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•t�<<�t+•:,::<� . _....�:r�,:; 4,,. . <br /> ..n+'lk "�I/;a.r.-. . . <br /> ' .m.MU�lKwrw.,...-> . <br /> � �if.:,W,.���� .. , .. __. ____, .,. _ ___. <br /> . .. .,. ....... _ <br /> , . .- . . .. . . . ... . . •- _._.. .._:... <br /> .. .. ' " ' ........... . ._..._ . ._ . .. <br /> _ �:�.,, .._ _ . _. <br /> f- ' � '7u� . <br /> 9���i0�8� <br /> Grand Ialaad, NebraaMs 1 s �hertca Westor�ly olon� und upon LAQ,` IIOIIt21 ISAR _. <br /> oi said Wed�exood Snbdivision. a distance of 131.83 teet to the <br /> ' s�outdxeat corner o! snid Wedy�ewooal Subdlvision� alaa bein� e paint on <br /> the east liae nf aaid vacated Carey Avenue. thenca northecly alon� nnd <br /> upon the east line o! enld vaGated Careq AvenuQ. n diatance of 1�1.64 <br /> teet; thence aesterly a distaace ot 81.2 teet to a poiat on the weat <br /> Ifne oP said vacated Carey Avenue and also beine a point on the east <br /> line ot Lot.10� 6lediGal Park FourLh Subdivislon in the �ity ot (icaad <br /> Island. Nebraake; theace aoutherly alon� and upan the west 21ne ot <br /> aaid vacated Carey Avenue to the southeast cornec o! said Lot 10; <br /> theace eaaterly elon� the prolongatfon of the aouth liaa o! aeid Lot <br /> 10, a asscaac� or ss.2 leet to a poiat that is 33.0 feat west uf the <br /> east lfne oi said eacated Gar�y Avenue: tttence sou4herly. parallel <br /> Kith the east line o! eaid vacated Carey Avenne. a distance ot iSa.4 <br /> leet to a point that ia a4.0 leet aouth ot the prolon¢ation of the <br /> soutlh line o! anid Wed�eKOOd Subdlvision; thence easterly. parallel <br /> with the soutb line of aaid WedQewoad Subdiviaion. a distance ot <br /> 186.83 teet; thence northe�ly perpeadicular to the sauth line eF sufd <br /> Wed�e�tood Su6division� a distancQ oP 4s.0 feet to the Pvint o! <br /> � ee�ianing. �. <br /> and� <br /> A trac� o£ 2at�d Ct3�srfsfstg a� i�rt af ��sgir�l 4nrA�u1 subdivisi�nt iih th�_ _.-_ - <br /> City ot Grand Islaad� Hall Couaty. �Sebraaka. �ore partic.ularly descri8ed as <br /> �., : folloKS: , <br /> ' � � Be�inninQ at tke sout���sterly Corner o! l�edicnl Park Fourth <br /> � � Subdlvision in the Ci�y at arand Ysland. �tebraska. also baing the <br /> � intersection of the east line o! Alpha 3tree; end-Lhe nortt�'l�ne o! <br /> Faidley Aveaue; theace northerly aloa� aad upoa .the east liae ot Alpha <br /> otreet. a di�tance of 800.19 feet to the soutbrrest corner of Lot 10. <br /> ltedical Aark �ourth Subdiviaion; thence esfte�rly aloa� and�upon the <br /> south �ine o! �nid Lot 10. a diatance ot YOS.3T leet ta the �aorthNeat <br /> � carner ot a,tract �f land aurvayed on Kay 23. 19TT: theaca'�outherly, <br /> alon� and upon the Nest line ol�ssid tract.oi land aurveyed bn Nay�2b. <br /> 1ti77, a distaace ot 489.7 feet to Lhe �outhwast corner o[ aaid tra�t <br /> . ot land �urveyed on M�►y 28. 18`77 and a so bein� a po�r�t on the aorth � <br /> line .o[ Faidiey Avenue; tbence Kesterly afaa� an upo�n Ll�e't�o}�th line • <br /> �� ot Faidley.Aveaue, a.,,�tatnnca ot 10�.59 feat to the;Pottnt oC � ' <br /> � Be�ie►nia�. � , <br /> .� <br /> ,• <br />