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<br /> . �.,�:...�.° 'POOBTf�R WiTH aU the impmvamcnts aow or henafter erecbed on tho property�and all easementa.aPPuttenences.and E.•:.
<br />=��.T'�"'"��� tixptres aow or�teteattcr a paK oi the pmpe:ty.All replacements and eddidons shall also be covemd by this 5ecudty Jasaumen4 �_
<br />_;;�,�.�- All of tha foregoing la mfrr�cd tp!a this�SecurIty Iasuument as tho"Prop�rty." e
<br />:�=�Ft�"i�i,:�` BORROWBR COVBNANTS tbat Borrowrr is lawfully seised of the esmte hereby convayed end has the rlght to grant end �
<br /> comey tha Peepeity and that the Property is anencumbered�axccpt for encwnbsancas of record.Borrower aacrents and wltl �=:
<br /> , :. . . defead gene:ally the tltlo w the Property againat ail claims and dcmaads�sub,�ct to any encumbreacea of record. �'_.
<br /> _.=�"""�' THIS SBCURITY 1NS'IRUIV�NT combinas uniforaa covcneuta for ntulonal nse and non-uniform covenanta wltb llmitod �_-
<br />_•- vaiiationa by jurlsdicdon w consdtuta a uniform socurlcy insuua�ent coverfug real pmpertY• R="-
<br /> �-- ��`� UrnFORM COVEY.!`.I�:i'S.BarsctL���t�n@?�r covenent and�gree es follow� a when due the `
<br /> _�R+;+`,41� 1.Payment of PrinclpAl and Inter�sti PrepA7ment and Late ChArgea Bonowu ahall prompdY P Y _
<br /> "��'���� p�adgal of end in��est on the debt evldenced by the Note and any prepayn►eut and late cdarges due uader the Not� _
<br /> °;;;�`���� Z.Funds tor Twces and Insurance. Subjact to epplicable law or w a wrluen waiver by Lender�Borrower she11 PaY to
<br />_=——�'1••�--- Lettder on the day raontbly paytnents am due under the Note�until the Note is paid in fuU.a awn("Funds")for.(a) yearly te�ea
<br /> `�.°'-'" and e�ts which may attaia prlorIry over this Security Instnunent es a lien on the P r o p e r t y:N)Year ly l e a s e h ol d p a y m u►ta
<br /> _;;�:�� or g�rouad rents on tlte Propetty.if aay:(a)Yeatly hazerd or propecty iustuence premiwns:(d)Yearly flood insutetke premiums.!P
<br />�.'��,_;�� any;(e)Yearly mortgege insurance preaniums.if any;enci(�any sums payebie by Barrowrr to Lender�in�anx wltb the �-
<br /> _ -- provisions of patagteph 8. ia lieu of the payment of mottgage Insutaace prerntums.'Ihese iterns are called'6sctow Items."
<br />==�`�''�� Leader may�at any dme.colleat aztd hold Fuada in an amonnt not to exceed the mexitnuta amcwnt a lemder fos a fedatlly nlated
<br /> ' .��,�� �uoitgage ican may require for Bonower's escxow acxount under the fedaal Real�state Sealemeut Pxncedures Act of 1974 ag
<br />;::��� ameaded fmm time w dm0.12 U.3.C.Secdon 2601 et seq. ("RESPA").unlesg another�aw that applies to tho Funds sets a kssa
<br /> ''4-- — eaaount IP so.Lender may.ai any tline�collect aad hoW Funds in an emouat aot w exceed the les�er amouat Leada may
<br /> _--=--I! esdmate the amount of bLnds due on the ba91s of current data and reason&ble estimstes of expendiWres of futs�Escruw Items or
<br />-__��_'.-� otherwlse irt axordence with eppllc�ble law.
<br />-- .;�,.�e The Funds st�ell 6e held in an institution whose dq�osits are instued by a fe�ual agency.insuumontsUty.or enaty(includin8
<br /> -;�°.:�r:� I.ender,i�Laider is such an insdtudon)or in any F�N Home I.oan Benk.Leader sha11 apply the Funds w p�y the Sscrow
<br /> - ___:_= Itema.Lenda may not charga Borrower for holding aad ePP1YI�►8 the Fands.annually analyzir►g We�crow account,a vorifY�n$
<br /> _ -= the Eserow Iteras,unless Leader PaYs Bocmwer inic�d�rt it�e Fauds snd spgl�ahte lau gesmiis I.ensler sQ ss�at�a s��sh��ga �
<br /> --�—,. However,I.ender may�quire Borrower to pay a c►nB•dme etierge for an independent real�state mx reporti�8 s�rvlc�usod by
<br /> _�:���s Leader ia wnnccdon with ihis loan�untess applicab�e Iaw provldes othawise.Ualess an a�ement is meda or applicable law
<br /> -_'`;;`.`:;� [equires iatsrest m be paid.Lettder shull ant be required to pay Bottower any interest or esmings on We Ftutds.Hortower and
<br /> _ --_= Leade:may ag�ee in wrltjng�however.tdat fntaest sdall be paid on the Fuads.Louder shell glve W Boimwer.wlthout c�6ar8e.an
<br /> ---=--= aanual exowitim8 of tue Fuads.showing ccedits and debits to the Funds and the purpose for ahich eaeh debit to the Funds wag
<br /> -_=_-- macte.'ihe Fuads are pledged es additlonal socurlty for all suttis secunb by this Securlty Insttument
<br /> -- If the Faculs held by Lead�excte�the amounts petmimed to be held isy nppllcable taw.Leader shaU acxount to Borrowa fa
<br /> ._�� Wa cacc�ss Fw�ds!u acco�denoe wItd ttte requitements of applicabie law.If the amount of the F1�nds held by I.eada at any dme is
<br /> not s�fBcIeat to pay the 8scxow Items when dua I.er�der caay so nottty Bomowar in wrldng.and.!n anch case Barowc shall pay
<br /> to Lendex the ainouat uecessary to malca up the defideacy. Borrower shall make up tho deflckaaY in ao more thau twalve
<br /> montblY PaYm��at Leadu's sole discredon.
<br /> Upon paymeat in full of alt sucps sec�u�ed by this Security L�suuraent,I.euda stull psompdy refuud m Bonowa eny Fnnds
<br /> _ hnid hy L+endu.If.under paregraph 21�Latder s4aU acqWre or sell tha Arope:ty.Le�►der.Prlar W the acquisi�on a srile of the
<br /> _ properiy�shall apply aay Fwids held by LEader at t6e dme of acquisidea or sale as a cradIt against the sums securod by this
<br /> Gra�rlty in�tmment •
<br /> 3.Applkatbn ot PsYmente. Unless appllceble law provEdes otherwise,aU paya�►ts received by I�►det undet par�rsphs
<br /> ---- - 1 ead 2 sdall be applled:fust,to enY P�Y�ent cdarges due undec the Nota;seoond.co emounis payeble under p3ra�aph 2;
<br /> t�rd.w interest duo;fourth.to principsl due;aad last.to any lato charges due unda the Nota.
<br /> 4.Cbargesi Lkns. IImrower shall pay all texes.essesscne:�ta.c6ar8es.Snas mtd imposiflons anrlbutable O� tha Piope�ty
<br /> whwh may attain prIortty over this Seaulry Insuumeat,and IeaSehold payments or gcound rents.if any.Bocrowa s1�all pay these
<br /> obligadons in the manner provided in paia�aph 2�or if noi paid in tbat mannex,Borrower sball pay them on dme ddir�ecdy�o the
<br /> pason owed payma►t Bonower shall pmm�dy fiunish to Lender all.nodces of amounts to be paid under diis �ar�r+aph.If
<br /> Hamower makes these paymenta directly.Bon�owec s4all pmmptly fiun�sh to Let�der aec�ipts evldea�ing the p�ymatts.
<br /> - -- —= Borrower shall prompdy discharBe eny�ien which has prlority over thls Security Inswment unlass Borrowa: (a) a�r.�in
<br /> --- writiag to the paymeat of the obligation securod by the lien in a manner acceptgble to Lender.(b)contes�in good faith tlie liea
<br /> --= by. or defends against enfoicement of the lien in. 1e8�F�Ss which in the Lender's opfn�on operate to preveat the
<br /> -- enforcement of the llen:or(c)secures from the holder of the Iien en agreement sa�'acoory w La�►der snboidinatin8 the 1i�n to
<br /> -----_--_-= t��s Socurlty Inswment If Lender det�cmines tGat any part of the Property is sub,�act ro a liea which may auain prioricy ovu this
<br /> --'-ar�:,,�; Security lnstnuneat,Lender may Eivc Borrower a nodce identifyIng the lien.Bosrower shaU sat�sfy the lien or mte one or more
<br /> -��F'.� of the actions set fwlh above within 10 days of the g►vfng of nodce.
<br /> ';;�:�.-� ..w Form 5028 0100
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