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<br /> TMIS DEED OF TRUST,Is made aa of the 04th dsy of �Ot' .�p��1►���il,'� \
<br /> ths Trwtor. Teddy 0 Rookotool , eingle pereon �
<br /> 2923 li Stolley Park Bd tirand Ial�nd a��„�,��„68_8Q1-���� a
<br /> whose maitirtp addroas!s (h w�NIR�r
<br /> 1heTrustes, Five Pointe Senk, e Nebraek�•Corporation
<br /> whoss mailfn�addreas is �'�' Box 1507 Lirand Ialand� NE 68802 ��n••Trust�'�,and
<br /> ����� Five Poiats 8snk �
<br /> whos�mailin�eddreas is 2015 N. Broadrell t3rand Ialand, HE. 68802-1507 �„��N��,
<br /> FOR VALUIRBLE CONSIDERATlON,inciudln�Lertder'e extension ot ored(t IdanUfled herain to
<br /> Teddy 0 Rooketool (hqrein"6orrower'.wbether on�or mors)and tla t�st herNn cntat�d.
<br /> ths roCSipt of which ia bereby acknarriedped.Trusior heretry irrevoaebly qrants,tr�nsten,comrays and�ssipns to Tru�1M,�N
<br /> TRUST.WITH POWER OF SALE,for the beneflt end secudty of Lender,under artd aubje�t to tf►s te►msarid candWans hKNnafM►Nt
<br /> ��F�U� t�);'��Sl,SII�f t6) AND SfiVEN �7), FAEtRALL SUBDIYISIOH, HALL COUIi
<br /> ?Y� NfiBRASHA.
<br /> Yop�th�r wltA a!1 build�nps,Improvements.8xtures,streete.alteya,paass�ewayt,�ssmentf.dphea.prhritpss and oppurM-
<br /> �ancN located theroon o�(n anywtas pertaininp theroto,and th�ronte,iasues and�roflb,rev�nlons and nrt�ftnd�s tMnwR aed
<br /> •utth pKSOnei propety that fs attachsd ta ths improverrtante so as to conatltute a flxture,inatudinp.but not NmiMd to,Mafbp�!
<br /> cool�np�quiprtwntxnd topeth�r wlth the homeatsad or maritat Interest�it any,whtch Inter�a�are hereby�sawd and vr�iwd;�II
<br /> oi wh{ah.lnctudinp aplacsmenm and addiUons theroto,Is hereby deolared to be a Wrt ot the reai eafate sswred by th�It�n oi fhl�
<br /> De�al nt Trust and ail of the forepoin�belnp reterced to herein aa the"Properryr".
<br /> Thls Osed of 7rust sh�ll securo(a)ths payment of the principal aum and tntoreat evtdeoced by a promla�ory no{s a cve0it
<br /> ��t�� Oatoher �tA 1995 ,hevinp a meturity date ot �etoDer �� 20L1g, .
<br /> � • in ths at�in�l principnl amount of S ��2_50 Q.00 .end at�y�nd aU modiflcatlon�.e�d�rpl0na�and ro�NwaM
<br /> , . fhK�of or th�reio and any and atl tuture advancea&{td roadvartCea to 8orsowar(or�ny M tham�if taotl tl�n oM)h��undrr
<br /> puawnt to ons or mor�p►omtswry no�es or oredit��t+aemenb(Ret�in ca�isd"t�ote"�:(Dl�WY�t bf aihsr wrra advano�dblt
<br /> �«�r b proMat th�seaurriy otths Hots;(�the psAOrmance ot atl cov�enants and aprsemenb oiThi:tor s�NQrth henln:�nd(�all
<br /> preMnt�nd tuturo Irtd�btednsu and obttpatlans ol8arrowar(or a�y oi them Ii n�nro then one)to LerNle�wAstl�sr d�naL Ind�aa�
<br /> ab�otut�ar eontlnssnt�nd whethsr analnp by nots,pvaranty,overdreR or otherwlrie.Th�Notb.thi�s De�d ot T�at and�nI►and W
<br /> oth�doct�nb thatpauraths Note ar otherwiae exeauted In connactlon therewtth.�noludinp w[thout Itmttatlon�uuanMs�wcurit�l
<br /> a�r�ts aryd wipnments ot leases.�nd ronte.sAail�e roterred to herein aa tne"LOan Oooumants".
<br /> 1tuslor�wnants�nd ap�wlLh+L�ender as toilows:
<br /> 1. pa�nt af k�d�brd��.All Ir+9bMedneaa sxured hareby ehatt be pald when due.
<br /> 2. T�N.Trwtor ts the owner ot the Praperty.haa the ripht and nuthority to canvey ths Property,and NrurarKs that th��Nn
<br /> owtUd f��y is��rst and pdor Ilen on the Properly.except tor Itens artd encumbrences set foM by Ttultur�n wrl8rq u�d
<br /> del�wrb to L�nd�r b�Mre ez�cudon ot this Deed of Trust,and tAe execuUon and delNei!►ot this De�d of Taa do�s not violat�any
<br /> CorKtaet or alher dbtipatlon to whieh 7ha4or ts eubjee4.
<br /> 9.TwiM,As�eMr.To psy betore dsllnqueoayt all taxss,:pealal asssssm�nb end a►1 olher chatpl�sp�lnn tA�Ptop�rlll
<br /> oow or fNre�tler le+rfsd. '
<br /> 4, hfwyne�.To keep fhe P�opetty lnaured apainat damepe by Yre,haiaMf included withtn ths tsm�"exMrxl�d e�ov�tpr".�r1d
<br /> eteah other huarda as Lander may require,in amounta end with aompanies accepfable to Lender.nami�t�nd�r as ae additlonal
<br /> name�!inw�ed.wtth losa payabie to the lender.tn case ot tosa under euch pot�les,the Lender is authorized�o adjuaR coll�et and
<br /> canqombs,a►1 clalms tlfereuRae►artd ehatl have the optlon of applyinp ait or pan of tha Inaurance proceedsli�toany IndebMdnae
<br /> eacurod hsreby and In such order as 1.ender rnay detennine,(Iq to!he Tn�etor to be uaed tor Me ropair w rodoraUon oith�Pr�op�ty
<br /> otpiljfor nnyoTher puryoaeor obJect s�attsiactoryto Lertder witl�out attectlnp ll�elEen of this 0eed of'�hiattorE�etuq emountescu►yd
<br />� Mreby bsfon such payment ever took piace.My applieatlon of proceeds to indebtedneas sheil not extend 4r postporN ttw du�
<br /> da»o!any paymsnts under the Note.or cure eny detau�t tl�ereurtder or hereunder.
<br /> 6. �crow.Upon wHttert demand by Lender.Trusior shatl pay to Lender.in euct►manner aa 4ender��r dW�nafs.wfMclent
<br /> sums to enabts lender to pey as utey�ecome Que one or more oiineioicvwinp:t9 aiiia�cee.s�merio ano:��.'��a*�..��
<br /> !he pro{fa�ty,pf)tha premiuma on U�e pro�teriy inaurance res�uirad hereunder,and pin the gremlums on aml rt�ys Inwrar�as
<br /> requirodby Lvnder.
<br /> 8. M�n�ncy.i1pN�s�nd CanpN�ne�wNh i,swa.Tnmtor ehall kesp the P�operty tn Qood conditlot►and tepdr.�hdl
<br /> prpmpty r�patr.or roplaee eny fmprovement whtch maY�damsped or destroyed:thail eot commit a pe�mtt ug►waflo or
<br /> dpl�ioratlon of 1M propert�r ehail nat remove,demolish or subataMlairy aKer any ot tlse imprownftrqs ae 1he ProWeRy:�hal1 no!
<br /> cpnmit syflK or permRanya�ttoes dooa in arapon the Properyt inviotaatl�on otanykw.ordirtancs.or roauinlion;and�hall p�rand
<br />_ promply dinhharpe�Tlvsto�s eost and expense aIl ttens.encumbrancxs and ctqrpe�Imvt�d,impo�sd a a�d�Wira!ths
<br /> RropKty or ury►P�thereo}.
<br />- : . . g
<br />