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<br /> Thie Deed of Tsu�t ehall eeaure la) the paymant of Etie p�in-
<br /> aipel �sum and intereet evl.deaaad by a Conetruation Li�e oE Credlt
<br /> Draw Noea da�ad Oetaber 2, 3995, having a maturity daCe of
<br /> �anuary 5, �Op6, in the original priacipal as�ownt of Three
<br /> Hundred t�ifty Thoueand as�d No/1o0 Doilare ($350,OOO.oO) end any
<br /> su�d a11 nrxi�,£�.�a��.ox�e, rJX�0YiC3�OPlA �aad rener�nlo �he�e�R c�x ehebe�o
<br /> +and say and ali future adv�aes a�a� readvanaea to Horrower (or
<br /> iusy o! them i! more tharn ond) hereuader pureuan� to one or mare
<br /> premiesoxy notes or aredit agreemontg thareia called "No�e") t
<br /> (b) the payaten� of other eume advanced by Lender ta pzoteae the
<br /> seaurity of the Notaj Ial the parformanae of all aovenaats an.d
<br /> agreemonta og Truetor set fo�th hexeiaj aad (d) all presenx and
<br /> future indebtedneee aad obligatione of 8ozrower (or any of them
<br /> iF mcsre thsu� one� to I,ender whether direat, indireat, abeolute or
<br /> cUntingeut and whether arieiisg by aoto, guaranty, overdraft or
<br />- othersaise. The Note, thie Deed o£ Trust and any and al]. other
<br /> doaumente Cha,t eeaure the Note cr otharwiee executed in cenriee-
<br /> tion therewith, incsluding without limitatioa guaranteee, ��curity
<br /> sgreetn�3t�a at�d aeeignmante of leascc an�d rante, ehall be re€exs��
<br /> to �arein ae tihe "Laeu IAStruunente".
<br /> l, ��vm nt of Indehtedness, All iadebtedneae eecured
<br /> ' hereby ehall be paid when due.
<br /> • 2. TiLla. Trustor ie the owner of tche Property, hae tho
<br /> � right and authority to convey the Property and warrante that the
<br /> lien created hereby is a firet aead prior lien on the Property and
<br /> = ihs sn�tiar� and d�33v�ry of the 1�d �f Tz�st �!e a�r v_iies�ate
<br /> any conCract or ot�ar obligation to whiah Truator ia aubject.
<br /> 3, T YpA. �seesmente. To pay, before delinquent, all
<br /> taxee, apsaial asseesmeats and ali other chargee against �he
<br /> , Property ao� or hexeafter levied. �
<br /> 4. �g. To keep the Praperty iaeurect ag$inet damage
<br /> by �ire haz�rde inaluded with the term "extende� c�verage" arid
<br /> sucb other hazarde ae Lender may require iA amouats and with com�
<br /> panies acceptable te Lex��der, naming Le�der ae an additional name�l
<br /> � ineured wit� lAas payaDle to the Lender. In case ef losa umder
<br /> . euch policiee, the Lender ie authorized to adjuee, calleat and
<br /> �qmpromi.ae all claime thereuader and ehall have the optioa a�
<br /> � � �ipplying all nr part of the ineurance proceede (i) to any indebt-
<br /> � edaess eascu�ed hereby aud ia eu�ah order ae Leaci�r may det�ermine,
<br /> �� � (ii) to thp Trust�or to ba' used for the repair or reetoratton of �
<br />' the Prog$rty , or (i.ii) for aay ather purpose or db3ect eatis- �
<br /> ';, faatory L•o Lender w3thout affecting the lien of �thi� Deed of
<br /> Trust for the full amounti aecured hereby befere auch paymeat ever
<br /> took place. Any applicat�o� o� proceeda to iadebtedneas ehall
<br /> not extond or postpoae Che due d�te of any paymente uader the
<br /> Note, or aure auy default thereuader or hareunder.
<br /> , . 3 •
<br /> �,
<br /> r
<br />