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<br /> � THfS OEED OF TRUST,le made aa ot the iith �y o� �t• ,tg.�by and�morp� i
<br /> N the Trustor, JACK C ttODY�I6L i 3AHICE G RODYSILL . husband �tad_�tii� , a"
<br /> 212 M 8TH aRAl1D 28LA![D � �gg�1 `�-"••
<br /> whose mailln�eddress is (hereln"T►uitor.'rwfi-NFi�r on�er ntor�� \
<br /> the Truetee, �1� painto 8an1t a Hebranke Cor oration . _
<br /> whaas malling addresa Is p•�• �px 1807 Gru►d Iolaad, NE 68802 (hsrein"TrustN'�,and
<br /> the eeneficlary, Fiv� Poimts Bank �
<br /> whoae mailing addreaa is 2818 H. Braa ��11 Grand I����a liB. 68802-1507 (hereln"Lead��.
<br /> FOR VALUABLE CONSlDERATION,inoluding Lender's extension of oredft Identlifed heroln ttIACK C RODYSILL
<br /> i JAl1ICE L N.ODYSILL (here�n'Bor�ower,whether on�or more)and ths truat hsntn areabd,
<br /> , .,
<br /> Me receipt ot whiah Ia hereby aaknowledged.7ruator hereby Ir�evocabiy flrants,tranafers,conveya and aeaipns to Truates.IN
<br /> TRUST,WITH P01MER OF SALE.fortl�e benefit and saauriry of Lender,under snd eubjeotto the termsand condlUont h�nimft�r Mt
<br /> iaRls�Sha iC3t pfo�srt�t.d84crll�9A{ollows ,
<br /> �:Aa 4il�nd, HalikCowity.sHtbraikil MhNl�r'• Additior► to th� �ity of
<br /> Topether wlth ali bul�dinq8.tmprovemente,fixtures,atreete,etieys,paeaepewaye,easements,riphts,privitpes and appuh-
<br /> nences tocated theraon or in snywlae pertaininp thereto,end the rertts,leauea and protite,reverolons and remaineNn tlwrwt.and
<br /> s�ech psnonal prop�Ay thet t�attaahed to the tmp�ovemente ao as to conetitute a fixturo,Inoiudinp,but not Ilmftsd to,hsatlng and
<br /> coolinp equlpment�nd topether wlth the homeatead or marital lntereste,if any,which(ntereat�are hsreby roteased and w�iwd;�11
<br /> ot whioh,inatudinp replacementa and additlondthereto,is hereby deoigred to be a part of the real eaMte secured by the Ii�n of th�s
<br /> pesd ot Trust and all o!the forepolnp boinp►eterred to heretn aa the"Prope�ly".
<br /> This Deed of Trust ahail seoure(a)the psyment oi the prinaipai aum and intereat evidenced by a promissory nots or ar�dit —
<br /> apreerteent dated ��� h 3995 .having a maturity date oi •�•�� �'�tb ZO�.'� -.
<br /> In the oripinitt ANn�ipa�l amount of$ � 24i.S0 ,and any and all modifla�tlone,extsnsions and r�rnwds
<br /> thereof or thereto�nd any end all fuwre edvanaea end readvancea to 8onower(or any of them If moro thsn one)her�undM
<br /> purswrrt to orn►ur nora pramtaaory rotc�0�CtCd!!8Q!'e4rt4�f1tb(hen+in�Iled"Note"►:(b)ths payment of othsr aum�sdv�ncad by
<br /> lsnde►to proteat the eoourity of the Note;(a)the pertonnanae ot elt cpvenanta�nd aprssmenb ot Trustor a�t tottb h�sNm,an�i�o)�ii
<br /> arDsolute or�ao pe t�and whather aria{p�by note,Ouaranty,�o erdraft or otherw�ee.T e Note thts�0�sd ot Tn+st andne y�rtd I
<br /> otherdocuerita thatsscure the Note or otherntee executed in conneatloa therewith,fnntudln�without Ilmlqitlon pwtant�ss,aoudty
<br /> agreements and aaalpnme�ts of leaaea an0 rente.ehall be reterred to herein as the"Loan Documsnts".
<br /> Truator covenants and 8�reea with lender ea toi�ows:
<br /> t, p�ym�nt M Indebt�efnNa.All Indebtedneas secured hereby ehali be paid whan.due.
<br /> 2, Titl�.Trusto!la the owner of the Property.��h�%cept ta6li�enm an�d enaumbryancea rset fo�rth�b d'Truseor n wa Hn�and
<br /> oreated hereby Is e ilrot and prlor llen on the Pro y ti
<br />= dellvsred to Lender beforo exaoudon ot this Deed of TruaL s�d the exeauUon and delivery of thle Doed ot 7run does not violate u►y
<br />= contraat or other obit�a�on to whiah Truator la eubjeat
<br /> ' 3. T��Ass�nM►te.To pay before delinquency all texea,epeaial aeaessments and all othsr oharqes apainst the PropKly
<br /> - now or hereafter levled.
<br /> 4. Imunne�.To keep the Property ineured a�alnat damape by flro.hesards Inaiuded within the term"extends�eoveaps".�nd
<br /> euch other haseirda as Lender may requlrs,in amounts and with companios eceepteble to Lender,naminp Lender es en add6tion�!
<br />- eamed intured,wtth loaa payabte to the Lender.in case of loaa undsr auoh pollcles,the Lender te authoriz�d to�dju�t,aolN�at mid
<br /> compromiae,eil otalms thereunder snd ahall have Me option ot nppiying eil or pnR of the insurance proaeeds(q to any InQ�OM�r�
<br /> eeaurod hereby and In euah order ae Lender may determine,(11)to the Trustor to be used for the repalrbr reatoraUon ot the Property
<br /> or(iif)for any other purpose or obJeat eatletactory to Lend��w nho�f t araH�s o i�debtedne�ahe l not extend oir�poatpone th�e due
<br /> - hereby betore sueh payment ever took ptace.Any app P
<br /> = date of any paymeMa under the Note,or oure any detault thereunder or heraunder.
<br /> = 6. Efcrour.Upon written demand by Lender,Truator shall pay to Lender,fn suoh manner aa Lendmr mny deatpnaM,autllaient _
<br /> -��.I..flur nA■.w���uin�f
<br />.� eurr�a to enabie Lender to pay ae they Decomo auo one or mwre o�sno w�n,.:Q��y:vi a���.����:q-•�--T^�--�---�-�--- -.
<br />`� the Property,(Iq the Premiuma on the property tnaurance requlred hereunder,and(iii�the premiuma on any mort�ape Insurancs _
<br /> requtred by Lencier.
<br /> � 8. MaiMmana��ii�petn and Complisnc�wllA Lews.TrusWr sl�a�l keep the PropeAy in pood eondttlon and�ptir.tAali
<br /> � promptly ropalr. or�eplece any Improveme�t whiah may be damased or deatroyed;ehall not eomm�t or pennit any was1e or -
<br /> derterto�atlo�ot 4he Property:ehall not remove,demotiah or aubatantlally aiter eny of the irt�provements on tha Prop�rty;�hall not
<br /> � eommit,euiPer or permk any aat to be done In or upon the Properiy 1n v1o�aUon of any law,ordinanae,or repulaUon;and eRaU ptyerte -
<br /> 'i Property or any part thereof.r's coat and expense all Ilens,enoumbrancea 8nd ahn►gee tevled.tmpoaed o�assos�ed a�ainstth� -
<br /> i _.
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<br /> � I�'. .'�I�9.
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