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<br /> � 11.Succ�sora aud Aai�n�Hound;Joint�ad Seveal Li�biflty;Co-Slsaera.TAe coventnts and t�e+oemantsof
<br /> thie Securlty Instrumant ehell biad end banetit the succeseore and essigne of Lender sad Bornower. subjeat to the
<br /> provi�iono of gsra�raph 9.b.Borrower'R covenmm�ad e ente stu11 be joint end aeve�ral.Any Borrowar wha co si�w _
<br /> thie Seourlty Instsument but Qoee not esRaute theNota a)ts ca slQaia�thte SacurIty Insw�etent onl ta mort��e,�nat
<br /> aad oonvey th�t Horroaer•e laterest ia the Property uader the t�erms of thig 3aaurIty Instrumaat;�b)ts not pareonally
<br /> obli�ated to pay the sume eeauted by thi9 Seaudty Iuatrument;�ad(a)�greee that Leadar aa8 aAy otAer Borroaer miy
<br /> ��+ee to extend,modity�forbcar or m�lce any�ccommodations wlth re�ard to the terms ot this Security Instrument or
<br /> the Nota without that Borrower'e oonees�t.
<br /> 13.Notices.Any aottce w Borrower pmvlded ior in thts Seaurttq Inatru�aat ehdl be glvan by deiivering It or by
<br /> mailing it by tirst olasa mail ualese tpplicable laa ebquIrea use oi another method.The aotice sha11 be direated to the
<br /> Property Addcess or any other addrese Borrower desIguatea by nottce to L,ender.Aay nottce to I,euder shall be gtven by
<br /> tiret claes mail w Lender's address ststed hereia or any address Lender desIgnatea 6y nottce to Aorrower. Aqy aottce
<br /> provtded ior in thia SecurIty Inatrument ahaU be deesnod to hsve been glvea w Bonower or Leader whea givea�s
<br /> ptavided ia thte Pu'aB�Pb-
<br /> 14.(�overai�=I.�w;Severability.Thta Security Iustrumeut ehel!be governed by fcdaral law and the law oi the
<br /> �risdict�on ia ahich the Property ie located.In the evaat thtt any pe+nvlsIoa or alcuee of thie Seaurtty Inatcu�ent or the
<br /> �Tote conflIate with appltceblo law.suah oonilict ehell aot eifcat uther provieioas of t.tiis Security Instrusnent or the Note
<br /> which cea be givea eiieatwithout the ooatlictiag provistoa To this end the pmvtdons oi this SeaucIty Inertrurieat aad the
<br /> Note are dxlgrad to be eeverable,
<br /> 13.Horrowor's Copy.Horrower shall be glvea oae oontormed copy oi this Security L�awmea�
<br /> 16.Aealtnmeat oi Aeate.Bonower uaco�dltioaally esedgns and tmaefers w Loader ell the rents aad revaaues of
<br /> the Property.Borrower authorIus I.ender or I.ender's agents to vollect the reuts and revenues ead hereby dincte aoh
<br /> tenu�L oi the Pro�°�Y w�y the rents to Lesndar or Laader's sgeute.Howeves.prtor to Lendar's notice w Borrowar oi
<br /> P���-'s t�aci�ssi saq aaveaaai ar agxsasni ia Lhe S�ur's*_y Ins�!m�ati Anrrower shall collect aad receive all rents =
<br /> and raveaues oi the Pmpertq as trustee for the besaeiit oi Lender and lBorrower.Thie aesignment of rente conedtutee m
<br /> abeolute aseig�uneat aad mot aa aesigameat loradditional exurtty o�ly.
<br /> If Lender gives aotice o!breach w Borrower:(a)s11 raats n,ceived by Horrawer ehaU be held by Borrower as tn�ee
<br /> ior bonefit of Laader only.to be applied to the sume eccw�od by the Security Instruraent;(b)Leader ehaYl bo eadtlod w
<br /> colleat and receive all of the reats oi the Pmperty;and{c)each tenu►t oi the Proparty ehall psy all reatsdue and unpaid to
<br /> Leader or I,ender'sa$eat oa Leador'swdtteudemand to the taasat.
<br /> Horrowar tue aot e:ecuted aay prtor aesigameat oi the reate�ad hes not aad wIU aot per[orra a►y act t�at pould
<br /> prevaat L.eader fmm e:erciaing ita dghte nadar thie P�B�Ph 16.
<br /> Leader shall not be requirod to eatar upon.teka coAtrol of or matataiA the Property 6eforo or atur�ivin�aottce of
<br /> breach to Borrowar.Howover.I.ender or n judici�lly appoiatod ra�iver may do eo at eay tt:no there is a braaah. Any
<br /> application oi reate shaU aot cure or aatve any defaultor iavaltdate�ay other d$ht or ramody df Leadar.Tbie s�igament
<br /> di reata of the Property s1�tU'teimiaate When tMz debt seaurod bA the Security IaeUumeatie petd ia full.
<br /> NON-LJNSFORM COV�NAN15.Borrower and Lender further covasuut a�d a�roe ae folIow�
<br /> i7.Fo�losure Pr�xdure.U Lvnder requirea immediste psqment ia inll under pstajraph 9.Leador m�y
<br /> iavoJce tho powar of sale and aay other remedies peraaitted by appHcable l�w: Leader shell be ent�tlad to
<br /> . collect all e:peneem iacurred in Quraoias thn remadies ander tII�ie pu�traph ly. ineluain�,out not�inut�d to,
<br /> . re�sonable ettorneya'i�es aad coats of titte evideaco.
<br /> �t tho power ai ale Is invoked.Trustee ahall sccord a notice oi defautt la each county iu e6ich iny pari ot
<br /> the Propmtty is located�ad shdl mail copiaa of auch aoticx in the maaner prescrlbed by tpplieable lsw to
<br /> Hono�vor aad to the other persons prea�ribad bq appli�ablo law.After the time required bq appllcable taw.
<br /> Trustee ahall=Ivo publia aotice oi eale to the p�rsona�n�tn tho nn�aner proscribed by appItcible law.Trnatoe.
<br /> without dem�ad on Bonmrer. ahall sell the iProperty at public auctioa to the bl�host bidder at tho time aad .
<br /> pLce and nnder the terms desijnsted tn ttre aotice oi eale ia one or more pareela�nd ta anp order Truatee
<br /> deteraaiz�es,Trurtee may postpone eate oi all or any parr�t oi the Prop�rty by publlc�aaouncemeat�t the
<br /> time an�f pl�ce oi any prevlose�ly acheduled ule. Lendar or ita desltneo nr,ay pnrchue ths�'roparty at aay
<br /> sale.
<br /> � Upou recelpt ot p�yaaent oi the price bid, Trustee ehdl del�ver to the purch�ser Trnstee's deed .
<br /> ��tqllNq co»:� v.�.e.r e �nitt�ts\��„��,
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