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<br /> � tha moathly psyments� whiah ere reforrod w ia paregraph 2. or chenge the smount at euch pay�nante. Auy oxceae
<br /> �aver aa amtwat r:.yuJred to paq oll outataading iadabtedn�ss�mder the Note aad this Seaurity Inrrtrumentehell L
<br /> to the entlty legally e�atitled thereto.
<br /> 8.Fees.Leader msy colleot fees and ahecgea authorIzod by tho Sxretary.
<br /> 9,tirounda iar Acceleratioa of Dobt.
<br /> (a� Deftul� L.euder may. except as limitod by regulations iesued by the Secretery in the ceso of paymeat - _:
<br /> defautte,requIre immedIate paymeat ia full ot ell sums secured by tbie SecurIty Iastrume+nt if:
<br /> (i) Borrower de fau lta by faIliag w pay�n full aay monthly p ayment requlred by this Secudty Inatrument
<br /> rIor to or oa the due date of the aoYt maathly payment�or
<br /> (�ii) Borrower defaults by tailiag,for a perIod of thirty days�to pertorm nay other obligatione couteiaed in
<br /> thie Seaudty Insttumeat.
<br /> (b)Sde Without Credit Approval.Laader sl�ell,it permitted by appltcable lnw and witli the prlor epproval —
<br /> of tho Searetary.requite imn►ediate paymaat ia tull of all sums secured by ttile Sacuritq Instcumes►t If:
<br /> (i)All or part of the Ptoperty,or a benetIctal iaterest ia a truet awning atl or pert of the Propetty.is sold or
<br /> otherwlse tcansterreul(other thaa by devlse or desccat�by the Borrower.end
<br /> (ii) TEie Prnperty is aut accupiod by�the purch�ser his o�her�c o i�has�tto�be anapp�tov�ed t�acxo� �rdance
<br /> purchaser or grantee dxs ao ocaupY �P�Y
<br /> with the requirenaente oi the Sacretery.
<br /> tL i�der does aot require suoh psymente,Leader does no w;aive�its dgh�with ;respeat to su �beequeat eveats,l•but
<br /> (d� lteEulations of HUD Secrotuy. Ia raeay clrcumsWtces regolattons lesued by tho Secretary wlll limit
<br /> Lander's r�ghts is�the cese of paqmeat defaulta to roquire immodiate pa�yment#a tuil sad foraclaBe if not paid.
<br /> 'fhis Sxudty Iastrument does aot authorIze acceleratton or foraclosuro ii aot permitted by rogulat�ons of the
<br /> S�re�r9•
<br /> (e) Mortpfe Not Insand. Bormwar sgreea thet ehould this Seaurlty lnstrumeat aad the Note eeaurod
<br /> tharebq aot be el�gible tor iasuranoe under tho Nadonel Houeiag Act withia 60 dsys from the date bereoi�
<br /> Leader may�at Im optioa and aotwithstandtng auythia6 ia PeraBraPb 9.to9udre�mmediate payment in full of all
<br /> sums eecured by tUis Securltq Instrumen�A wrIttaa etatamant oi sny authodzed ageat of the Secretary dtt*�d
<br /> subsequaat w 60 days frous the date htreoi�daeliniag W�nsore thts Seeuritq Iaetrument aad the Note exw�ed
<br /> therebq,shell be dcemed coaclveivo proof of suah inel�gih�ility.Notwlthateadtag the foregoing,thte optton msy
<br /> aot be e:ercised by Lender when the uanvailabIliLq oi i�urance ia eolely due to Leadar's failure to nmit a
<br /> aiortgage insur�aoo premium w the Secretery.
<br /> 10. Reiastatomeat. Borrower hea a rIght to be reinstated it Leadar hesreq red immediate paymeat ia fuli..
<br /> becxuse oi Borrower'9 tailuro w pay aa amouat due uader the Not�or thie Security Instrumen�This dght appliaa evon.
<br /> ntter torxlosure proceodinga�re ins�ttu�d.To rdnstata the Securlty Inetrument�Borrower shalt tendar ia a lump suxn,:�
<br /> el{ �rnounte c�equired to brl�g Borrower's nccc►unt curraat iaeludiag� to the ertent;heq ara obltg�tloas of Borro�vet
<br /> uad�or tbio Secudty Instrumen�,torcclasure c�sts and r�onable aad customary attorneys'fae aad e�properly
<br /> �o�,�I�ted with the toreclastitt�e procading. Upon rainstatemeat by �orrower. shis Secudty Inswmeat aad the
<br /> oblt�attoas that it seourea she11 ramaia ia effeat�s it Laader had aot required�mmediitegaymtnt in full.Ho�+ever,�,
<br /> Lender ia aot roquirod to permit ratnstatemesat if: (1) Lender hae accepted t�eiastatemaat attor the oommeaooment oi.
<br /> ;otoclosure p�roceedit� wlthin two years immediate�y precodiag the oommenoement oi a ournnt foreclasurd'
<br /> proceeciiag, (II)reino^tatomens w�il prcolude iorealosuro oa diiterent grounds in the futoro�nr(iii) reiastatemeat w�ll
<br /> adveraely aitoctthe prIorIty of the lien creatcd by ttusSoewity Insw:ne�►t.
<br /> 11. Borrower Not Rsieased; Porbearaace By Londer Not a Waivor. Brtcnsion oi the time o4 payeaent or
<br /> Rsodiii�atton of amartizstioa of tho sums�ecusod by thts Securlty Ynatrumaat graated by Lander to nny succeseor in
<br /> �aterest oi Borrower ehall x�ot operate to releese the liaMlity of the originel Homower or Borrower'a succeseor �n
<br /> tnteresc.Leadar she11 not be required to commeace procaor]inge egair�et�Y���r ia iatae+est or reiuse to eataad
<br /> timo tor psyment or othorwise modtiq amortization o4 the sums sxured by thta Seaudty It�atrument by r�aeon ni aay
<br /> dem�cd raedo by the or�gIasl Borrower or Barrower's succa�ors tn interest.My torbearaace by Ltndar�a o:eralslag
<br /> any d�ht or rertody etteU aot be a weiver oi or preclude the exarcise of eny rtght or remedy.
<br /> _ ���j�J tBN41 ws�4 ef a InitlN%�t��,�r
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