio ovor�17ruatoo solls the Praporly by oxorclno 01 powar at�pto,Tru�►too�hn11 bo��titlod t�apply
<br /> nny eale proceade Ilrat to pt�ymont ui oll coets And oxpensos o1 exorciclnfl poNOr o1 onlo,Includlnfl�11 Tru3tae�8 f�flD,ancl Len�clor's
<br /> and Truetse'e ottornny'a feo9,nctually Incurrod to oxtent pormltlod by applloablo law•In the event Horrower ar Truetor exorcises any
<br /> right provlded by law to cure an Evont nt DofauH,Lflnctvr ohnll be entltlad to rocovor 1�om 7ruetar oll costn and expenseg aotually
<br /> ; inuurrad Eltl p reault ot Truetor'o c1�lauit,Includlnp wphout Iimllatlon nll Truatoe's�nd attornoy's fooe,to iho oxtent pormitted by
<br />'_ � ppplicublo Ipw.
<br />�
<br />