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<br /> �:�_.�. --z__ ,'rrls'A0.M�,`�1fe,�fA4►Y�A;k:!dt+�u�'n�. .�Y"hlPf'W'°ft''� .�{�� ,_ `.
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<br /> ���- 1t16e�6 Y.
<br /> �T. 1:�slmt!Qe!�e�4�•1.ender la herebY aoelpnod all compensadon,awa►ds,damagea and o er pnymenta or re�let(heretnsfttr �, .
<br /> proceed��in aonneotion wlth corsdemnetlon or other takinp otthe Propmt�r or part therooi,or i�r aonvsyanco tn lieu otcondemne- - -
<br /> „ �� �..
<br /> don,Lender�hai�b��nN[ied at its optlon to commsnce,appetr In artd proseaute in ita own natne any eation or proceedinpa,an
<br /> �httt at=o b��ntided to mtks ony compromlN or eettlement(n connsation with euoh takirtp or damage.ln the event sny pordon of
<br /> th�Proputy Is w tnk�n or darru�ed.Le�dsr�hatt have tAs optlon,ln Ite sole and absoluts disaretion,to apply ail�ucb Proc�ed�,
<br /> afbr d�duatlnp th�r�irom�II aolt�and�xp�nta inournd by i!In conneotlon with�uch Proaseda,upon any lnde4tsdness seaured
<br /> har�by and tn suoh or�er�a lender may datermine,or to apply e��l atuh Procssd�,attsr suoh d�ductlons.to ths restoradon ot th� __
<br /> PropNty upon�uob condiUvnr�wi LAndar nay dotarmina.Any�ppllcetlon ot Proceeds to indebtadneae eha�l not extend or poatpons r_
<br /> fh�du�dab of any wym•nb und�r th�NoU,or ouro�ny ddault thereunder or hsreunder.Any unapplled fund�shell be Pa�d to
<br /> Tru�tor.
<br /> g, p�mta�c�by L�nd�t.Upon ths ocourre�as of an Event of Oehult hereunder,or If any aat isti kwn�o�ep��P�on to do
<br /> comm�nc�d whlah mat�rUlty at(sab��ntN�'���+t�����s Prop�rh►.Lender may In Its own disoretlon,
<br /> so,and without noUc�to or demand upon T►ustor and without releasinp Tru�tor from any oblip�tlon,do any aat whloh Trwtor h�s
<br /> y�n�d but taNs to ao�nd msy also do any othsr tat it d0srtu rtecesa�ry to P►��e��rriy hsroof.Tiruator�hall,Immedis�Ny
<br /> upon dsmand Marefor by Lender.pay W t,�r�da aU cosb�nd expentes Inauned artd nums expended by Lender In conneaUon witl� __
<br /> add�d to eh�ind�bi�dn�saour�id he�reby L�enderthaU not Inou aey tiability�l�aauss of n�jRhenO�t�may�do or�om t to�do
<br /> It�nundK
<br /> 9.�y���M�f�M.T�rustor shali kNp ths Pro�rtY in comPilanc�with att appiloabt�law�,ordinarec�and rpu
<br /> nktlnp b InduWlal hy�ims a�nvironm�►W P��^(cotlsaUv�h►nhrad to A�rNn u"Enviranmtntal Larra'9,'�iu�N�II
<br /> k«p 1M Prop�qr t�from at�wbthncN dNnNd to b�huardous o►toxta und�►any Envlronm�ntil Lawa(colNatlwlY►M�rnd b •
<br /> MtNa�s"H�tdow MaMrl�"}.�twto�A�r�bY wamnb uid nPraenb b L�ndK that thK�ar�no Hwndow��b.and
<br /> und�r fi�i Rec,p��ty.Tntstat hereDY eO�tA IndsmnHy and hold htrmNts Lender,its d(reatore.offtcers.emWoyees
<br /> any wcc�swn io Lende�a InteresR ham and saalnat anY and alt oialm�,dsme�ea,taasea and IIaOillUee ada{np HE F�O��NG
<br /> ths praencs,uss.dbpoea� or tranepoR of anY Maurdou�Materisis oo,und�r,from or about the P►a00riY•
<br /> 10.A�n d Mnb.Trustor t►erebY asaipns to�ender ths ra►ts.ittues an0 Proftts ot the Propsrly:Providod that Trostiar
<br /> ehatl.untll th�ocaumncsai an Event of Detault heraunder.have the dpM to colleat end►etafn wch�eMs,,������w�+��
<br /> ��d��p�y���,upaa ths ocaur►�r►w�t aa�vsnt of OstauiL Lende�may,etther in pe►aon or br w�►t.
<br /> brinpinp�ny actlon or procs�dinq.or by a rocelver appolnted by�couR etnd without�spaM to th�ado4�Y�Ifs wourity�eM�►
<br /> upon and taks possessloo ot ths Propsrty,ar any wn�,in ib own narns or in the�ms of tbe T�ustee�snd do any ecb wnich it
<br /> d�ms Mcp�ary or d�strab�eto pnssrve tMvalua ms��tity or r�ntabitity otths Propeily.or any perttl►ereof or IMa'esttAerotn,
<br /> inareaae ths tncomt therottom or protsat ths ssourity heroof and.wfd�or witl�out takiep poaNSSlon of ths Propaty.su�for or
<br /> o�wye coQsq tM�ent�,f�tuss and proflb theroof,ine�udlnp those ps�t dw and unpaid,and apph��•���
<br /> axpen�a ot operatlon and collscHon inctudinp attome is��.�g���4�^��f��'a��� �uar d� :
<br /> may dste►mins.The antwtnp upo�and tai�ny possir�s
<br /> appltcaUOn theroof ae atasstid,shall not curs or weiva arry defautt or nodcs of dsMult hereundsr or Inraiidus� ��
<br /> re�ppmsto suoh detauitor Purxuantto auch nodasof daMuitand.00twilhstsndinp ths conUnwncsin poseesfioe
<br /> ths�olteation.�ecetpt and aoaticatlon of renta iswes or p►oflts,and Truetee and Lender shat�bs endUed to ex�*'aiw e++KY�DM
<br /> pravid�dtorin any ottheLou►Documer�ts orby IawuponoauRa�wsotanyEventof Qefaul�inctudlnpwithouxlimltattonthstipAtto
<br /> exerctas ths poM►er of sats.FuRher.L.ender'�riphts end remedies under thia panpraph ehali be cumutadve with.a`nd�I�tw�
<br /> iimitatt�onon.l.endsrs�iphband romr�dbs underanyasipnmentof tea�sand rontsrecordedagainsttheProP�Y-
<br /> and ths tsceiver shstl bs tlabb to accou�t onh�those rents acttWh►�oetved.
<br /> 1 t.Ewnb d DMawt.Th�+tollowinp ahali conadtute an Event of Ostautt under thls Oeed of Trust
<br /> (a� Fcilure to p�y any tns�liment ot pdncipet or intereat ot any o�er sum seaurod hereby when due;
<br /> (b) ABroacholordMaultundera�yP►���COnWne0lntheNote,thfoDsedofTnist.anyoftheLoanDocurr�srtts.orany
<br /> otl�sr�isn or e�cumbranoe uo�ths PropaAY.
<br /> (e)A writ ot executfon or attaehmont or any eimitar praeeas ehail be entered apafnat Truator which shtll becoms�Ifen on
<br /> the Propsrty or any Rortlo�thereM or interest theretn;
<br /> _��T����_g pt+�Ied by or a�elnst T�uetor or Borrower en aetlon under any p►ee�lnt or tuture tedKa�,state or ottf�
<br /> etatute.law or roguiedon retntlnp to bankruPtcY.��s��eney or oiher reliet tor ddutot�or there ehail be appolnted anY t�v3t�e.
<br /> rece(ver or Itquidator of Trustor or Borrower or ot all or any p�R of the Property.or ths ronts,iaaues or psofltetharoaf,or Trwto►
<br /> or Borrowe►shalt make anY�enera�ee��nment far the beneftt of erod�tor� af a�,n in�arest in the
<br /> (s)Tde�sats,cnnster.�ceee.assip�meM.�°nveyence or fuMer encumb►ancs of eIi or amr part Y
<br />_ Propsry►.either valuntadly or involu�tnrity.�e doea not co ta�in an rophon to purchase and the term od t which doos n ex'csed
<br /> permitted to exeaum a te�se o!t�e ProDe�Y
<br /> ons year. �
<br /> (n AbnndonmeM ot tlte Property:or
<br /> (Q) NTroatorlsnotanindividua�,thetssuance.sale�t►anafer.aestpnmenLconveyanoaoreneumbranceotmoroMenatofel
<br /> ot�--PBTCent of pf a corporatfon)its isaued end outstandina etuck or pt a partnerehip)a totnl o! percent of
<br /> pArtr�ershtp{ntareab dJ�inp the period ihis Oeed of Tmat rematna a Ilen on the Propert�l.
<br /> 12.R�nwdMs;Aee�r�tlon�pon�w��n the eventof any Event of Dotauft Lender may,wlthout rtotice exceptas requlrod by
<br />� taw.dectare ail InOebtedneas seaured hereby to be due enai payab�e and the eame ehall theroupon become dne end payabls
<br /> without any preaerdmeM deme�d�P�t o�eoUce of any ktnd.Thereafter t,+ender maY
<br /> (a) Demand thnt Truatee exerciae the POWER OF SALE prnMed herein,and Trustee shafi thereniter cause Truatore
<br /> interest ln the Property to pe sold and Me proceeda to be distributed�all in tha manner provided In the Nebraaka Truat Ds�
<br /> AC� � '
<br /> (b) Exercisgamrendallrlghbprovidediorina�yoftheLoanDocument9orbytawupcnoccurren�eofenyEventofDehwik
<br />- and�Q� �mmertce an eatfon to toreciose this Deed otTruat as a mortgage,appoint a receNrer,or apeoitically eMorce any of the _
<br /> covenante hereof.
<br /> � No remedy herein conterred upon or resarved to Trustee or Lsnder ta intendod to be exc�usive ot any other remed�►herefn.t°ven _
<br /> - Loan Documentd or by Iaw provided or pam►itted,but each shait be cumulattve,shail be in addition to every other remedY 9
<br /> - hereunder,in the Loan Cocumenta or now or hereafte�exfsting at taw or in egutty or by sffitute,and may be exercised c�oneurrentty. _
<br /> ; independentty or successlvety e�e���,,,o W��ho„t cause.and lender may at any Ume and w�ffiout cause appolnt a •• _
<br />�, �3. �ru�. �na �iuewo..mi•�.• ---•. --� - inoludin withoutlimimttonLenaer,esorto.rer.��ua�+►�a�,� ,
<br /> ; successor or eubsUtute Trustee.Trustee shatl not be Ilabte W ar�y paKp. 8 =;
<br />; puahsaer oi tlte PropeRy.tor any loss o�damege untesa due to reckieas or willtut misconduct and aha11 not be requlred to take any �
<br /> - actfon in conneetlon with Ne enforcement ot thls Oeed ot Truat unt�as Indemniffed,in writing,tor ail costa.eompensaUon or _
<br />_� expenses whlch may be asaociated therewith.ln ned�e�la oat a ImoAr eny po on of rtheePropertyy ao'prov ded by t�ordse�tl d�e _
<br /> unde►the power of sa�e granted hereln);postpo _
<br /> � Property as e winole.ar in separete parcela or tots at Truetee's dlscretion. _
<br /> 14. Fees and Erp�sa.in the event Trustee aeNs the P�operty by exercise ot power of saie,Twsten�iheli be eMitlad to aAP�Y ;
<br /> ar�y ente proceeda Nrat to payn►ent ot all costs and ezpenaes ot exerciutnq power of saie,lnctuding ell Trustee's feee,and Lender'e r
<br />',� and Tntstee'e attomey's fees.actuatt�incurred to exter�t perm�tted bY aPA��cabte law.lr+the event 9onower or Truator exercises eny _
<br /> '� Hght provided by IaMr to cure en Event ot Oefau{t,Lender shall be entltled to recover hom Trustor atl coats and exp�naea aatuaily
<br /> -1 incurred aa a resuit ot Trusto►'s detautt,Inctuding wtthout Ilmitation att Tn�stee's and sttomey'e tees,to the extent permltted by =
<br /> �-' . appticable t8w. =
<br /> :�
<br /> 7 __ _ _ _
<br />