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._^"'^^• q�'°°"."•F..:f7 n . . <br /> ••.�1.clw+fi��r....:c: . � . <br /> . ..�w>. ,., . ., <br /> . - . � , __..._-- ---- - <br /> .,..`f,j,n�.r�lr�n''' _ _ __ • _ _ . .. ... ..... .._ _ ,..__._.. <br /> _ ___"e.,"_�'<'_���x. ��a.r"7�4GSY��e ..7.� s1"fuYiEvi ti�"4.594l1'��•v_.=_i�1�i�--T��u� c �Fl�,' 1. _--— — <br /> 1 <br /> • ' i <br /> EXHISIT"A" <br /> (S� �nct�M�mortal Health Center) �'������s <br /> PARCEL 1: Sub-leasehold Estata cr�ated by Lbnt certaia Lease dated Juoe 1. 19?7� <br /> fil�ed Juae 20. 1977 aa OacuAenL No. 97-003344 in the OltiCe ot the Re�iater <br /> o! Deeds of Hall Caunty. Nebraska. executed by and betweea Hospital <br /> Authority No. 1 of Hall County. Nebraska� Leasor, and Lutheran Hospitala <br /> und Honen Society ot 11�erica, as Lcssee. aad by Subleese and Assumption <br /> A�ree�ent dated as oi Apcil 1, 1987, tiled May 20. 198: as Iastcument No. <br /> � 8?-102900 in the Ottice of the Reaistec ot Deeds o[ Hall County� hebraska. <br /> e.cecuted by and be�weea Luthecan Hospitals and Homes Society ot Aiaerica. as <br /> Leasee. and Saint Francis :Sedical Ceater� as Sublessee. te:ccludin� the <br /> • Lessor's and Lessee's intecest thereia�. de�isiag and ieasin6 the property <br /> deacri6ed as iollows: <br /> A tr+�ct ot land comprisin� e part aF L�t i. t105PITAT. S�COh'0 S{iBDIViSIO�. in <br /> the City o! Grand Ialand, in Hall County, Nebrasks. a�o�e pactieularly <br /> described ns follows: <br /> Be�itlnin� at thr iatersaction ot the North line of Paidley �Aveaue with = <br /> the Wast liae of Darr Avenue; thence Westerly. alon� the Northerly <br /> line o! said Faidley Avenue. n distance of 905.3 teet; thence <br /> dellectia¢ ri�ht 89•10'3S", and runain� Northerly. a distance ot 489.7 <br /> feett• thence deilectina right 90•52'30". and runnine Easterly. a . <br /> diat�nnce ot 338.03 teet; thence dellectiae ri�ht 8�•S3'30"� and <br /> rwsnimy� Sou�therly. a distaaae ot 134.4 feet: theace Easterly� along a <br /> line 44.0 teet Soutb of aad parallel to the South Iine o! Lot i. <br /> Golden A�e Se�oad Subdivieioa. a distance o� 166.85 leet; thence <br /> Northerly. parpeadicular to the South line of aaid Lot 1. n distance <br /> ot �4.0 leet. to the Soutb line of said Lot 1: thance East�rly. alon� , <br /> the Sonth liae ot aaid Lot 1� +a d�staaCe o! 2L6.8 teet. to the <br /> Soatheaat coraer of aaid Lot 1; theace 8outheasterly. alaaQ the. <br /> Sautb+resterly liaa o! Stoc�er Drive. a distance ot 208.x4,feet; thence <br />_ . � $outherly. elon� the Weatcrly line o! aafd Darr A'vGnue. a disYanae ot . : <br /> ��4.03 leet�to thc Alnce ef Be�innins. <br /> pARCBL 2: Lots a. 8. 7. 8, 9 and 10 ia Medical park Fourth Subdivisioa in the clty of <br /> , Grand Is1Amd. Hall Couaty. Nebraska. - � <br /> and. <br /> Lot 8. HediCal ?nrk Fi�� Subdfv¢aioa iQ the city o� Grand Island. Hall <br /> County. Nabras�a. <br /> PAttC�L 9: A tract ot leqd comprisin8 a pnrt oi Hosp#tal Secoud Subdivis3on in the <br /> Clty ot Grand Ielaad. Hall Couaty, Nebras�ca and more p�rticularly descri6ed <br /> • aa tollowat ' <br /> Beginnirt� at a poiat on the aouLh lfae ot Wedgekood Subdivisioa in the <br /> City ot 6raad Ialand. Nebraaka; said point bQiae 2s6.8 leet weat ot <br /> . thc southeaat cortner ot said Wcdgewood Subdxvision ttoreerly knaan a� <br /> ' the southeast corner o! Lot 1. Golden A�e Second Subdivision. City ot <br />