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<br /> 'COGETHBR WITH ell the improvements now or hereafter erated on the property.and ail�9m�5ents,eppurtenances.and
<br /> flxture� now or hereatter a part of the property. All replacemeatg and additions shall s�lso be cov�red by this Secur�ty
<br /> Insuu�nent.Alt of the foregoing is rofemed to in this Securiry Insuument as the"Property."
<br /> B�IitiOWEtt COV�NANTS that Bom+wer is Iswfully setse�of the estate hereby conveyed nnd has the rlght to grnnt und .
<br /> convey the Property und that the Propeny is unencumbered. exeept for encumbrances of recrord. Hotrower warrnl►ts and wU!
<br /> defend generaily the title to the Property againat atl clNms and dernands,eubje,ct to any encumbrances of record.
<br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUMEIVT combines unifnrm covenenu for naUonnl use and nan•uniform covenants with limlted
<br /> varinttona by jurisd[ction to constitute a uniform secudty instcument covering reai property.
<br /> UNIFORM COVBNANTS.Borrower end Lender covenant and agree as follows:
<br /> 1. Payme�t of Priucipal snd Interest; Prepayment and Late ChArges. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the
<br /> principal of and interest on the debt evidenced by the Note and any prepaymeat and tat�charges due under the Note.
<br /> 2.�inds for Taxes and Insurance. Subject to applicable law or to a wrttten waiver by I.ender, Borrower shall pay to
<br /> [.ender on the dc►y monthly paymentu are due under the Note,undl the Note is paid in full.a sum("Funds")for:(a)yeady cexes
<br /> and assessments whieh raay attain prior�ty over this Security Instrument es a llen on the Property:(b)YearlY leaset►old payments
<br /> or ground cents on the Property.iP any:(c)Yearly hezard or pmperty insurance premiums:(d)Yauly flood insurance premiums.
<br /> if any: (e)yearly mortguge i��surance premiums, if any;and(�any swas payabie by Aormwer to Lender. in acoa:dance with
<br /> the provisions of parngtaph 8,in Heu of the payment uf�nortgage Insurance premiums.Tbcsv items are called "Escrotv Items•" �
<br /> Lcnder may.at any tIme,collect and hold Fuads in aa amoau�t not W ex�caed the maximwn amount a lender for a federally
<br /> related mortgage loan may requtre for Borrower's escmw account under the federa!Real Estate Settlecnent Procedums Act of
<br /> 1974 as ameaded from time to tune. 12 U.S.C. Sectton 2601 et seq. ("RESPA").wiless another Is�v that apgltes to Wa Funds -.
<br /> sets a lesser amount. If so. l.ender may,at eny tirae.collecc and hoid Fuads in an amount�t w exceed tha legser amount.
<br /> Lender may estimate the aaiount of Funda due on the basis of cwrent data and reasonable esdmetes of expendltures of fuRsre
<br /> Escrow Items or otherw[se in axordance with applicable law.
<br /> The Funds sbsilt be held in an institutIon whose deposits ere insured by a federal agency. IasUVmentality. or endty
<br /> (including Lender.if Lender is such an�nstltutIon)or in any Federel Home Loan Bank.Lender shall apply the Funds to pay the
<br /> Escrow Items.i..ende�may not charge Borcower for holding and applying the Funds,nnnually anelyzing the essmw account�or
<br /> verifying the Escrow Itema.unless L.ender pays Borrower interest on the Fuads and applicable law pern�its Lendor to make such
<br /> u c,�hargo. Huwam. I��ri�ey�equire Sarrower ta pay a onc-ti���arge Yor�ss indege�leat rea!�stste isx r=gstiiing sPrYM?
<br /> use� by I.ender in com�ction wtth this toan. ualess applicable law provides otherwlse. Untass an ag�+eement is made or
<br /> applicable law nequires interest to be paid,Lender shall not be i+equired to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Fwida.
<br /> Sorrower and ixnder may a�cese in wridng.however.that interest shail be gaId on the Punde. Lender s6all g3ve to Borrowet,
<br /> without cherge. an annual adcounting of the Funds, aAowing credits and debiu to the Funds aad the pu�wse�t'or which each
<br /> debit w the Funda was mado.Tha Funds are plodgcd as addidonal securlty for all sucas secured by this SecurIty Ustrua�nt.
<br /> If the Funds hcld by Lender exceed the amounts perroitted to be held by upplicable law.I.ender shell aoaount W Borrower
<br /> for We eacess Funds in aocordance wlth the requirenients of appliceble law.If the amonnt of thc Funds heid by Lender at any
<br /> time is not suffic3ent to puy the Fscrow Items when due.I.ender mny so notify Borrower in writing.aud�in such cese Bornower
<br /> shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the defcciency. Borrower shall make up the deticiency itt r�o more than
<br /> twelve cuonthly payments,et Lender's sole discretion.
<br /> Upon payment in fuil of att sums secured by this Secudty Inswment. Lender ahall promptly�fund to Borrower aay
<br /> Fuads held by I.eader.If,unsler p�graph 21.Lender sha!!acquire or sel!th�r Property.T Rncier,prlc�r to tha acquisttiam or sale
<br /> of ttee Pmperty.shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the dme of soquisttion or sale as a credit against the sums secured by
<br /> this Securlty instrument. �
<br /> 3.Applkation of Paymente.Unless applicable law provides othenvise.atl payments resxivod by L.ender under paragraphs
<br /> 1 and 2 shall be appliod:first.to any prepayment charges due under tha Note;second.to amounts payable under paragraph 2;
<br /> Wlyd,to fnterest due;fourth,to pr�ncipa{due;and last.to any late charges due under the Note.
<br /> A.Chargest Ltens.8orrower shall pay all ta�tes,assessdtents,chatges. fines and iaaposttions attrlbutable w the Ptuperty -
<br /> which may atta➢n priority over this Security Insm�ment. and leasehold payments or g�+eund rems,if any.Borrower shaU pay
<br /> these obligadons in the maiuier provided in paragraph 2.or if not pald in.that manner.Borrower shall pay them oa tiwe dirocdy
<br /> to the person owed payment.Borrower shatl pivmptly tbtaish to Lender ail notices of emounts to be paid under this parngra�sh.
<br /> If Borrower makes these puymenu direcdy.Borrowe:ahall promptly fumish to Lender receipts evidencing the payments.
<br /> Horrower shall promptly dischatge any Iten which has prioriry over thts Secur�ty Insrit�ment unless Borrower: (a)agrces in
<br /> �vridng to the payment of the obligadon secured by the lien tn a manner uccepwble to I..ender;(b)contests in good faith the lien
<br /> � by, or deftnds against enforoement of the IIen in, legal proceedings whIch in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the
<br /> enfomment of the lien; or(c)secures from the holdsr of the tien an Agrcement satiafactory to Lender sui�ordtnating the iien to
<br /> thia Secudty Insmiment. If Lender detemunes that any part of the Pmperty ia subject to a lien whtch mny attain priority over
<br /> thia Srxuriry Instn�ment.Lender may give Borrowcr a nodce idenNfyIng the lien.8orrower shall satisfy the lien or take one or
<br /> more of the aetIons set foRh abave within 10 days of the givIng of notice.
<br /> Form 3028 8/80
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