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Bormwer shall koep the improvements aow wcisdng or hereafter e�ectcd on tha Propeny - <br /> ., . .. <br />�;-�� : .�� insured against loss by fin�l�ards included wlthla the term"exten�sed coveraga"iUtB Af1y OihCT Jii�ZAid9�311CILLL�I1g II00[I9 OP �__ <br />_�".•;>�,�,� tloodin8�far wbtch Lemder requires insuaanca.'11ils iasurenco shall be maintained in the aaaounta end for the periods that Lenda = <br /> ., af':•:'.�..�r-� <br /> . requises.Tba iasurance cazrier providing the insurence shall be chosen by Boirower subject w Lander's approvel which shaU not �":, <br /> be unnasonabiy wltht►old. If Borrower fai�s w maintain wverage d�crlbed above. L�ndes L�ender's opdon.obtaiA �'� <br />._`��� . ' .._ <br />,_�� covaaga to pmu�et LeAder s dghts ia thse Prop�tty ta eccardance wtth paragraph 7. <br /> t <br /> •-:��_. All insura�►ce pollcies aad renewata shdl be acceptable w Lender and shall includa a standaM mort�ga clause.Lender ahall �n:;_ <br /> ---- _ � pave the rigttt to hoW t�te policie�wi�f icu--vwais.If Lett�et seqssic�►Hnn�ot:�r�al1 gnsmpt�Y E 1 v�t a L a t d e r s l!t e�e 3�1 s o f F$f d �'��• <br /> ."` -•,.��.�, preaniums ead reaewal nottces.In the eveat of loss,Borroaer sball give prompt nodce to tho insw�anca ce[t�ta end Lender.L,euda _ <br /> .`" .. ,., may maice ynwf of loss if not mede pmmptiy by Borrowa. __ <br /> -,.;;4,' .. Ualess Lendet and Borrower otherwtae agree in wridng.lnsutanca D�ce�e sball be epplied w restoradon or repair of the <br />;�;'�''��:, prope�rty dama8ed.if the restocet�on or repair ls economically feaslble and Lender's security is�eot lessened if the restorat�wn or — <br />..;�,.y'!1 <br /> =� �-? repair 1s not economically feasible ar L�ader's secuiity would be lessened.tha iasuranca procads sha116o applled w the snms <br />-��:���'�`:� secw�ed by tl�ia Secwrity Iasauuient, whqher or aot then du0. with aay eacass paid tn Bomower. If Borrower abauaons the <br /> �. .:1YrY — � <br /> �, , � pcopetty.or does not anssw�aithici 30 days a aodcx frora Leadu tbat tt►e�nsuranca c�crlar has offeral to seute a claim. w _ <br /> °��°����� � Leadet may callect d►e insurance proceecla Lender may use the proceeds to mpair or r�sWm ttte Property or to pay suras secured -- <br /> :,• i1c�'..r. <br /> �•;:��;� - b7+this Security Iastrument�wbether or not then due.The 3Q-day pe�i�o�n when th�e aoHce is�'sl�all not exteud or e �`=- <br />_;�;,�------ Unless Lender and Batrowa othe,�wise agree iu wdda8.aaY ePP P� P�►� Po�► <br />=;��;,:�� t�edue date of the rrtobthly paymeats refeaed to in paragraphs 1 end 2 or chenge tho emount oY tha payrnents.If under praageaph <br /> `��` � 21 tba Propeity is acquired by Leader. Bo=mwer's rlght Lo any insoranoe policies end pmcceds resuldng f[om damage to tha <br />-:��-�--� ProP�Y P�oi to the acquisition ehall pass tn Lender to the oxtent of the sums socured by this Secarity InsWment lmu►ediately <br />!-�'�l pYlor to the acquisitlon. <br /> �`.-�.�,.�. <br /> -✓� 6.Oaupancy�Preservatton,Maintenanoe and Protectlon M We Propertyi Borrower's Losn AppUattbn{La�aehoYda. <br />,�,`�,--� Saruwer st�aq axupy.establlsb.aad use t&e Piopaty as Borrower's prlucip�!residenae wid�ia si�ty days efta the exautlon of <br />- =-=A`�--�� �Security Insuument end shaU cen�uua tn oxupy th$Pmperty as Boimwa's principal rasideaca for at leagt ona year after the . - <br /> -=��`�� date of occupancy� untess L.emdu othecwise ag�ees in wrI�ng.wbich oonseat sdalt aot be anreasonabty witfiheid.or u� <br />__,<<_��� �uating circumsmaces o�cist wWch are beyond Borrower's controL Bomower shall not destroy.darnage or impair the P[opetty, <br /> -'��;�,,: allow the P,roparty to deoerto�ats,or comrait waste on the Property. Borrower shall be in default if any forfeiwra action or <br /> _.^_��� pmceeding,wl�etliet civll or crlminal►Ls beSun d�at in Lec►da's good faith judgment coWd tesWt in forfeitun of tbe Propaty or <br /> -��«� otherarlse mat�er3a11Y impair tbe 8en cmatod by this Securlty Instrument or Leader's s�urity iata�.st.Boemwu may care such a <br /> _—=- default and pt�nvlded in pacegraph causing the ocdrnt ar preceeBinB to ba dis�nissed wlth a rWing that, ia <br /> - ---- Lender's good faith detaminadon.Pncludes forfeiwre of the Boerower's interest in tha Propaty or othet msta�al iinpaicmeat of <br /> - the tien cxeated by tbis Socurlty Instrumeat or I.e�da's�r inte�st.Bottower edall also ba in default it Bouowa,d�ring the <br /> --�-- - ioan applic�tion psocaxv.Bave mataiaUy faLge or ineccw�ate infomu�don or ststements tfl I.ender(a�fei{ed to pmvldo L�end�ea wdth <br /> � a�y mate�ial y�fom�adon) in eonneqion with the toan evldenad by the Now. iactudi�g� but aot llrnitc� to, represaa�tions <br /> conceming Horrowa's axupancy nf tho P�+�uty as a prU►cipal residerxa.If this SociuIry Lispcunaeut is on a lemehold.Boitower <br /> - si�all canply wW�all th�provlsions af the lease.If Borrower acquires foe dtla to tt++e Proputy.the teasebold aad tbe foe dtle shall <br /> --� nM mago unless Lender agc�ees to the magu in wridng. <br /> - 7.PmtecdoA oi Lender'e Rlglats in the Property. If Bomower fails W pafam►the covawais and a�eemeats�onntaiAW i� <br /> _-.__.._= this SacuiitY lastcument,or there is a legal P��B��Y���y a�'oct I.euder's rights in the�'mpaty(snch as a <br /> - - P�8��P�S'�p��+for eondemnation or forfeiwte or to entoroe laws or nguiadcm�},ii,o►,,�t�r�ay�a a..d�y <br /> for whawver ls nocessary to protoct the vaiue of the Pmpe�ty aad Lender's rlghis in the Prnpeny.Lender's acdaAS may faclude <br /> � .' PaY�B �Y �secured by a lleu whic;h has prIorlty over t6is Securiry Instrumeat, appearin$ ia court. PaYInB �sonabb <br /> ---- atwmeys'fees_pnd eatering an tbe Praperty to make re�aire.Although I.eader may tnke ecdon undoc this pare8raph 7.Lenda <br /> does not 6ave to do so. <br /> - Any amounts disbursed by Leader under this paragreph 7 shall becoma additIonal debt of B�rower soeured by thia Security <br /> Inst�ument. Ualass Borrower and Londet aig[ee w other terras of gayment�theso amounts shall bear inurest from the date of <br /> - ----- disburseraent at the Note rata end sha11 be payable,arith lat,e[ast�upon nodce from Leadei w Bomowes ralue�in8 PaY�� <br /> - 8.lbiortgage Insuraaoe. If Leadea roquirad moitgage insu�anoe as a wndidon of malcinng tve loan sacured by this Security <br /> - -- IaspcurneaG eorrowu shali pay tha praniums requtred w mainta�n the mortgage inau�ra in effecK. If.for any reason, the <br />- --=_-_�= moiigage insurance ooverage required by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect,Boirower shali pay tha premimns rcquicod w <br /> =._;;��:� ob�n covezage substantiaUy ecluivalent w tde martgage insurattce prevlously in a cost substanWilly equiveleut to tha <br /> --�-:�� cost to Boaower of ttte mortgage insurance prevlously in eff�ec6 from an aloemate moitgage insurer epproved by txnder. It <br /> -=_ �=`=���'-", substar►t3ally equivatent mortgage insm�anco coverage is not avaiiable.Bormwer shall pay to I.ender eacti month a sum equal to - <br /> �.���r <br /> _---:.,�=::= � one-twelflh of We yearly moitSaBe inswance premiuia being paid by Bos,rower whea the insu�aace caverage lapsed or ceatefl to <br /> ' "' be in effect. I,endei wW accept,use and remin these payments as a loss reserve in iieu of mortgage insurance.Loss rese�ve =_ <br /> .��?�,. '.,,k.� _ <br /> �orm ao�e o�ao <br /> � dVl�.aQtl�l�l�m»� Pn�e 3 ot e Initldl:-- --- _ <br /> -L��,:�r �� � —•-- -• n � . = <br /> -•,:,-�,' � '� �..-..._.--..� <br /> -'-i{!1'}I:��f�••��•� ,�-..-.�w�.co��^"""_'.�' �--"_ . . . . . . � r . <br /> _.'(',, �.'h.Lr� .. . . ..1 . • .. .. , .•1.,.. .l�i�'In .. . i . x, . <br /> �{�r���..y „ " , • ' , - ; -•,.�.. , ' . <br /> - �. - .. - .� . _ ��� , <br /> �r.�.i� • ' � � .. ' • ` .. �- . � „ , � „ -' . ._. .. . . . _ .. " _ <br /> `_� . . ` .. ..,. 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